Monday, February 1, 2010

Abortion. a Spectator Sport?

Abortion, a Spectator Sport?

Van Helsing of featured an article today, “Bump, Abortion as Entertainment,” referring to a new “tacky pseudoreality show” that just debuted online,

This is how Van Helsing describes this first-of-a-kind production:

“It’s official– moonbat civilization has reached rock bottom. Abortion is now the subject of a tacky pseudoreality show that launches online today at The fictional docudrama features characters of varying degrees of vileness toying with the idea of abortion. The audience votes on whether the baby should live.

Think Jerry Springer meets Oprah meets ‘American Idol’ meets Dr. Oz meets . . . America’s conscience. . . The idea for the ’show,’ which launches Monday, [the pilot was on last week] was inspired, of all things, by Barack Obama’s commencement address at Notre Dame University last year. When the president said he wanted ‘to find ways to communicate about a workable solution to the problem of unintended pregnancies,’ executive producer Dominic Iocco conceived ‘Bump.’

“You know, so no one gets ‘punished with a baby.’ “

That last, of course, was Barack Obama’s line used when he was asked what he would do should his daughters ever get pregnant out of holy wedlock.

His appearance at Notre Dame’s Commencement last Spring has been treated at some length in this space as one of the most disgraceful events imaginable for an ostensibly “Catholic” institution where Obama, the abortion king of the United States Senate, was feted and awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws as he asked for some “common ground” on the issue of killing pre-born babies. . .


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