Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bush Did it, Part 6

Bush Did It! Part 6

Sixth in a continuing series on former President George W. Bush and his responsibility for all of Obama’s gaffes, failures, and stupidity, for all the evils in the universe including tooth decay, hemorrhoids, and Iran, and for all that goes bump in the night.

Democrats are rattled! It’s true. It must be true since the New York Times says so and they always print all the news that fits, right?

The cause of this week’s rattlement is Senate Majority Leader Reid who bodaciously took it upon himself to whittle down a humongous, vote-buying jobs bill stuffed with pork down to an outrageous, vote-buying jobs bill stuffed with pork.

That’s Harry’s prerogative of course as the Senate’s head honcho but this is supposed to be one big, happy Democrat Party where all the elements and honchos, from Harry to Nancy Pelosi to the headiest honcho himself, Barack Hussein Obama, work together for the common good, no? Isn’t that why pols hold office?

In the widespread disarray permeating said party, it’s not working out that way.

The jobs bill miniaturization caught White House mouth Bobby Gibbs with his glibness down: . . .

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