Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Arrogance on the East River

Arrogance on the East River

“Ya gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em,/ Know when to walk away, know when to run.” Johnny Cash’s words to the wise gambler are lost on the U.N. and the Why would they give a damn how much they lost?

Instead, when their backs should be against the wall, when they’re on the ropes, when their goose is cooked–pick your own cliche’–they double down.

Climategate rocked their world back in November when hackers hacked the truth out of the Climate Research Unit, CRU, computers at East Anglia University and exposed the lie of the U.N.-hatched climate change scam, the conspiracy, the cover-ups, the deceptions. (See “Climate . . .” http://bit.ly/ckQlcP et al.)

The bamboozling climatologists still had an ace in the hole and a wild card up their sleeve. The ace was the Nobel Peace Prize the IPCC had won with Al Gore for their alleged contributions to climate research, the wild card was the upcoming International Climate Summit in Copenhagen.

Who could argue with the veracity of a Nobel winner? And just wait until the nations of the world line up to support climate change initiatives!

Well, that ace is looking. . .

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1469)

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