Rush Limbaugh’s Lefty Critics
Early this morning, Wikipedia posted a premature and presumptuous obituary:
“Rush Hudson Limbaugh III (pronounced /ˈlɪmbɔː/;born January 12, 1951, died died December 30, 2009) is an American radio host and conservative political commentator. He is the host of The Rush Limbaugh Show, the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States. It airs throughout the U.S. on Premiere Radio.”
That product of wishful thinking on the part of the editors of the free online encyclopedia, which has a distinct liberal slant in its approach to information, was not atypical of leftist sentiment.
At this point in accord with privacy laws, little is known about Limbaugh’s condition aside from his being rushed to a Honolulu hospital with chest pains and assurances on his website that he’s resting comfortably and is appreciative of the prayers of his millions of fans.
Most people, even some of his detractors, are wishing him well.
Most people.
Those akin to black comedienne Wanda Sykes who tickled Barack Obama’s fancy with her riotously sick “joke” back in May haven’t been quite as gracious. . . .
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Obama's Insecure Last War Doctrine Part II
Obama’s Insecure Last War Doctrine Part II
One of the great yogi-isms and far more perspicacious than “You can observe a lot by watching,” is Yogi’s classic, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” That should be obvious in baseball as well as in war.
Our supremely-confident president felt that America’s War on Terror was over with his ascendancy to his office, that is, if that war ever existed. Perhaps influenced by his Muslim roots, Obama doesn’t believe in any such thing as worldwide Islamic terrorism so how can we have a war against it?
This allegedly brilliant man could learn a great deal from the wisdom of the very uneducated Yogi Berra who might have appended another word for Obama to his quotation: ”It’s not over til it’s over, Dolt!”
And, don’t try to feed me the lie that “Obama just sent 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan so that proves he’s serious about battling terrorism!” Those troops, whose numbers suddenly grew to 40,000 according to some Democrat Party hack on Fox News Wednesday, are a charade.
At best, they will save some American lives but with Obama’s 2011 deadline for a political miracle in that sorry nation, the Taliban and al Qaeda are gleefully waiting until Obama’s troops come marching home so they can pick up where they left off in 2001.
These terrorists, as well as being a blood-thirsty lot, are a smart and patient lot.
Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Obama is failing to fight the most proximate last war, George W. Bush’s War on Terrorism launched on October 7th 2001 and amazingly concluded by Barack Hussein Obama in short order on January 20th, 2009.
Precisely what war, if any, . . .
One of the great yogi-isms and far more perspicacious than “You can observe a lot by watching,” is Yogi’s classic, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” That should be obvious in baseball as well as in war.
Our supremely-confident president felt that America’s War on Terror was over with his ascendancy to his office, that is, if that war ever existed. Perhaps influenced by his Muslim roots, Obama doesn’t believe in any such thing as worldwide Islamic terrorism so how can we have a war against it?
This allegedly brilliant man could learn a great deal from the wisdom of the very uneducated Yogi Berra who might have appended another word for Obama to his quotation: ”It’s not over til it’s over, Dolt!”
And, don’t try to feed me the lie that “Obama just sent 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan so that proves he’s serious about battling terrorism!” Those troops, whose numbers suddenly grew to 40,000 according to some Democrat Party hack on Fox News Wednesday, are a charade.
At best, they will save some American lives but with Obama’s 2011 deadline for a political miracle in that sorry nation, the Taliban and al Qaeda are gleefully waiting until Obama’s troops come marching home so they can pick up where they left off in 2001.
These terrorists, as well as being a blood-thirsty lot, are a smart and patient lot.
Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Obama is failing to fight the most proximate last war, George W. Bush’s War on Terrorism launched on October 7th 2001 and amazingly concluded by Barack Hussein Obama in short order on January 20th, 2009.
Precisely what war, if any, . . .
Obama's Insecure Last War Doctrine, Part I
Obama’s Insecure Last War Doctrine Part I
All the hullabaloo over the Obama administration’s original laissez faire attitude toward the Christmas Day near-catastrophic event in the Detroit skies is bewildering to my simple mind.
First, DHS Secretary Janet “What Threat?” Napolitano says it’s all good, that the “system worked,” after it didn’t work, then says the system sucks, then says it was an isolated incident.
Three days later our vacationing president chimes in with a call for action to forestall any repetition of such isolated incidents.
Isolated? My foot! Is anyone in charge here?
The pols on both sides of the aisle are shocked, shocked, I tell you, at the ineptitude and complacency of our . . .
All the hullabaloo over the Obama administration’s original laissez faire attitude toward the Christmas Day near-catastrophic event in the Detroit skies is bewildering to my simple mind.
First, DHS Secretary Janet “What Threat?” Napolitano says it’s all good, that the “system worked,” after it didn’t work, then says the system sucks, then says it was an isolated incident.
Three days later our vacationing president chimes in with a call for action to forestall any repetition of such isolated incidents.
Isolated? My foot! Is anyone in charge here?
The pols on both sides of the aisle are shocked, shocked, I tell you, at the ineptitude and complacency of our . . .
Monday, December 28, 2009
Raucus Mad Max Baucus
Raucus Mad Max Baucus
“Don’ you nasty Repubs mesh with me! Okay!! I know all about you guys, okay? Yer a bunch of hipleracrits, okay! Ya can’t stood up an’ fight! (Ya bitch ’bout mah doin’ my Melodee an’ yer doin’ the same to whodaf*ck knows.) An’ don’ forget we’ve reached out our hans fer biparsinsheep an’ wha’ do you do? Ya jus’ beatch an’ moan jes becuz you were presserd, err presserd, ah tell ya! This senate worked mightilly to pass healt care reform. We workdeded wit dem. . . Thas not wha happened. . . Thas totally untruful . . . no ternatives.”
Except for the parenthetical remark which relates to Mad Max’ dalliance with Melodee Hanes (, the above is a paraphrase of the words of the esteemed and obviously-inebriated, or tripping, senator from Montana, Max Baucus, . .
More Christmas Stories
Other Christmas Stories
There’s still hope out there, folks, for those of you who have verged on despair over the secularism, materialism, and the “I want-ism” of your kids over the last few weeks but that hope won’t be found in many Blue States.
Hope can be uncovered in some Blue States but only after tireless and diligent excavating and even then only in moderation.
KFYR-AM, “the voice of the Northern Plains,” is one source of Christmas-greedism-overload relief.
That radio station featured this Christmas video of a boy searching for the real meaning of Christmas and he didn’t find it with Santa or the latest i-Pod innovation or a new Wii game or by sexting an elf-ette.
The free video is 2 minutes in length and readers can purchase the rest but it’s really not necessary. You might want to have your kids write the ending as an exercise of their Chrisxmas spirit or what that spirit should be:
Further west, in the belly of the beast, a Redding, California substitute teacher was far more bodacious in her objections to “working in [public] schools where students aren’t allowed to sing Christmas songs that are religious in nature.”
Aptly named and christened Merry Hyatt is proposing “a ballot initiative that would require all public schools in California to give children the opportunity to sing or listen to Christmas carols:”
The first order of business here should be to give Merry a sanity hearing, not for her proposal but for her clear intent of committing teaching-substitute suicide by advocating a return to the age-old Christian tradition of America’s private–and public–schools celebrations of the holy holiday of Christmas in song.
The second order of business will be left to the ACLU and like anti-American organizations who will fight to your death to defend our Constitution’s alleged prohibition against an intermixing of church and state, what they claim is a strict prohibition against anything smacking of religion and especially of christianity.
I defy any of that ilk to find any language in our Constitution to that effect.
Nevertheless, the fight goes on and will go on in perpetuity until America returns to its Christian roots, those same roots that made us what we are, or were up until January 20 . . .
Sunday, December 27, 2009
No Soup Addenda
No Soup Addenda
No soup, sex, cool, carols, class, SEALs, or goyim for you!
. No soup or sex for you: “Just when every tactic in the book had been seemingly exhausted in the health care debate, Rock the Vote comes along with a new one: If you want health care reform, don’t sleep with anyone who opposes health care reform until his or her mind is changed:”
Or if he dumps you?
. No soup and no cool for you: “Eco-messages from some of the world’s top celebrity tyrants. . . the UNFCCC ‘high-level’ speaking lineup included officials of Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Cuba, Laos, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Belarus and the man himself, fixture of any major UN shindig, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran:”
Nice, fair UN Eco-lineup. . .
(Read more @
No soup, sex, cool, carols, class, SEALs, or goyim for you!
. No soup or sex for you: “Just when every tactic in the book had been seemingly exhausted in the health care debate, Rock the Vote comes along with a new one: If you want health care reform, don’t sleep with anyone who opposes health care reform until his or her mind is changed:”
Or if he dumps you?
. No soup and no cool for you: “Eco-messages from some of the world’s top celebrity tyrants. . . the UNFCCC ‘high-level’ speaking lineup included officials of Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Cuba, Laos, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Belarus and the man himself, fixture of any major UN shindig, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran:”
Nice, fair UN Eco-lineup. . .
(Read more @
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Applying Lipstick to Very Ugly Pigs
Applying Lipstick to Very Ugly Pigs
Sarah Palin’s great remark at the Republican National Convention that the only difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom was lipstick was funnier than then-candidate Barack Obama’s subsequent rejoinder that, “You can put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.”
Whether Obama’s comment was a bitch slap at Palin has been debated ever since. If it was, he obviously hadn’t seen the then-governor of Alaska upclose.
Regardless, most pigs are generally funnier–and uglier and smellier–than most dogs even if Democrats try to gussy them up with various shades of lipstick.
One such effort was the try by Obama’s vaunted Senior Advisor and officially Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, Valerie Jarrett, to diss the prevailing wisdom articulated by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham that “seedy Chicago politics” pushed through the Senate’s version of Obamacare:
You may recall Ms. Jarrett.
Former deputy to Chicago’s Mayor Daley, corruption-insider, and long-time Obama-worshipper, Val took offense at the term “seedy Chicago politics.”
That’s like . . .
Sarah Palin’s great remark at the Republican National Convention that the only difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom was lipstick was funnier than then-candidate Barack Obama’s subsequent rejoinder that, “You can put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.”
Whether Obama’s comment was a bitch slap at Palin has been debated ever since. If it was, he obviously hadn’t seen the then-governor of Alaska upclose.
Regardless, most pigs are generally funnier–and uglier and smellier–than most dogs even if Democrats try to gussy them up with various shades of lipstick.
One such effort was the try by Obama’s vaunted Senior Advisor and officially Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, Valerie Jarrett, to diss the prevailing wisdom articulated by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham that “seedy Chicago politics” pushed through the Senate’s version of Obamacare:
You may recall Ms. Jarrett.
Former deputy to Chicago’s Mayor Daley, corruption-insider, and long-time Obama-worshipper, Val took offense at the term “seedy Chicago politics.”
That’s like . . .
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Fine Art of Lying
The Fine Art of Lying
There are lies and there are lies. There are white lies, BIG lies, petty falsehoods, serious misrepresentations, gross prevarications, cowardly equivocations, major whoppers, silly taradiddles, and fibs.
The Obama administration has perfected and nuanced the execution of every variation of lie but none is more despicable than its lying about one of the two most contentious issues relating to Obamacare, abortion.
The other issue, of course, is that beast of many backs, the public option, the single payer option, the government option, all of which are no options at all since they will be part of the final bill.
Alternatively, that public option will, shortly after its passage, be covertly incorporated into Obamacare with as much clandestine sleight of hand Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama can muster.
That advertised transparent triumvirate has evolved into the most opaque, secretive, and evil trio since Richard Nixon and his teutonic duo of H.R. Halderman and John Ehrlichman.
The opaqueness and secretiveness of this administration and its congressional cohorts has been apparent from the beginning to anyone not brainwashed and figuratively waterboarded; the closed-door, ultra-partisan, heavyhanded Democrat manipulation of Obama’s signature health care issue simply iced his opaque cake.
It’s admittedly extreme to bandy about the loaded word “evil” but when the political shoe fits it’s more than appropriate.
