Sunday, February 21, 2010

President ACORN's Memory Lapse

President ACORN’s Memory Lapse

The Looney Tune cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn’s favorite catch phrase, ”That’s a joke. . . I say, that’s a joke, son,” helped make him an amusing and endearing comic figure that the former Senator ACORN should consider emulating.

In case anyone has forgotten the identity of Senator ACORN, Van Helsing of has excavated from recent archives a brief video clip in which Senator Barack Hussein Obama proudly expounds on his close relationship with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, aka ACORN.

He accompanies it with a short clip in which President Barack Hussein Obama now claims in a flat out lie that he was never in bed with ACORN and only helped in its push for “Motor Voter” legislation:

Make no mistake, ACORN may have crawled back into the woodwork after being exposed as a fraud which facilitates prostitution and pedophilia and after finally being subjected to congressional scrutiny but it’s really tough to kill vermin.

They also still have President ACORN, the most influential political and financial supporter of their seditious organization, in their corner.

Van Helsing quotes from . . .


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