Thursday, February 25, 2010

Arrogance Personified: "I Am the President!"

Arrogance Personified: “I Am the President!”

An Open Letter to the President of the United States

February 26, 2010

Dear Mr. President:

I’ve always felt that when you invite someone to your home that you extend more than the basic courtesies to your guests. You offer them a drink, pre-prandials, serve dinner and try to make them comfortable.

Granted, Thursday’s bi-partisan meeting on Obamacare, your Health Care Summit, was not a social event but you were hosting an official gathering of some significance and the most basic proprieties should have been extended to your invited guests.

I beg to inform you that you didn’t do that.

I may disagree with invitees to my home on one or both of those two topics never to be broached in mixed company, politics and religion, which happen to be my favorite topics, but I would never intentionally adopt to myself the role of dominant speaker nor dodge specific questions nor employ a haughty, dismissive tone.

I beg to inform you that you did all that as well.

Most importantly, . . .


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