The Nixonian triumvirs were evil in their arrogant abuse and misuse of presidential power and perks.
The Obamians are evil in their totality, . . .
There are lies and there are lies. There are white lies, BIG lies, petty falsehoods, serious misrepresentations, gross prevarications, cowardly equivocations, major whoppers, silly taradiddles, and fibs.
The Obama administration has perfected and nuanced the execution of every variation of lie but none is more despicable than its lying about one of the two most contentious issues relating to Obamacare, abortion.
The other issue, of course, is that beast of many backs, the public option, the single payer option, the government option, all of which are no options at all since they will be part of the final bill.
Alternatively, that public option will, shortly after its passage, be covertly incorporated into Obamacare with as much clandestine sleight of hand Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama can muster.
That advertised transparent triumvirate has evolved into the most opaque, secretive, and evil trio since Richard Nixon and his teutonic duo of H.R. Halderman and John Ehrlichman.
The opaqueness and secretiveness of this administration and its congressional cohorts has been apparent from the beginning to anyone not brainwashed and figuratively waterboarded; the closed-door, ultra-partisan, heavyhanded Democrat manipulation of Obama’s signature health care issue simply iced his opaque cake.
It’s admittedly extreme to bandy about the loaded word “evil” but when the political shoe fits it’s more than appropriate.
The Nixonian triumvirs were evil in their arrogant abuse and misuse of presidential power and perks.
The Obamians are evil in their totality, . . .
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Upside-Down, Inside-Out
Upside-Down, Inside-Out
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you–if you’re naïve and stupid.
Those may not be all the original words of Sinatra’s “Young at Heart,” but they’re more realistic than Frankie’s.
Maybe it’s the age–or just my age–but I’ve been getting uneasy, queasy feelings, vibes in the current vernacular, that believing our nation will always be the great nation in which we grew up is wishful thinking, a fairy tale if you will.
Do forgive the purplish prose but I also firmly believe that we collectively stand at a precipice, a hazardous cliff overhanging an unforgiving plunge into chaotic change, into changes that threaten to forever alter who Americans are and what America is.
We were warned of this by candidate Obama, of change we could believe in, and it’s in progress although it may not be the warm and fuzzy change we were misled to anticipate.
As Harry Reid dishes out unprecedented bribes to win senatorial votes, as China gives fair warning that the world’s financial well is running dry, as the president’s new bff’s abuse and ridicule him, Obama blithely keeps marching on with his permutation campaign.
The essence of Obama’s change is that we now seem to be living in a world not merely turned upside-down but inside out.
Previous absolutes are given a relativistic spin, traditional values and understandings are reduced to the level of antiquated absurdities, America is gradually being transmogrified into just one more nation in the United Nations’ mob rather than Ronald Reagan’s shining city on the hill.
It’s worthwhile to read and consider Reagan’s words in his Farewell Address: “In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, . . .
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you–if you’re naïve and stupid.
Those may not be all the original words of Sinatra’s “Young at Heart,” but they’re more realistic than Frankie’s.
Maybe it’s the age–or just my age–but I’ve been getting uneasy, queasy feelings, vibes in the current vernacular, that believing our nation will always be the great nation in which we grew up is wishful thinking, a fairy tale if you will.
Do forgive the purplish prose but I also firmly believe that we collectively stand at a precipice, a hazardous cliff overhanging an unforgiving plunge into chaotic change, into changes that threaten to forever alter who Americans are and what America is.
We were warned of this by candidate Obama, of change we could believe in, and it’s in progress although it may not be the warm and fuzzy change we were misled to anticipate.
As Harry Reid dishes out unprecedented bribes to win senatorial votes, as China gives fair warning that the world’s financial well is running dry, as the president’s new bff’s abuse and ridicule him, Obama blithely keeps marching on with his permutation campaign.
The essence of Obama’s change is that we now seem to be living in a world not merely turned upside-down but inside out.
Previous absolutes are given a relativistic spin, traditional values and understandings are reduced to the level of antiquated absurdities, America is gradually being transmogrified into just one more nation in the United Nations’ mob rather than Ronald Reagan’s shining city on the hill.
It’s worthwhile to read and consider Reagan’s words in his Farewell Address: “In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, . . .
Monday, December 21, 2009
Bob Casey versus Pre-Born Life
Bob Casey Versus Pre-Born Life
People often get so wrapped up in themselves, so immersed in their personal lives and interests that they can’t see the forest because those stupid trees keep getting in the way.
Most politicians by nature are self-absorbed–think Obama–and that absorption seems to extend to their spouses, at least in the case of Terese Casey, bride of almost 25 years to the junior senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey.
The Caseys have four beautiful daughters.
Many Pro-Lifers consider Sen. Casey to be their last, best hope in the U.S. Senate to repel the abomination of Obamacare but they may be very, extremely disappointed.
One of 8 children of the late Pennsylvania governor and staunch Catholic anti-abortionist Robert Patrick Casey, Jesuit-trained Sen. Casey is poised to help put the final nail in the coffin of the pre-born by casting his vote on Thursday, Christmas Eve, for Harry Reid’s version of Obamacare.
Merry Christmas!
Terese Casey was annoyed that pro-lifers were staging a vigil outside the Casey home in Scranton, PA: “Why are you doing this; you know he’s not here, right?”
The pro-lifers know full well that the senator is currently in D.C. yet are demonstrating in front of his Scranton home.
Mrs. Casey’s question is a valid one. So too are the reasons why Randall Jarrett is staging his group’s 4-day vigil in Pennsylvania.
One Merriam-Webster definition of vigil is “an act or period of watching or surveillance,” often characterized by prayerful hopes that some minor miracle will occur to accomplish a good end.
It will take at least a minor miracle to sway Sen. Casey’s vote to favoring the pre-born.
A seemingly distraught Terese Casey, sounding much like the twit who appealed to Britney critics, asked the vigil-keepers, “Why wont you leave him alone? Why doesn’t anyone give him credit for the votes for life he has made?”
She was upset about their presence and added, . . .
People often get so wrapped up in themselves, so immersed in their personal lives and interests that they can’t see the forest because those stupid trees keep getting in the way.
Most politicians by nature are self-absorbed–think Obama–and that absorption seems to extend to their spouses, at least in the case of Terese Casey, bride of almost 25 years to the junior senator from Pennsylvania, Bob Casey.
The Caseys have four beautiful daughters.
Many Pro-Lifers consider Sen. Casey to be their last, best hope in the U.S. Senate to repel the abomination of Obamacare but they may be very, extremely disappointed.
One of 8 children of the late Pennsylvania governor and staunch Catholic anti-abortionist Robert Patrick Casey, Jesuit-trained Sen. Casey is poised to help put the final nail in the coffin of the pre-born by casting his vote on Thursday, Christmas Eve, for Harry Reid’s version of Obamacare.
Merry Christmas!
Terese Casey was annoyed that pro-lifers were staging a vigil outside the Casey home in Scranton, PA: “Why are you doing this; you know he’s not here, right?”
The pro-lifers know full well that the senator is currently in D.C. yet are demonstrating in front of his Scranton home.
Mrs. Casey’s question is a valid one. So too are the reasons why Randall Jarrett is staging his group’s 4-day vigil in Pennsylvania.
One Merriam-Webster definition of vigil is “an act or period of watching or surveillance,” often characterized by prayerful hopes that some minor miracle will occur to accomplish a good end.
It will take at least a minor miracle to sway Sen. Casey’s vote to favoring the pre-born.
A seemingly distraught Terese Casey, sounding much like the twit who appealed to Britney critics, asked the vigil-keepers, “Why wont you leave him alone? Why doesn’t anyone give him credit for the votes for life he has made?”
She was upset about their presence and added, . . .
Barack, Outed and Scorned?
Barack, Outed and Scorned?
Pay careful attention to the expressions on the faces of Rahm Emanuel and the Anointed One lately.
They both look more than a tad scared.
Not only is former Chicago ally, disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, affectionately known as Blago, ready, willing, and able to expose the president and his thuggees but now Obama’s prime idolators, his buddies in the extreme liberal fringe are turning on him like rabid pitbulls. may have sounded the clarion with its call to its adherents to scuttle Obamacare to which the SEIU obediently complied but Blago was way ahead of them.
A week ago, Governor Blago’s lawyers demanded in federal court to make public “notes, transcripts and reports” of interviews with the Obamas, Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett and SEIU chiefs Thomas Balanoff and Andy Stern.
Blago’s defenders also sought FBI information on First Lady Michelle Obama, America’s Evita, but were advised she had not been interviewed by the Bureau.
Too bad.
Precisely what dirt could be gleaned from the feds’ interviews would be conjectural at this point but given the nature of Chicago and Illinois politics, it should be interesting at the least, emancipating for Blago at the best.
I still expect hapless Rod to be offed before he or his lawyers . . .
Pay careful attention to the expressions on the faces of Rahm Emanuel and the Anointed One lately.
They both look more than a tad scared.
Not only is former Chicago ally, disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, affectionately known as Blago, ready, willing, and able to expose the president and his thuggees but now Obama’s prime idolators, his buddies in the extreme liberal fringe are turning on him like rabid pitbulls. may have sounded the clarion with its call to its adherents to scuttle Obamacare to which the SEIU obediently complied but Blago was way ahead of them.
A week ago, Governor Blago’s lawyers demanded in federal court to make public “notes, transcripts and reports” of interviews with the Obamas, Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett and SEIU chiefs Thomas Balanoff and Andy Stern.
Blago’s defenders also sought FBI information on First Lady Michelle Obama, America’s Evita, but were advised she had not been interviewed by the Bureau.
Too bad.
Precisely what dirt could be gleaned from the feds’ interviews would be conjectural at this point but given the nature of Chicago and Illinois politics, it should be interesting at the least, emancipating for Blago at the best.
I still expect hapless Rod to be offed before he or his lawyers . . .
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
Eminent South African judge Richard Goldstone’s blistering indictment of Israeli war crimes during the brief Gaza War of a year ago was met with equally-blistering rebuttals by Israel and its supporters who seem to overlook the significant fact that Goldstone is a Jew.
In a flight of distorted fancy, one Israel-defender accused Goldstone of “a moral inversion” who “has preserved his judicial reputation while perpetrating a blood libel against Israel:”
Relaying the truth must have become immoral and libelous while I wasn’t watching.
Appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council as Chairman of an investigative body commissioned to explore human rights abuses during that 3-week war, Goldstone’s findings did criticize both Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces, the IDF, but reserved the bulk of its condemnation for the nation of Israel.
To be sure, the U.N. HRC is a much-tainted body, as is the United Nations itself, but Goldstone is a highly-regarded objective jurist who exhaustively researched the actions of both sides in Gaza before issuing what has become known as the Goldstone Report.
Officially titled “Human Rights in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories: Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” the English language pdf version may be read here in its entirety:
In line with its usual bias, and to Goldstone’s consternation, the top-heavy anti-Israel U.N. council then deleted sections dealing with war crimes committed by Hamas, et al. . . .
Eminent South African judge Richard Goldstone’s blistering indictment of Israeli war crimes during the brief Gaza War of a year ago was met with equally-blistering rebuttals by Israel and its supporters who seem to overlook the significant fact that Goldstone is a Jew.
In a flight of distorted fancy, one Israel-defender accused Goldstone of “a moral inversion” who “has preserved his judicial reputation while perpetrating a blood libel against Israel:”
Relaying the truth must have become immoral and libelous while I wasn’t watching.
Appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council as Chairman of an investigative body commissioned to explore human rights abuses during that 3-week war, Goldstone’s findings did criticize both Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces, the IDF, but reserved the bulk of its condemnation for the nation of Israel.
To be sure, the U.N. HRC is a much-tainted body, as is the United Nations itself, but Goldstone is a highly-regarded objective jurist who exhaustively researched the actions of both sides in Gaza before issuing what has become known as the Goldstone Report.
