Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama's Winter Fall from Grace: Denial

Obama’s Winter Fall From Grace: Denial

President Obama’s embrace by a majority of American voters last November is fast deteriorating into an unforgiving bearhug as Americans come to realize Obama is not what he appeared to be.

As his numbers continue their downward trajectory, the effect on the president seems to be a slow realization that his presidency is rapidly collapsing around his very pronounced ears, an effect tantamount to a grieving lover’s sense of loss. In his case, it’s a loss of his presidency.

Any collapse is an incremental thing, occurring in stages large and small but when it begins it’s rarely reversible.

A politician’s collapse–in popularity, credibility, even in the constructive exercise of power–also can be gauged by increments and news stories. In Obama’s case, repeated stories are beginning to reflect the five stages of his grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.


Despite the ears issue, Barack Obama is no Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Comics fame Neuman’s “What me? Worry?” mantra is more a “What worry?” with Obama. In other words, denial.

Coccooning, retreating into a state of uncooperativeness, is merely a variation on denial and no official news conferences in nearly 7 months is symptomatic of that denial.

He’s hiding.

Unlike Bill Clinton’s vapid declaration . . .


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