Officially titled “Human Rights in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories: Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,” the English language pdf version may be read here in its entirety:
In line with its usual bias, and to Goldstone’s consternation, the top-heavy anti-Israel U.N. council then deleted sections dealing with war crimes committed by Hamas, et al. . . .
united nations,
war crimes
The Bloom Is Off the Obama-Rose
The Bloom Is Off the Obama-Rose
In what must be a major trauma for Obamians, President Barack Hussein Obama’s rep as the Savior of All Mankind, the Second Coming of the Obamassiah, the Man Who Would Be King, the Man Who Would Bring Us Change and Salvation, after less than a year in office our president has come up against a shocking reality.
He’s none of the above.
Hot on the heels of repeated failures at home, in Asia, and in Europe, Mr. Obama went to Copenhagen where, despite all the bluster, he failed yet again at the United Nation’s Climate Change Summit.
His dramatic collapse in approval ratings was very predictable but his penchant for repetitive screw-ups, disappointments, and outright failures on various world stages were anything but predictable, at least to his idolators throughout the planet.
Just months ago, they still regarded him as the best thing to happen since Bill Clinton beat his impeachment rap.
Obama is sadly reminiscent of the title character in Hemingway’s short story, “The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber.” Francis’ pathetic life, however, ended on a distinct and glorious uptick after an extended period of living as a cowardly appendage of his wife, Margot, when a wounded African buffalo kills him.
Okay, all comparisons limp somewhat and Obama’s experience has been the reverse of Macomber’s.
After years of glory and acclaim, the president’s life, . . .
(Read the rest at
In what must be a major trauma for Obamians, President Barack Hussein Obama’s rep as the Savior of All Mankind, the Second Coming of the Obamassiah, the Man Who Would Be King, the Man Who Would Bring Us Change and Salvation, after less than a year in office our president has come up against a shocking reality.
He’s none of the above.
Hot on the heels of repeated failures at home, in Asia, and in Europe, Mr. Obama went to Copenhagen where, despite all the bluster, he failed yet again at the United Nation’s Climate Change Summit.
His dramatic collapse in approval ratings was very predictable but his penchant for repetitive screw-ups, disappointments, and outright failures on various world stages were anything but predictable, at least to his idolators throughout the planet.
Just months ago, they still regarded him as the best thing to happen since Bill Clinton beat his impeachment rap.
Obama is sadly reminiscent of the title character in Hemingway’s short story, “The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber.” Francis’ pathetic life, however, ended on a distinct and glorious uptick after an extended period of living as a cowardly appendage of his wife, Margot, when a wounded African buffalo kills him.
Okay, all comparisons limp somewhat and Obama’s experience has been the reverse of Macomber’s.
After years of glory and acclaim, the president’s life, . . .
(Read the rest at
Friday, December 18, 2009
Crocks: Obama, Schumer, Gore
Crocks: Obama, Schumer, Gore
The crockiest stories on the wire lately involve our crisis-crazed president, New York’s rude Senator Chuckie Schumer, and former VP/current climate hack, Al Gore.
Critical Barry: Barack Obama recently graded his first year in office with a B+, a generous grade indeed considering he has accomplished virtually nothing over the course of that year, except in the eyes of the politically-motivated Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
Now, with both his chief international and domestic initiatives on the verge of tanking, the man is getting desparate.
As the president takes flight to visit the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the talks are in a state of chaos,, with Copenhagen engulfed in the Climategate Affair, in a blizzard during global warming, and with police battling Communist agitators.
Obama’s planned “signature” accomplishment, Obamacare, is in Senate Limbo and Majority Leader Reid is expecting his lackeys to vote on a “reckless . . . irresponsible” 2,074 page bill they haven’t even seen:
Obama has apparently written off climate change agreement and stoked up his famed Crisis Machine to push through health care reform.
The president seems to have a special affinity for crises. Hence we had the bank crisis, the auto crisis, the economic crisis, the climate crisis and, of course, the ongoing health crisis.
Obama’s cure for the health crisis has now become the be-all-and-end-all for the United States of America, without which the nation will go belly up.
With a straight face, ”President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government ‘will go bankrupt.’ ”
No mention was made of plagues of locusts and pestilence and no explanation was offered as to how failure to pass a $2.5 trillion measure will bankrupt us but passing it will make us solvent.
Go figure.
Mind you, that passage, which absolutely must be rushed through before Christmas, is totally unrelated to the fact Congresspeople would once again have to suffer the slings and arrows of outraged constituents over the Christmas break and maybe return without the same resolve to do the president’s bidding.
It’s also totally unrelated to Obama’s crying need to have something, anything, to show for 2009 when he delivers the 2010 State of the Union Address in January or else see 2009 cast upon the dungheap of abyssmal failure.
Chuckie’s Revenge: No stranger to crocks, New York’s senior United States Senator Charles Ellis “Chuckie” Schumer, Prince of Pork, Defender of Bill Clinton and Women, Supporter of Same Sex Marriage, Anti-bank Regulator, and Precipitator of the IndyMac Bank Debacle, also has a nasty mouth.
We have all said things and used cuss words we regret but most politicians have more class–or should have more class–than to publically revile a woman with the B-word, that word rhyming with itch.
Chuckie, however, . . .
(Read the rest at
The crockiest stories on the wire lately involve our crisis-crazed president, New York’s rude Senator Chuckie Schumer, and former VP/current climate hack, Al Gore.
Critical Barry: Barack Obama recently graded his first year in office with a B+, a generous grade indeed considering he has accomplished virtually nothing over the course of that year, except in the eyes of the politically-motivated Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
Now, with both his chief international and domestic initiatives on the verge of tanking, the man is getting desparate.
As the president takes flight to visit the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the talks are in a state of chaos,, with Copenhagen engulfed in the Climategate Affair, in a blizzard during global warming, and with police battling Communist agitators.
Obama’s planned “signature” accomplishment, Obamacare, is in Senate Limbo and Majority Leader Reid is expecting his lackeys to vote on a “reckless . . . irresponsible” 2,074 page bill they haven’t even seen:
Obama has apparently written off climate change agreement and stoked up his famed Crisis Machine to push through health care reform.
The president seems to have a special affinity for crises. Hence we had the bank crisis, the auto crisis, the economic crisis, the climate crisis and, of course, the ongoing health crisis.
Obama’s cure for the health crisis has now become the be-all-and-end-all for the United States of America, without which the nation will go belly up.
With a straight face, ”President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government ‘will go bankrupt.’ ”
No mention was made of plagues of locusts and pestilence and no explanation was offered as to how failure to pass a $2.5 trillion measure will bankrupt us but passing it will make us solvent.
Go figure.
Mind you, that passage, which absolutely must be rushed through before Christmas, is totally unrelated to the fact Congresspeople would once again have to suffer the slings and arrows of outraged constituents over the Christmas break and maybe return without the same resolve to do the president’s bidding.
It’s also totally unrelated to Obama’s crying need to have something, anything, to show for 2009 when he delivers the 2010 State of the Union Address in January or else see 2009 cast upon the dungheap of abyssmal failure.
Chuckie’s Revenge: No stranger to crocks, New York’s senior United States Senator Charles Ellis “Chuckie” Schumer, Prince of Pork, Defender of Bill Clinton and Women, Supporter of Same Sex Marriage, Anti-bank Regulator, and Precipitator of the IndyMac Bank Debacle, also has a nasty mouth.
We have all said things and used cuss words we regret but most politicians have more class–or should have more class–than to publically revile a woman with the B-word, that word rhyming with itch.
Chuckie, however, . . .
(Read the rest at
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Death of Christmas, Part II: Christian Complicity
In “The Death of Christmas, Part I,” I indulged myself with musings on the good old days when Christmastime was, well, Christmastime and not Happy Holidays-time or Wondrous Winter Wonderland-time.
Public school high school and middle school musicals in those days of yore customarily presented Christmas shows in Decembers back then, reflecting the interests of students and their parental, and grandparental, units.
That’s a thing of the past, one more tradition tossed under the bus of political correctness and the new secularism sweeping the country.
And those prime but not exclusive celebrants of Christmas are as responsible as anyone else for this “revolting turn of events,” to quote from an old radio/tv show, “The Life Of Riley.”
Some of us prefer to carp about the secularization of December 25th and yet do nothing to change things.
Others, such as audiences at those “Winter Concerts” devoid of any reference to Christmas, applaud politely and listlessly in disappointment at the musical fare presented and they too do diddlyjacksquat to insist the presenters hark back to tradition.
Nor do most of us object to borderline and cross-borderline sacriligious and merely-inappropriate goings on in our society.
Those carpers, those all-too-tolerant Christmas celebrants who accept the new status quo, are as complicit in the death of Christmas as the secularists, the mockers, the retailers, and the Obama administration.
This Christmas season’s latest affronts to Christian beliefs include these “comical” representations of the birth of Jesus Christ attended by a dinosaur and a sultry Mother of God, Mary:
All very amusing to secularists, all very blasphemous to practicing Christians who nevertheless tolerate it.
Further insult to Christian injury was added by the White House’s decision, since rescinded, to do away with the Christmas creche in the White House.
The reason for the recission seems to have been a rare grassroots objection. Obama is very attuned to grassroots, aka voters.
It was originally decided by Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and other Obamians to dispense with the traditional display of an eighteenth century creche in the East Room:
“White House social secretary Desiree Rogers revealed to The New York Times that the Obamas were planning a “non-religious” Christmas for the “people’s house,” on the basis that Christians are responsible for the secularization of our national and religious festivity:
Precisely what “people” Rogers had in mind is unclear, considering that Christians in America constitute at least 76% of the population. . .
(Read the rest at
Public school high school and middle school musicals in those days of yore customarily presented Christmas shows in Decembers back then, reflecting the interests of students and their parental, and grandparental, units.
That’s a thing of the past, one more tradition tossed under the bus of political correctness and the new secularism sweeping the country.
And those prime but not exclusive celebrants of Christmas are as responsible as anyone else for this “revolting turn of events,” to quote from an old radio/tv show, “The Life Of Riley.”
Some of us prefer to carp about the secularization of December 25th and yet do nothing to change things.
Others, such as audiences at those “Winter Concerts” devoid of any reference to Christmas, applaud politely and listlessly in disappointment at the musical fare presented and they too do diddlyjacksquat to insist the presenters hark back to tradition.
Nor do most of us object to borderline and cross-borderline sacriligious and merely-inappropriate goings on in our society.
Those carpers, those all-too-tolerant Christmas celebrants who accept the new status quo, are as complicit in the death of Christmas as the secularists, the mockers, the retailers, and the Obama administration.
This Christmas season’s latest affronts to Christian beliefs include these “comical” representations of the birth of Jesus Christ attended by a dinosaur and a sultry Mother of God, Mary:
All very amusing to secularists, all very blasphemous to practicing Christians who nevertheless tolerate it.
Further insult to Christian injury was added by the White House’s decision, since rescinded, to do away with the Christmas creche in the White House.
The reason for the recission seems to have been a rare grassroots objection. Obama is very attuned to grassroots, aka voters.
It was originally decided by Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and other Obamians to dispense with the traditional display of an eighteenth century creche in the East Room:
“White House social secretary Desiree Rogers revealed to The New York Times that the Obamas were planning a “non-religious” Christmas for the “people’s house,” on the basis that Christians are responsible for the secularization of our national and religious festivity:
Precisely what “people” Rogers had in mind is unclear, considering that Christians in America constitute at least 76% of the population. . .
(Read the rest at
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Westboro Devil Cites Scripture
The Westboro Devil Cites Scripture
One of the many beauties of our great democratic republic is America’s tolerance for kookery. Another is America’s encouragement of reasoned dissent.
I rarely if ever find myself siding with those who support groups and individuals who advocate against other groups which blatantly campaign against the best interests of the United States but in this case I must make a very limited exception.
The Westboro Baptist Congregation, the WBC, so thrives on outlandish and hateful propaganda that it must be regarded as one of the worst organizations in the nation in terms of vicious radicalism.
Make no mistake, the WBC has countless hate-peers. Nevertheless, it’s a standout performer, in a class by itself, especially when it comes to attacks on homosexuals and Jews.
What makes the WBC even worse is that it cites both Old and New Testament scripture to bolster its points of view and its vile invective. Its website,, cites Calvinistic interpretations of Holy Scripture as Biblical truth:
Founded by Pastor Fred Phelps and in business for over half a century, Westboro boasts of staging over 40,000 “peaceful demonstrations” since 1991, mostly in opposition to homosexuality and gays and Jews but also ”at over 200 military funerals of troops whom God has killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in righteous judgment against an evil nation.” . . .
(Read the rest at
One of the many beauties of our great democratic republic is America’s tolerance for kookery. Another is America’s encouragement of reasoned dissent.
I rarely if ever find myself siding with those who support groups and individuals who advocate against other groups which blatantly campaign against the best interests of the United States but in this case I must make a very limited exception.
The Westboro Baptist Congregation, the WBC, so thrives on outlandish and hateful propaganda that it must be regarded as one of the worst organizations in the nation in terms of vicious radicalism.
Make no mistake, the WBC has countless hate-peers. Nevertheless, it’s a standout performer, in a class by itself, especially when it comes to attacks on homosexuals and Jews.
What makes the WBC even worse is that it cites both Old and New Testament scripture to bolster its points of view and its vile invective. Its website,, cites Calvinistic interpretations of Holy Scripture as Biblical truth:
Founded by Pastor Fred Phelps and in business for over half a century, Westboro boasts of staging over 40,000 “peaceful demonstrations” since 1991, mostly in opposition to homosexuality and gays and Jews but also ”at over 200 military funerals of troops whom God has killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in righteous judgment against an evil nation.” . . .
(Read the rest at
Online Petition to Remove Kevin Jennings, "Safe Schools Czar"
Dec. 16, 2009
MassResistance Update
Pro-family activism
“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
- George Orwell
Home Page
1. Resolution introduced in Congress to remove “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. MassResistance work cited.2. TAKE ACTION: Sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings! SUPPORT Congressman Burgess’ resolution. Make a statement to the politicians in Washington!
1. Resolution introduced in Congress to remove “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. MassResistance work cited.
MassResistance’s research and activism exposing Obama’s “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings and has again made it to Congress. Back on October 15, 53 Congressmen signed a letter demanding Jennings be fired. But as more horrible information has surfaced, the pressure to remove Jennings is boiling over.
Read MassResistance’s major report on Kevin Jennings here
Last Friday, Dec. 11, Congressman Michael Burgess (R-TX) introduced a resolution to Congress that Jennings be removed! The resolution cites Jennings’ involvement in the “Fistgate” conference (which we uncovered in 2000) and his admiration of NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay, which the MassResistance blog recently helped bring to light.
1st Session
H. RES. 966Calling on the President and the Secretary of Education to fire Kevin Jennings from his post as ‘Safe Schools Czar’.
December 11, 2009
Mr. BURGESS submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor
Calling on the President and the Secretary of Education to fire Kevin Jennings from his post as ‘Safe Schools Czar’.
Whereas, on December 11, 2009, The Washington Times reported that Kevin Jennings was involved in promoting a reading list for children 13 years old or older that made the most explicit sex between children and adults seem normal and acceptable;
Whereas recorded tapings from conferences previously sponsored by Kevin Jennings had presenters explicitly conveying to adolescents certain types of sexual behavior;
Whereas Kevin Jennings has praised Harry Hay, a vocal supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); and
Whereas Kevin Jennings in his capacity as ‘Safe Schools Czar’ may not promote criminal behavior: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives–
(1) considers the behavior of a ‘Safe Schools Czar’ promoting sexual relationships between adults and children reprehensible;
(2) supports the belief that any and all who occupy the position of ‘Safe Schools Czar’ should not promote criminal behavior; and
(3) calls on the President and the Secretary of Education to find an immediate replacement for Kevin Jennings.
Read the resolution online here
Rep Burgess’ website describing resolution
VIDEO: Rep. Burgess speaking about resolution before US House
Rep. Burgess’ resolution follows a week of media frenzy on the Kevin Jennings issue. The Washington Times, Fox News, WorldNetDaily, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin, and numerous radio programs, including a half-hour drive-time interview on WOR, the largest talk station in New York City.
Washington Times Editorial: Obama’s Risky Sex Czar
Washington Times Blog: Kevin Jennings’ longtime foe ‘Mass Resistance’
Latest: WorldNetDaily: Teachers given professional credit at Fistgate
Other recent media coverage
MassResistance began exposing Jennings in mid-1990s
Just a few examples of MassResistance’s groundbreaking work in exposing Jennings: In the mid-1990s, we uncovered his “Framing the Issues” speech admitting how he uses the phony guise of “student safety” to push the homosexual agenda into the public schools. We exposed how Mass. Gov. Paul Cellucci was funding GLSEN’s work in the late 1990s. In 2000 we exposed the infamous “Fistgate” conference where Jennings was the keynote speaker. In 2005 we exposed the “Little Black Book” given to kids at a GLSEN conference. We continued to expose GLSEN’s work in public school “gay straight alliance” clubs and “youth pride” events. Our blog exposed Jennings’ admiration of NAMBLA activist Harry Hay. We exposed Jennings’ involvement in “ACT/UP” and his funding of the blasphemous “ACT/UP” exhibit at Harvard earlier this year. And much more.
And more info to be posted!
We have much more Kevin Jennings material that we haven’t posted yet, including his personal involvement in the strategies to push homosexuality in the schools. Look for it soon.
2. TAKE ACTION: Sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings! SUPPORT Congressman Burgess’ resolution. Make a statement to the politicians in Washington!
It’s not enough simply to be angry. Every good American must show his support for Rep. Burgess’ resolution. Numbers really count.
You can do something. You can sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings. And you can spread the word as far and wide as possible. (We’ve already received nearly a thousand signatures within 24 hours.)
By doing this: (1) we can show our politicians the breadth of outrage. They need to see some numbers. And (2) The people who sign can be further informed about strategic times and methods to contact the politicians Washington, DC about this resolution. In other words, targeted ACTIVISM at work. We’ll make it happen!
The fact that Barack Obama continues to support Kevin Jennings is beyond outrageous. It borders on being demonic that a man like that has a prominent position in the Department of Education affecting kids across the country.
PLEASE sign the petition and spread the word!
See also: “Kevin Jennings, Government Deviant,”
MassResistance Update
Pro-family activism
“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
- George Orwell
Home Page
1. Resolution introduced in Congress to remove “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. MassResistance work cited.2. TAKE ACTION: Sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings! SUPPORT Congressman Burgess’ resolution. Make a statement to the politicians in Washington!
1. Resolution introduced in Congress to remove “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. MassResistance work cited.
MassResistance’s research and activism exposing Obama’s “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings and has again made it to Congress. Back on October 15, 53 Congressmen signed a letter demanding Jennings be fired. But as more horrible information has surfaced, the pressure to remove Jennings is boiling over.
Read MassResistance’s major report on Kevin Jennings here
Last Friday, Dec. 11, Congressman Michael Burgess (R-TX) introduced a resolution to Congress that Jennings be removed! The resolution cites Jennings’ involvement in the “Fistgate” conference (which we uncovered in 2000) and his admiration of NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay, which the MassResistance blog recently helped bring to light.
1st Session
H. RES. 966Calling on the President and the Secretary of Education to fire Kevin Jennings from his post as ‘Safe Schools Czar’.
December 11, 2009
Mr. BURGESS submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor
Calling on the President and the Secretary of Education to fire Kevin Jennings from his post as ‘Safe Schools Czar’.
Whereas, on December 11, 2009, The Washington Times reported that Kevin Jennings was involved in promoting a reading list for children 13 years old or older that made the most explicit sex between children and adults seem normal and acceptable;
Whereas recorded tapings from conferences previously sponsored by Kevin Jennings had presenters explicitly conveying to adolescents certain types of sexual behavior;
Whereas Kevin Jennings has praised Harry Hay, a vocal supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); and
Whereas Kevin Jennings in his capacity as ‘Safe Schools Czar’ may not promote criminal behavior: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives–
(1) considers the behavior of a ‘Safe Schools Czar’ promoting sexual relationships between adults and children reprehensible;
(2) supports the belief that any and all who occupy the position of ‘Safe Schools Czar’ should not promote criminal behavior; and
(3) calls on the President and the Secretary of Education to find an immediate replacement for Kevin Jennings.
Read the resolution online here
Rep Burgess’ website describing resolution
VIDEO: Rep. Burgess speaking about resolution before US House
Rep. Burgess’ resolution follows a week of media frenzy on the Kevin Jennings issue. The Washington Times, Fox News, WorldNetDaily, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin, and numerous radio programs, including a half-hour drive-time interview on WOR, the largest talk station in New York City.
Washington Times Editorial: Obama’s Risky Sex Czar
Washington Times Blog: Kevin Jennings’ longtime foe ‘Mass Resistance’
Latest: WorldNetDaily: Teachers given professional credit at Fistgate
Other recent media coverage
MassResistance began exposing Jennings in mid-1990s
Just a few examples of MassResistance’s groundbreaking work in exposing Jennings: In the mid-1990s, we uncovered his “Framing the Issues” speech admitting how he uses the phony guise of “student safety” to push the homosexual agenda into the public schools. We exposed how Mass. Gov. Paul Cellucci was funding GLSEN’s work in the late 1990s. In 2000 we exposed the infamous “Fistgate” conference where Jennings was the keynote speaker. In 2005 we exposed the “Little Black Book” given to kids at a GLSEN conference. We continued to expose GLSEN’s work in public school “gay straight alliance” clubs and “youth pride” events. Our blog exposed Jennings’ admiration of NAMBLA activist Harry Hay. We exposed Jennings’ involvement in “ACT/UP” and his funding of the blasphemous “ACT/UP” exhibit at Harvard earlier this year. And much more.
And more info to be posted!
We have much more Kevin Jennings material that we haven’t posted yet, including his personal involvement in the strategies to push homosexuality in the schools. Look for it soon.
2. TAKE ACTION: Sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings! SUPPORT Congressman Burgess’ resolution. Make a statement to the politicians in Washington!
It’s not enough simply to be angry. Every good American must show his support for Rep. Burgess’ resolution. Numbers really count.
You can do something. You can sign the online petition to remove Kevin Jennings. And you can spread the word as far and wide as possible. (We’ve already received nearly a thousand signatures within 24 hours.)
By doing this: (1) we can show our politicians the breadth of outrage. They need to see some numbers. And (2) The people who sign can be further informed about strategic times and methods to contact the politicians Washington, DC about this resolution. In other words, targeted ACTIVISM at work. We’ll make it happen!
The fact that Barack Obama continues to support Kevin Jennings is beyond outrageous. It borders on being demonic that a man like that has a prominent position in the Department of Education affecting kids across the country.
PLEASE sign the petition and spread the word!
See also: “Kevin Jennings, Government Deviant,”
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Death of Christmas, Part I
The Death of Christmas, Part I
I admit I go back awhile. (That’s a euphemism for getting old.)
As George Burns famously said, getting old ”beats the alternative.” I sometimes question that wisdom but I’ll let that thought go for now.
Age has a few benefits aside from Social Security, including the capacity to hearken back to the good old days when things were far from perfect but still a damned sight better than they are today in almost every way, except maybe for the blogosphere.
I was recently reminded of those pretty good old days, not of the Harding Era but of a generation or so ago, maybe a quarter century back.
I understand that our younguns may consider that to be ancient history and in a sense it was ancient, the Reagan Era, a time when tradition and family values meant something and most of America felt a new pride in itself and a strong hope for the future.
One tradition of that bygone age was the annual Christmas Shows in our public high schools and junior highs.
That’s what they were really called, disbelievers, before they devolved into the “Winter Shows,” “Winterfests,” “Holiday Shows,” or whatever other secular title is applied today.
This was the time when my now-grown kids attended and performed in those always-festive, always entertaining presentations.
As was proper in public secondary school venues, those annual events didn’t feature strictly Christian religious song and music, although orchestral renditions of “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem” and choruses singing “Silent Night” were not unheard of.
They were generously supplemented by more secular but still Christmas-y fare.
The high school-level bands, orchestras, and choruses invariably concluded those Christmas pageants with moving renditions of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” during which past performers joined the newcomers onstage to sing and play their hearts out to the delight of a standing, applauding audience.
Readers may recall its final, stirring verse:
And He shall reign forever and ever,
|: King of kings! and Lord of lords!
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings! and Lord of lords!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The “He” was the reason for the season but that was then. Those days are no more, at least on New York’s Long Island. This is now: . .
(Read the rest at
I admit I go back awhile. (That’s a euphemism for getting old.)
As George Burns famously said, getting old ”beats the alternative.” I sometimes question that wisdom but I’ll let that thought go for now.
Age has a few benefits aside from Social Security, including the capacity to hearken back to the good old days when things were far from perfect but still a damned sight better than they are today in almost every way, except maybe for the blogosphere.
I was recently reminded of those pretty good old days, not of the Harding Era but of a generation or so ago, maybe a quarter century back.
I understand that our younguns may consider that to be ancient history and in a sense it was ancient, the Reagan Era, a time when tradition and family values meant something and most of America felt a new pride in itself and a strong hope for the future.
One tradition of that bygone age was the annual Christmas Shows in our public high schools and junior highs.
That’s what they were really called, disbelievers, before they devolved into the “Winter Shows,” “Winterfests,” “Holiday Shows,” or whatever other secular title is applied today.
This was the time when my now-grown kids attended and performed in those always-festive, always entertaining presentations.
As was proper in public secondary school venues, those annual events didn’t feature strictly Christian religious song and music, although orchestral renditions of “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem” and choruses singing “Silent Night” were not unheard of.
They were generously supplemented by more secular but still Christmas-y fare.
The high school-level bands, orchestras, and choruses invariably concluded those Christmas pageants with moving renditions of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” during which past performers joined the newcomers onstage to sing and play their hearts out to the delight of a standing, applauding audience.
Readers may recall its final, stirring verse:
And He shall reign forever and ever,
|: King of kings! and Lord of lords!
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings! and Lord of lords!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The “He” was the reason for the season but that was then. Those days are no more, at least on New York’s Long Island. This is now: . .
(Read the rest at
Monday, December 14, 2009
Forgive Us Our Trespassess
Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Certain stories are very suggestive of significant alterations in the future of our great nation. These are just four of them. Read them and weep:
Turn in Your First Amendment Privileges Upon Entering these Premises!
All employees of the Santa Rosa (CA) School District have been put on notice. They are now required to tuck their freedoms of speech and religion in a pocket or purse when in attendance at “any school event,” including breaks, after school activities, or at on-campus private events.
Better yet, they should deposit their constitutional rights in the nearest trash receptacle, as per an order “crafted” for the school district by the American Civil Liberties Union.
You really have to hand it to the ACLU for its sticktoitiveness in undermining American values and liberties at every opportunity, that is, unless you’re a terrorist, a rapist, an anarchist or indulge in some other anti-social, anti-American behaviors.
Then the ACLU will defend you to its dying breath, which can’t come soon enough.
Santa Rosa “School officials are strictly prohibited from showing agreement with anyone ‘communicating with a deity,’ such as ‘bowing the head’ or ‘folding hands.’
“School officials” must also prohibit “third-parties” from praying, which provision has forced some employees to seek refuge in closets: “Christian employees said the order has literally driven them to hide in closets to pray to avoid contempt charges.”
I’ve long ago given up trying to understand the motivations of the ACLU but now its evil intents have so infiltrated America’s legal system that something really should be done about its radical nature.
“The [Santa Rosa] district calls for the action to eliminate any trace of religious language in school communication. Otherwise, they face penalties of up to six months in jail and $5,000 in fines each:”
What’s next on the ACLU agenda? Banning the use of sanitizers in school bathrooms since that may offend the dirty?
Hey, Babe! You wanna 14 K raise, a prestigious job, and a free trip, with moi?
That was the essence of Max Baucus’ (D. MT) . . .
(Read the rest at
Certain stories are very suggestive of significant alterations in the future of our great nation. These are just four of them. Read them and weep:
Turn in Your First Amendment Privileges Upon Entering these Premises!
All employees of the Santa Rosa (CA) School District have been put on notice. They are now required to tuck their freedoms of speech and religion in a pocket or purse when in attendance at “any school event,” including breaks, after school activities, or at on-campus private events.
Better yet, they should deposit their constitutional rights in the nearest trash receptacle, as per an order “crafted” for the school district by the American Civil Liberties Union.
You really have to hand it to the ACLU for its sticktoitiveness in undermining American values and liberties at every opportunity, that is, unless you’re a terrorist, a rapist, an anarchist or indulge in some other anti-social, anti-American behaviors.
Then the ACLU will defend you to its dying breath, which can’t come soon enough.
Santa Rosa “School officials are strictly prohibited from showing agreement with anyone ‘communicating with a deity,’ such as ‘bowing the head’ or ‘folding hands.’
“School officials” must also prohibit “third-parties” from praying, which provision has forced some employees to seek refuge in closets: “Christian employees said the order has literally driven them to hide in closets to pray to avoid contempt charges.”
I’ve long ago given up trying to understand the motivations of the ACLU but now its evil intents have so infiltrated America’s legal system that something really should be done about its radical nature.
“The [Santa Rosa] district calls for the action to eliminate any trace of religious language in school communication. Otherwise, they face penalties of up to six months in jail and $5,000 in fines each:”
What’s next on the ACLU agenda? Banning the use of sanitizers in school bathrooms since that may offend the dirty?
Hey, Babe! You wanna 14 K raise, a prestigious job, and a free trip, with moi?
That was the essence of Max Baucus’ (D. MT) . . .
(Read the rest at
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Foxy Knoxy, Part 2
Foxy Knoxy, Political Football or Slutty “She-Devil?” Part 2
Politics in general is said to make for strange bedfellows; international politics and antiquated judicial systems can be said to make for strange convictions.
As previously noted, I have no idea whether Amanda Knox was responsible for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy on the night of November 1st, 2007.
I have my doubts that the jury that found her guilty and sentenced her to 26 years in prison had any better idea than I do.
I’ve also waited in vain for 2 weeks for the Italians to throw up their collective hands and admit that the trial and punishment meted out to Amanda Knox were the biggest farces since Galileo Galilei was found guilty of heresy by the Inquisition.
My reasons for that judgement:
. The Jury: Unlike SOP in American courts where jurors are sequestered while they deliberate, this Italian jury was sent on its merry way home. When deliberations were in progress, the presiding judge would be in attendance and their verdict need not have been a unanimous decision. . . .
(Read the rest at
Politics in general is said to make for strange bedfellows; international politics and antiquated judicial systems can be said to make for strange convictions.
As previously noted, I have no idea whether Amanda Knox was responsible for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy on the night of November 1st, 2007.
I have my doubts that the jury that found her guilty and sentenced her to 26 years in prison had any better idea than I do.
I’ve also waited in vain for 2 weeks for the Italians to throw up their collective hands and admit that the trial and punishment meted out to Amanda Knox were the biggest farces since Galileo Galilei was found guilty of heresy by the Inquisition.
My reasons for that judgement:
. The Jury: Unlike SOP in American courts where jurors are sequestered while they deliberate, this Italian jury was sent on its merry way home. When deliberations were in progress, the presiding judge would be in attendance and their verdict need not have been a unanimous decision. . . .
(Read the rest at
Friday, December 11, 2009
Kevin Jennings, Government Deviant
Kevin Jennings, Government Deviant
We live in an increasingly diverse nation and in an even more diverse world but, for even the most tolerant, diversity has its limits.
Most of us can deal with people whose thinking and lifestyles are different from our own but when that thinking and those lifestyles are so far off the norm charts, it’s time to sit up and take notice.
President Obama’s choice for “Safe Schools Czar,” Kevin Jennings, is so far off those charts it’s a wonder he’s capable of subsisting on our planet, no mind serving the country as the individual whose assigned mission is the safety and well-being of America’s schoolchildren.
I have already paid more attention here to Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools Jennings than he deserves and would refer the reader to previous posts on this radically dangerous homosexual.
He may be getting paid by the government to make and keep our schools safe and secure but, his assigned duties aside, Jennings personal mission involves anything but the safety and security of America’s kids.
That’s the bad news.
Very fortunately and thanks to the conservative, pro-American activism of, the good news is that the country is becoming aware of just how much a threat Jennings poses.
Even better news is that before he does any more damage Jennings may soon go the route of another Obama czar, “Green Czar,” Van Jones who was forced to resign when his wildly black racist past was exposed:
Though Jones finally cashed in his chips after a nationwide uproar against his racist views–people got more than a tad upset when he referred to Republicans as a**holes–but he still gets a paycheck from Uncle Sam, compliments of Uncle Barack.
Another groundswell has been slowly building against Jennings and his tenure only depends on how adamantly obstinate Obama is in keeping his incredibly awful picks on the taxpayer payroll.
Never shy about pouncing on Fox News . . .
(Read the rest at
We live in an increasingly diverse nation and in an even more diverse world but, for even the most tolerant, diversity has its limits.
Most of us can deal with people whose thinking and lifestyles are different from our own but when that thinking and those lifestyles are so far off the norm charts, it’s time to sit up and take notice.
President Obama’s choice for “Safe Schools Czar,” Kevin Jennings, is so far off those charts it’s a wonder he’s capable of subsisting on our planet, no mind serving the country as the individual whose assigned mission is the safety and well-being of America’s schoolchildren.
I have already paid more attention here to Assistant Deputy Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools Jennings than he deserves and would refer the reader to previous posts on this radically dangerous homosexual.
He may be getting paid by the government to make and keep our schools safe and secure but, his assigned duties aside, Jennings personal mission involves anything but the safety and security of America’s kids.
That’s the bad news.
Very fortunately and thanks to the conservative, pro-American activism of, the good news is that the country is becoming aware of just how much a threat Jennings poses.
Even better news is that before he does any more damage Jennings may soon go the route of another Obama czar, “Green Czar,” Van Jones who was forced to resign when his wildly black racist past was exposed:
Though Jones finally cashed in his chips after a nationwide uproar against his racist views–people got more than a tad upset when he referred to Republicans as a**holes–but he still gets a paycheck from Uncle Sam, compliments of Uncle Barack.
Another groundswell has been slowly building against Jennings and his tenure only depends on how adamantly obstinate Obama is in keeping his incredibly awful picks on the taxpayer payroll.
Never shy about pouncing on Fox News . . .
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Serious Questions About Barack and Harry
Serious Questions on Barack and Harry
On rare occasions, “stuff” happens which has to make us wonder if all is right with the world and its denizens.
When politicians or normal people say or do things either totally out of character or just so “out there,” we really should question whether their bodies have been infiltrated by alien beings or they have totally lost their minds.
Case in point of an out of character public commentary was President Barack Hussein Obama’s speech in Oslo yesterday.
Okay, he knew that being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing nothing was nothing more than a political gesture by the Prize Committee, a reflection of their still-seething antipathy for Bush 43’s patriotic quirks and disdain for world opinion when it came to protecting the interests of Americans.
Obama had to have known that he was undeserving since 90% of thinking creatures on the planet were fully aware of that fact of international politics.
He also had to have known that his audience probably read the papers and knew he had just dispatched 30,000 additional troops to fight the war in Afghanistan and invited our allies to feel free to jump in and help us crush the Taliban.
True, he did dither for months as our soldiers, in desparate need of reinforcements, died on Afghan battlefields but it was not exactly a Gandhi-esque speech for a peace prize recipient.
So, what happened during his address which turned out to be longer than his inaugural speech?
(See the full text here:
He supposedly personally wrote the speech all on his own and, though he read it off his trusty teleprompters, . . .
(Read the rest at
On rare occasions, “stuff” happens which has to make us wonder if all is right with the world and its denizens.
When politicians or normal people say or do things either totally out of character or just so “out there,” we really should question whether their bodies have been infiltrated by alien beings or they have totally lost their minds.
Case in point of an out of character public commentary was President Barack Hussein Obama’s speech in Oslo yesterday.
Okay, he knew that being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing nothing was nothing more than a political gesture by the Prize Committee, a reflection of their still-seething antipathy for Bush 43’s patriotic quirks and disdain for world opinion when it came to protecting the interests of Americans.
Obama had to have known that he was undeserving since 90% of thinking creatures on the planet were fully aware of that fact of international politics.
He also had to have known that his audience probably read the papers and knew he had just dispatched 30,000 additional troops to fight the war in Afghanistan and invited our allies to feel free to jump in and help us crush the Taliban.
True, he did dither for months as our soldiers, in desparate need of reinforcements, died on Afghan battlefields but it was not exactly a Gandhi-esque speech for a peace prize recipient.
So, what happened during his address which turned out to be longer than his inaugural speech?
(See the full text here:
He supposedly personally wrote the speech all on his own and, though he read it off his trusty teleprompters, . . .
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dems Stage Morality Ploy
Dems Stage Morality Ploy
Not especially known for excursions into questions of morality, two Democrat pols have dredged up the M-word to bolster weak and fatuously immoral policy positions.
“Morality” must be the keyword in this week’s DNC talking points.
First, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D. MD) contended, “I think it’s morally wrong to vote against health care.”
Her twisted reasoning? Invoking Pro-Life sentiments, she adds, “Universal access to health care that would guarantee maternity health, sound wonderful deliveries for children, and so on, I think that’s what we want to do.”
Two cheers for Mikulski! She doesn’t merit a third cheer due to her conscious omission of any reference to the antithesis of “sound, wonderful deliveries,” the provisions for abortion funding in Obamacare.
As Karen Schuberg writes for CNS News, “The Senate health care bill permits federal tax dollars to go to health insurance plans that cover abortion. It also requires that at least one insurance plan available in the insurance ‘exchanges’ the bill will set up must cover abortion:”
“Senator Barb” either forgot those requisites or she believes it’s morally right to terminate the innocent lives of the pre-born.
Granted, she’s never been married nor has she borne any children and there have been more than a few suggestions that she is a lesbian,, but shouldn’t good Catholic ladies like Barb have more empathy for babies?
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. CA) isn’t nearly as squeamish as Mikulski on the abortion question. . .
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Not especially known for excursions into questions of morality, two Democrat pols have dredged up the M-word to bolster weak and fatuously immoral policy positions.
“Morality” must be the keyword in this week’s DNC talking points.
First, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D. MD) contended, “I think it’s morally wrong to vote against health care.”
Her twisted reasoning? Invoking Pro-Life sentiments, she adds, “Universal access to health care that would guarantee maternity health, sound wonderful deliveries for children, and so on, I think that’s what we want to do.”
Two cheers for Mikulski! She doesn’t merit a third cheer due to her conscious omission of any reference to the antithesis of “sound, wonderful deliveries,” the provisions for abortion funding in Obamacare.
As Karen Schuberg writes for CNS News, “The Senate health care bill permits federal tax dollars to go to health insurance plans that cover abortion. It also requires that at least one insurance plan available in the insurance ‘exchanges’ the bill will set up must cover abortion:”
“Senator Barb” either forgot those requisites or she believes it’s morally right to terminate the innocent lives of the pre-born.
Granted, she’s never been married nor has she borne any children and there have been more than a few suggestions that she is a lesbian,, but shouldn’t good Catholic ladies like Barb have more empathy for babies?
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. CA) isn’t nearly as squeamish as Mikulski on the abortion question. . .
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
D.C. Chatter
D.C. Chatter
Why do people choose to enter politics?
Some surely become politicians out of purely altruistic reasons. One such person is New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy who ran for office on an anti-gun platform after her husband was murdered and her son seriously injured by black maniac Colin Ferguson on the Long Island Rail Road in 1993.
Dyslexic and not the brightest crayon in the box, after being rejected as a candidate by the Republican Party in the heavily GOP 4th CD, she ran as a Democrat and won in 1996 and has been in office since.
Since then, McCarthy has firmly aligned herself with liberal causes and has become a reliable vote for Speaker Pelosi’s agenda.
Despite her evident pique-voting, I can respect Rep. McCarthy who at least seems like a decent person, a characteristic not applicable to the majority of Democrats.
Those are the mass of the other people who get involved in Democratic politics out of a sense of self-importance, to advocate for leftist causes, and to achieve higher office and who will compromise whatever principles they ever had in their quest for that goal.
One such over-achiever is Pennsylvania Senator Robert Patrick Casey, son of a true rarity, a Democrat conservative governor and arch-opponent of abortion, Bob Casey.
After failing to follow his father’s footsteps as PA governor, the son ran for and won a Senate seat in 2006. The rest has been a downhill trajectory that would have made his dad disown him were he still alive.
A master of equivocation, Casey has defended . . .
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Why do people choose to enter politics?
Some surely become politicians out of purely altruistic reasons. One such person is New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy who ran for office on an anti-gun platform after her husband was murdered and her son seriously injured by black maniac Colin Ferguson on the Long Island Rail Road in 1993.
Dyslexic and not the brightest crayon in the box, after being rejected as a candidate by the Republican Party in the heavily GOP 4th CD, she ran as a Democrat and won in 1996 and has been in office since.
Since then, McCarthy has firmly aligned herself with liberal causes and has become a reliable vote for Speaker Pelosi’s agenda.
Despite her evident pique-voting, I can respect Rep. McCarthy who at least seems like a decent person, a characteristic not applicable to the majority of Democrats.
Those are the mass of the other people who get involved in Democratic politics out of a sense of self-importance, to advocate for leftist causes, and to achieve higher office and who will compromise whatever principles they ever had in their quest for that goal.
One such over-achiever is Pennsylvania Senator Robert Patrick Casey, son of a true rarity, a Democrat conservative governor and arch-opponent of abortion, Bob Casey.
After failing to follow his father’s footsteps as PA governor, the son ran for and won a Senate seat in 2006. The rest has been a downhill trajectory that would have made his dad disown him were he still alive.
A master of equivocation, Casey has defended . . .
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Washington Outrage and Outrages
Washington Outrage and Outrages
Some people say the very existence of government is an outrage; they’re called anarchists. Many others contend what our present government is doing to America is outrageous; they’re called patriots.
There is some limited common ground between those two segments of the body politic and both should agree the following are affronts to America’s independence:
. Navy Seals Trial: Members of the Special Operations units of the United States Navy SEa, Air, and Land Forces (SEALS) have had one essential mission since their commissioning 47 years ago: to accomplish their assigned mission.
That mission as the acronym suggests can involve reconnaisance, hostage rescue, unconventional warfare, counterterrorism and other direct action assignments anywhere on sea and land.
The general mission of SEALS Matthew Vernon McCabe, 24, Jonathan Elliot Keefe, 25, Julio Antonio Huertas, Jr., 28 was to seek out and destroy Islamic terrorist enemies of the United States.
One captured suspect, Ahmed Hashim Abed, alleged mastermind of the 2004 murder and bodily desecration of 4 Blackwater USA operatives in Fallujah, has now accused these men of assault.
If that’s not absurd enough, the three SEALS are now in process of being disciplined by their superiors and could face anything from pay forfeiture to imprisonment to bad conduct discharges.
To add insult to injury, the Navy has refused to release its evidence of this awful, alleged crime committed against a terrorist even though trials are set for next month:
My questions: . . .
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Some people say the very existence of government is an outrage; they’re called anarchists. Many others contend what our present government is doing to America is outrageous; they’re called patriots.
There is some limited common ground between those two segments of the body politic and both should agree the following are affronts to America’s independence:
. Navy Seals Trial: Members of the Special Operations units of the United States Navy SEa, Air, and Land Forces (SEALS) have had one essential mission since their commissioning 47 years ago: to accomplish their assigned mission.
That mission as the acronym suggests can involve reconnaisance, hostage rescue, unconventional warfare, counterterrorism and other direct action assignments anywhere on sea and land.
The general mission of SEALS Matthew Vernon McCabe, 24, Jonathan Elliot Keefe, 25, Julio Antonio Huertas, Jr., 28 was to seek out and destroy Islamic terrorist enemies of the United States.
One captured suspect, Ahmed Hashim Abed, alleged mastermind of the 2004 murder and bodily desecration of 4 Blackwater USA operatives in Fallujah, has now accused these men of assault.
If that’s not absurd enough, the three SEALS are now in process of being disciplined by their superiors and could face anything from pay forfeiture to imprisonment to bad conduct discharges.
To add insult to injury, the Navy has refused to release its evidence of this awful, alleged crime committed against a terrorist even though trials are set for next month:
My questions: . . .
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Foxy Knoxy, Political Football or Slutty She-Devil, Part I
Foxy Knoxy, Political Football or Slutty She-Devil? Part I
Lizzie Borden took an axe/ And gave her mother forty whacks./
And when she saw what she had done/ She gave her father forty-one.
To be more precise, that well-known bloody ditty should really read:
Lizzie Borden allegedly took an axe/ And allegedly gave her mother forty whacks/ And when she committed that dastardly crime/ She allegedly gave her father forty-one.
The latter, of course, suffers from awful metrics as well as a lack of rhyme but the point is that young Liz was never convicted of that double murder, a matricide and a patricide.
An equally-metrically-flawed, semi-rhymed bloody ditty about Amanda Knox might read:
Foxy Knoxy took a knife/ To end a bud’s too young life/ And when she was caught/ She was given life.
Without pleading her total innocence and without trying to make light of the brutal death of 21 year old British exchange student, Meredith Kercher at the hands of Amanda Knox and others, Knox’s conviction last Friday was a clear travesty of justice.
Since I don’t know Amanda, I won’t vouch for her innocence in this awful crime but, based on some limited research into her trial, it’s as evident as that cold sore on her lip seen in many older court photos, Ms. Knox was shafted in Perugia, and that’s not a reference to any actions by her former boyfriend, Raffaeli Sollecito.
Whether due to a known corrupt prosecuter, to a jury that convicted her even before the trial began, to misleading and tainted evidence, or simply due to that Italian jury’s conviction that wiseass Americans should get their comeuppance for being spoiled, little brats who use little, innocent Italian towns as venues for “Girls Gone Wild” episodes, Amanda got a raw deal:
Knox was sentenced to 26 years . . .
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Lizzie Borden took an axe/ And gave her mother forty whacks./
And when she saw what she had done/ She gave her father forty-one.
To be more precise, that well-known bloody ditty should really read:
Lizzie Borden allegedly took an axe/ And allegedly gave her mother forty whacks/ And when she committed that dastardly crime/ She allegedly gave her father forty-one.
The latter, of course, suffers from awful metrics as well as a lack of rhyme but the point is that young Liz was never convicted of that double murder, a matricide and a patricide.
An equally-metrically-flawed, semi-rhymed bloody ditty about Amanda Knox might read:
Foxy Knoxy took a knife/ To end a bud’s too young life/ And when she was caught/ She was given life.
Without pleading her total innocence and without trying to make light of the brutal death of 21 year old British exchange student, Meredith Kercher at the hands of Amanda Knox and others, Knox’s conviction last Friday was a clear travesty of justice.
Since I don’t know Amanda, I won’t vouch for her innocence in this awful crime but, based on some limited research into her trial, it’s as evident as that cold sore on her lip seen in many older court photos, Ms. Knox was shafted in Perugia, and that’s not a reference to any actions by her former boyfriend, Raffaeli Sollecito.
Whether due to a known corrupt prosecuter, to a jury that convicted her even before the trial began, to misleading and tainted evidence, or simply due to that Italian jury’s conviction that wiseass Americans should get their comeuppance for being spoiled, little brats who use little, innocent Italian towns as venues for “Girls Gone Wild” episodes, Amanda got a raw deal:
Knox was sentenced to 26 years . . .
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Homophobia Update: A Review of "Falsettos"
Homophobia Update: A Review of “Falsettos”
One of two stories featured in “Homophobia,”, dealt with a play, “Falsettos,” currently in production at Massachusetts’ Concord-Carlisle Regional High School.
I’m afraid I gave it too short a shrift in that article since “Falsettos” is being “acclaimed,” a popular word in the gay community, as the greatest thing to be staged in the annals of education since Kevin Jennings was installed as Obama’s “Safe [Gay] Schools Czar.”
The plaudits were compliments of the Boston Globe.
The Globe also cited which headlined “Concord-Carlisle High School presenting depraved homosexual musical’’ in its newsletter:
It was interesting and apropos that a sophomore girl was picked to portray a boy in this GLBTQ farce after “a small number of boys withdrew their interest after the first round of auditions,” according to the Globe.
One has to wonder how small or large that number was and why they withdrew.
Was it because Ms. Hannah Kilcoyne was a better actresss, because her mom had dumped her dad for a lesbian lover, or because no boys were naive enough to audition for the part?
Directed by homosexual activist/math teacher, good Jennings’ buddy, Peter Atlas, ”Falsettos” isn’t the first Bay Gay State high school play to draw attention from concerned, normal people.
In 2007, “Acton-Boxborough Regional High School staged ‘The Laramie Project,’ an acclaimed drama documenting the aftermath of the murder of a gay college student in Laramie, Wyo.”
Who acclaimed that play which was adapted into a dud 2002 movie of the same title is unspecified. The subject was the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepherd near Laramie.
Shepherd, a homosexual, was viciously murdered by two drunken reprobates and became the poster boy for gay hate crime legislation even though the facts in the case are very disputable:
Nevertheless, Acton-Boxborough drama teacher, Linda Potter, for some reason presented the play in a public high school as a factual drama and was appreciative of all the negative attention it drew because, “All they did was bring us more attention and a larger audience.’’
It seems the bottom line for homosexual activists is attention, better to attract gays to high school auditoria and better to suck in gullible kids who have been taught diversity of all kinds is the be-all-and-end-all of their education.
As with sport teams, theatrical productions . . .
(Read the rest at
One of two stories featured in “Homophobia,”, dealt with a play, “Falsettos,” currently in production at Massachusetts’ Concord-Carlisle Regional High School.
I’m afraid I gave it too short a shrift in that article since “Falsettos” is being “acclaimed,” a popular word in the gay community, as the greatest thing to be staged in the annals of education since Kevin Jennings was installed as Obama’s “Safe [Gay] Schools Czar.”
The plaudits were compliments of the Boston Globe.
The Globe also cited which headlined “Concord-Carlisle High School presenting depraved homosexual musical’’ in its newsletter:
It was interesting and apropos that a sophomore girl was picked to portray a boy in this GLBTQ farce after “a small number of boys withdrew their interest after the first round of auditions,” according to the Globe.
One has to wonder how small or large that number was and why they withdrew.
Was it because Ms. Hannah Kilcoyne was a better actresss, because her mom had dumped her dad for a lesbian lover, or because no boys were naive enough to audition for the part?
Directed by homosexual activist/math teacher, good Jennings’ buddy, Peter Atlas, ”Falsettos” isn’t the first Bay Gay State high school play to draw attention from concerned, normal people.
In 2007, “Acton-Boxborough Regional High School staged ‘The Laramie Project,’ an acclaimed drama documenting the aftermath of the murder of a gay college student in Laramie, Wyo.”
Who acclaimed that play which was adapted into a dud 2002 movie of the same title is unspecified. The subject was the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepherd near Laramie.
Shepherd, a homosexual, was viciously murdered by two drunken reprobates and became the poster boy for gay hate crime legislation even though the facts in the case are very disputable:
Nevertheless, Acton-Boxborough drama teacher, Linda Potter, for some reason presented the play in a public high school as a factual drama and was appreciative of all the negative attention it drew because, “All they did was bring us more attention and a larger audience.’’
It seems the bottom line for homosexual activists is attention, better to attract gays to high school auditoria and better to suck in gullible kids who have been taught diversity of all kinds is the be-all-and-end-all of their education.
As with sport teams, theatrical productions . . .
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Saturday, December 5, 2009
Whenever I post an article critical of the homosexual campaign to seduce America’s school children into the “gay lifestyle,” I’m always inundated with protests that I’m a paranoid homophobe who manufactures stories out of thin air just to cast a slur the LGBTQ community.
Well, I would if I could but no manufacturing is necessary.
In my humble opinion, that “Q” has recently been apended to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual movement’s acronym to denote “Questioning” to encompass normal kids confused by all the homosexual success lately in gaining acceptance in some quarters.
That success is amply illustrated by the following, both of which stories involve that alleged paranoid homophobia:
. California Junior High Presents Pro-Homosexual ”Workshop” to Kids: Assuming their parents were dolts unable to understand gay indoctrination, 8th grade future leaders children at Goleta Valley Junior High School in Santa Barbara were subjected to 3 forty-five minute indoctrinations orchestrated by a gay rights group.
Not that any suggestion was offered to parents as to what Principal Veronica Rogers and teacher Christine Shaw really planned.
Shaw described the innocuous event in an email: “Pumpkin Bowling at lunch. . . with a quest speaker from Just Communities, [the gay group] a local NPO (non-profit organization) centered on fostering diversity and tolerance. The speaker will be addressing issues that students here at GV face, and give them tools to handle these situations in positive ways:”
Not a word about homosexuality-indoctrination.
The workshop “included handouts defining homosexual terminology, including queer and transgender, and listed ‘heterosexism’ as ‘oppression that “pushes down” people who are LGBTQ . . . and “pushes up” people who are straight.”
Even the rhetoric is suggestive. . .
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Whenever I post an article critical of the homosexual campaign to seduce America’s school children into the “gay lifestyle,” I’m always inundated with protests that I’m a paranoid homophobe who manufactures stories out of thin air just to cast a slur the LGBTQ community.
Well, I would if I could but no manufacturing is necessary.
In my humble opinion, that “Q” has recently been apended to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual movement’s acronym to denote “Questioning” to encompass normal kids confused by all the homosexual success lately in gaining acceptance in some quarters.
That success is amply illustrated by the following, both of which stories involve that alleged paranoid homophobia:
. California Junior High Presents Pro-Homosexual ”Workshop” to Kids: Assuming their parents were dolts unable to understand gay indoctrination, 8th grade future leaders children at Goleta Valley Junior High School in Santa Barbara were subjected to 3 forty-five minute indoctrinations orchestrated by a gay rights group.
Not that any suggestion was offered to parents as to what Principal Veronica Rogers and teacher Christine Shaw really planned.
Shaw described the innocuous event in an email: “Pumpkin Bowling at lunch. . . with a quest speaker from Just Communities, [the gay group] a local NPO (non-profit organization) centered on fostering diversity and tolerance. The speaker will be addressing issues that students here at GV face, and give them tools to handle these situations in positive ways:”
Not a word about homosexuality-indoctrination.
The workshop “included handouts defining homosexual terminology, including queer and transgender, and listed ‘heterosexism’ as ‘oppression that “pushes down” people who are LGBTQ . . . and “pushes up” people who are straight.”
Even the rhetoric is suggestive. . .
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Climate/Climategate Updates Part Two
Climate/Climategate Updates Part Two
Despite all the damning revelations out of Britain’s East Anglia University, the belly of the global warming conspiracy, COP15, the United Nations’ international climate summit in Copenhagen, will go on as planned.
With President Obama, the twenty-first century’s answer to the indecisive Hamlet, tossing his hat into the climate cesspool, previously-dashed hopes for any successful agreements at COP15 have been resuscitated:
Glory be!
That means that the U.N. may yet seduce the United States into agreeing to devastating deals that will benefit the Third World and decimate American industry all because of the proven charade of global warming.
And now for some much needed levity in this miasma:
. Comedy Central’s Resident News Clown: For some inexplicable reason, Jon Stewart, nee’ Jon Leibowitz, is accepted by many as a news source when this clown’s news credibility is a few steps beneath that of George Stephanopoulis’.
Stewart recently performed some amazing mental gymnastics on “The Daily Show,” ridiculing the secretive, criminal actions of the warmist scientists at UEA then, without missing a step, he segued into ripping those who termed the mess that is Climategate.
As we all well know, Earth is inexorably becoming a cauldron.
See Stewart’s act here but especially note the comments on which carried the story.
The commenters show far more astuteness, erudition, and sheer common sense than Stewart and handily refute his futile efforts at resorting to a reductio ad absurdum attack on Climategate:
Head for them Thar San Fran Hills!: Austrian-born body-builder, actor of sorts, hubby of a Kennedy, governor of the former great State of Caleeforniah, Arnold Swartzernegger, must be watching too many cataclysm flicks.
He began . . .
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Despite all the damning revelations out of Britain’s East Anglia University, the belly of the global warming conspiracy, COP15, the United Nations’ international climate summit in Copenhagen, will go on as planned.
With President Obama, the twenty-first century’s answer to the indecisive Hamlet, tossing his hat into the climate cesspool, previously-dashed hopes for any successful agreements at COP15 have been resuscitated:
Glory be!
That means that the U.N. may yet seduce the United States into agreeing to devastating deals that will benefit the Third World and decimate American industry all because of the proven charade of global warming.
And now for some much needed levity in this miasma:
. Comedy Central’s Resident News Clown: For some inexplicable reason, Jon Stewart, nee’ Jon Leibowitz, is accepted by many as a news source when this clown’s news credibility is a few steps beneath that of George Stephanopoulis’.
Stewart recently performed some amazing mental gymnastics on “The Daily Show,” ridiculing the secretive, criminal actions of the warmist scientists at UEA then, without missing a step, he segued into ripping those who termed the mess that is Climategate.
As we all well know, Earth is inexorably becoming a cauldron.
See Stewart’s act here but especially note the comments on which carried the story.
The commenters show far more astuteness, erudition, and sheer common sense than Stewart and handily refute his futile efforts at resorting to a reductio ad absurdum attack on Climategate:
Head for them Thar San Fran Hills!: Austrian-born body-builder, actor of sorts, hubby of a Kennedy, governor of the former great State of Caleeforniah, Arnold Swartzernegger, must be watching too many cataclysm flicks.
He began . . .
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Climate/Climategate Updates Part One
. . . U.N. to Probe Climategate Leaks: The ever-watchful folk at the United Nations, the same folk who have perpetrated the whole fraud of anthropogenic global warming, have now decided to investigate the matter.
Said investigation will not focus on why the U.N. has for decades persisted in propagating the patent falsehood of evil mankind causing climate change with our greenhouse gas emissions.
Rather, the Chairman of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr. Rahendra Pachauri, reflecting some Brit diction, has declared, “We will certainly go into the whole lot and then we will take a position on it. We certainly don’t want to brush anything under the carpet.”
Why anyone would believe that Pachauri or his henchmen at the United Nations would even think of under-the-carpet brushing is mystifying.
After all, pinning climate change on the industrial world, principally on the United States, has only been a prime raison d’être for the U.N. in its quest to level the playing field and sharing the planet’s (America’s) wealth with the Third World. . .
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Said investigation will not focus on why the U.N. has for decades persisted in propagating the patent falsehood of evil mankind causing climate change with our greenhouse gas emissions.
Rather, the Chairman of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr. Rahendra Pachauri, reflecting some Brit diction, has declared, “We will certainly go into the whole lot and then we will take a position on it. We certainly don’t want to brush anything under the carpet.”
Why anyone would believe that Pachauri or his henchmen at the United Nations would even think of under-the-carpet brushing is mystifying.
After all, pinning climate change on the industrial world, principally on the United States, has only been a prime raison d’être for the U.N. in its quest to level the playing field and sharing the planet’s (America’s) wealth with the Third World. . .
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Thursday, December 3, 2009
A Christmas Miscellany
A Christmas Miscellany
There’s so much important news swirling about, it’s a challenge to try to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Obvious and irrelevant chaff is Chelsea’s engagement to the son of another criminal, the White House party crashers, John Gotti beating another rap, Tiger Woods and his various “transgressions,” and just about anything President Obama says.
However, there are significant things happening, even if they sometimes get lost in the news shuffle, and some relate to the Christmas season that is upon us:
. The Chrismas Comeback: After too many years of listening to the humbuggers’ relentless campaign to ban Christmas in favor of the generic Holidays, at least some retailers have gotten the message that, “Yes, Virginia, this IS a Christian country,” despite Barack Hussein’s protestations to the contrary.
Since before its inception, this Christian country has celebrated Christmas, not the winter solstice and, thanks to the silent majority finally rising up and advising Christmas pofiteers of that fact, Wal-mart, K-mart and Sears, among others have wakened up to smell the holly.
J. Crew Outfitters, Albertsons, American Girl, . . .
(Read the rest at
There’s so much important news swirling about, it’s a challenge to try to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Obvious and irrelevant chaff is Chelsea’s engagement to the son of another criminal, the White House party crashers, John Gotti beating another rap, Tiger Woods and his various “transgressions,” and just about anything President Obama says.
However, there are significant things happening, even if they sometimes get lost in the news shuffle, and some relate to the Christmas season that is upon us:
. The Chrismas Comeback: After too many years of listening to the humbuggers’ relentless campaign to ban Christmas in favor of the generic Holidays, at least some retailers have gotten the message that, “Yes, Virginia, this IS a Christian country,” despite Barack Hussein’s protestations to the contrary.
Since before its inception, this Christian country has celebrated Christmas, not the winter solstice and, thanks to the silent majority finally rising up and advising Christmas pofiteers of that fact, Wal-mart, K-mart and Sears, among others have wakened up to smell the holly.
J. Crew Outfitters, Albertsons, American Girl, . . .
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Another Sexting Suicide
Another Sexting Suicide
Nothing can compare with the excruciating physical pain and crushing emotional trauma of a parent losing a child. Worse is the needless and senseless loss of a young child to suicide.
Thirteen year old Hope Witsell of Sundance, Florida was just a normal kid at Beth Shields Middle School, normal by today’s standards for a girl just emerging from tweenie status into the burgeoning maturity of full-fledged teenage life.
Hope almost literally had her entire life ahead of her until she made a grave mistake not atypical in twentyfirst century American culture. She paid dearly for that error in judgement by hanging herself in her bedroom with one end of a pink scarf tied to her bed and the other to her neck.
It’s nearly impossible for any male, and moreso for an elder male, to understand the processes that take place in the female mind, and moreso in the inner workings of a young, female teenager.
I’ve dealt with two of those minds but that was in a previous generation when, as bad as it was in the sense of child raising and venomous threats and influences, in retrospect they now seem like halcyon days filled with all sweetness and light as contrasted with the dark temptations and influences of today.
Young girls have always been noted for their silly crushes, their wild indiscretions, their squeals of delight at the appearance of a Sinatra, the Beatles, or a Justin Bieber.
Before I’m accused of sexism I will say that so too did normal boys’ hearts pump faster at a vision of Marilyn Monroe, Brigette Bardot, and today of Beyonce, Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus.
However, from the perspective of an admitted amateur shrink, I think it’s fairly obvious that most teenie girls are far more emotional and much more sensitive than boys in that age category.
Some are even irrationally “boy crazy.”
Such may have been the case with pretty, little Hope Witsell . . .
(Read the rest at
Nothing can compare with the excruciating physical pain and crushing emotional trauma of a parent losing a child. Worse is the needless and senseless loss of a young child to suicide.
Thirteen year old Hope Witsell of Sundance, Florida was just a normal kid at Beth Shields Middle School, normal by today’s standards for a girl just emerging from tweenie status into the burgeoning maturity of full-fledged teenage life.
Hope almost literally had her entire life ahead of her until she made a grave mistake not atypical in twentyfirst century American culture. She paid dearly for that error in judgement by hanging herself in her bedroom with one end of a pink scarf tied to her bed and the other to her neck.
It’s nearly impossible for any male, and moreso for an elder male, to understand the processes that take place in the female mind, and moreso in the inner workings of a young, female teenager.
I’ve dealt with two of those minds but that was in a previous generation when, as bad as it was in the sense of child raising and venomous threats and influences, in retrospect they now seem like halcyon days filled with all sweetness and light as contrasted with the dark temptations and influences of today.
Young girls have always been noted for their silly crushes, their wild indiscretions, their squeals of delight at the appearance of a Sinatra, the Beatles, or a Justin Bieber.
Before I’m accused of sexism I will say that so too did normal boys’ hearts pump faster at a vision of Marilyn Monroe, Brigette Bardot, and today of Beyonce, Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus.
However, from the perspective of an admitted amateur shrink, I think it’s fairly obvious that most teenie girls are far more emotional and much more sensitive than boys in that age category.
Some are even irrationally “boy crazy.”
Such may have been the case with pretty, little Hope Witsell . . .
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Clarifications: Obamacare, ACORN, Adam Lambert
When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. That’s why they put erasers at one end of pencils and why newspapers feature “corrections,” admissions that they screwed up somehow.
I’m man enough to fess up to having made a few errors in the thousand or so posts on this blog and I hereby seek to rectify them, cast myself on the mercy of the reader, and beg forgiveness.
Mea maxima culpa for these gross inaccuracies on Obamacare, ACORN, and Adam Lambert:
. Obamacare: I had more than intimated in any number of articles that Obamacare would lead to rationing of health care, abuses of power, and even something akin to what Sarah Palin dubbed “Death Panels.”
Well, I was wrong and I admit it.
Foolishly, I had assumed that when Obamacare was fully implemented, (which implementation wouldn’t happen until after the 2012 election), Americans would be denied health care if D.C. bureaucrats deemed their treatment unnecessary or if they were just too damned old or sick to waste precious resources on.
I was wrong.
I wasn’t wrong in that future Obamacare assessment since the future is yet to be. I was wrong in not anticipating that America’s medical Mengeles would jump the gun and begin health rationing, power abusing, and death panelling even before Obamacare was visited upon us like the Black Plague.
As Obamacare warm ups in the wings, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has re-evaluated the recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force on annual breast cancer screenings via mammograms and vaginal cancer detection via pap smears.
That task force is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HHS.
The HHS guidelines said not to even bother with self-exams, that mammograms could wait until women are aged 50 and pap smears every two years instead of annually will be just fine and dandy. Women over 65 can skip the smears entirely in most cases:
In the event women are already dead from breast or cervical cancer, those guidelines would be moot and our pre-Obamacare health system will have shown it’s very adept at rationing and saving tons of money.
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pooh-poohed the new recommendations of her own agency after it looked as if concerned women nationwide would march on Washington and string her up.
Don’t you worry your pretty, little heads about any of the above, ladies, Sebelius said in effect, and just disregard anything you’ve heard. Disregard, that is, until Obamacare mandates all those guidelines.
Another brilliant medical grinch has decreed that 74 year old George Anter, Korean vet, heart-transplant recipient, victim and survivor of various cancer attacks, is just too old and sick to receive a scarce H1N1 vaccination:
Why waste the precious vaccine on a sick elder? Just let him kick the ol’ bucket and delete his useless carbon footprint on the planet. He won’t know the difference between being dead or alive anyway.
. ACORN: Another instance in which I was in grievous error was thinking that ACORN, our president’s virtual arm into the bowels of poor, mostly black, disenfranchised communities, would be cast out into the wilderness after revelations that it endorsed prostitution and was engaged in multiple criminal enterprises.
I was wrong again. . . .
(Read the rest at
When you’re wrong, you’re wrong. That’s why they put erasers at one end of pencils and why newspapers feature “corrections,” admissions that they screwed up somehow.
I’m man enough to fess up to having made a few errors in the thousand or so posts on this blog and I hereby seek to rectify them, cast myself on the mercy of the reader, and beg forgiveness.
Mea maxima culpa for these gross inaccuracies on Obamacare, ACORN, and Adam Lambert:
. Obamacare: I had more than intimated in any number of articles that Obamacare would lead to rationing of health care, abuses of power, and even something akin to what Sarah Palin dubbed “Death Panels.”
Well, I was wrong and I admit it.
Foolishly, I had assumed that when Obamacare was fully implemented, (which implementation wouldn’t happen until after the 2012 election), Americans would be denied health care if D.C. bureaucrats deemed their treatment unnecessary or if they were just too damned old or sick to waste precious resources on.
I was wrong.
I wasn’t wrong in that future Obamacare assessment since the future is yet to be. I was wrong in not anticipating that America’s medical Mengeles would jump the gun and begin health rationing, power abusing, and death panelling even before Obamacare was visited upon us like the Black Plague.
As Obamacare warm ups in the wings, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has re-evaluated the recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force on annual breast cancer screenings via mammograms and vaginal cancer detection via pap smears.
That task force is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HHS.
The HHS guidelines said not to even bother with self-exams, that mammograms could wait until women are aged 50 and pap smears every two years instead of annually will be just fine and dandy. Women over 65 can skip the smears entirely in most cases:
In the event women are already dead from breast or cervical cancer, those guidelines would be moot and our pre-Obamacare health system will have shown it’s very adept at rationing and saving tons of money.
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pooh-poohed the new recommendations of her own agency after it looked as if concerned women nationwide would march on Washington and string her up.
Don’t you worry your pretty, little heads about any of the above, ladies, Sebelius said in effect, and just disregard anything you’ve heard. Disregard, that is, until Obamacare mandates all those guidelines.
Another brilliant medical grinch has decreed that 74 year old George Anter, Korean vet, heart-transplant recipient, victim and survivor of various cancer attacks, is just too old and sick to receive a scarce H1N1 vaccination:
Why waste the precious vaccine on a sick elder? Just let him kick the ol’ bucket and delete his useless carbon footprint on the planet. He won’t know the difference between being dead or alive anyway.
. ACORN: Another instance in which I was in grievous error was thinking that ACORN, our president’s virtual arm into the bowels of poor, mostly black, disenfranchised communities, would be cast out into the wilderness after revelations that it endorsed prostitution and was engaged in multiple criminal enterprises.
I was wrong again. . . .
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Climategate, Part Two
Climategate, Part Two
“You gonna believe Obama or you just wanna believe yer lyin’ eyes, yer dumb brains an’ all that phony evidence out there? We sez it’s so, so it’s so, dammit. Case closed!
Using more diplomatic rhetoric and somewhat better English, thus spaketh chief White House flack-hack Robert Gibbs in response to queries concerning the furor over Climategate.
And, furthermore, he asserted covolutedly, “climate change is happening. I don’t think that’s anything that is, quite frankly, among most people, in dispute anymore:”
Mr. Gibbs, sorry to burst your bubble but your office and the presidency don’t confer upon you or Barack Obama the gift of infallibility or wisdom: The global warming game is up. The deceivers lost, truth won.
The long-running Climategate fiasco, the revelation that much of the scientific community has been distorting, exaggerating, out and out lying, and covering up the facts about climate change for their own vain and venal purposes, is over.
(See “Climategate Part One,”
Look, the warmists had their day, celebs, politicians and money grubbers like Al Gore milked it for all it was worth, pseudo-scientists and academics amassed their grants, and the dark, guiding force behind it all–the United Nations–managed to terrify the planet. . .
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“You gonna believe Obama or you just wanna believe yer lyin’ eyes, yer dumb brains an’ all that phony evidence out there? We sez it’s so, so it’s so, dammit. Case closed!
Using more diplomatic rhetoric and somewhat better English, thus spaketh chief White House flack-hack Robert Gibbs in response to queries concerning the furor over Climategate.
And, furthermore, he asserted covolutedly, “climate change is happening. I don’t think that’s anything that is, quite frankly, among most people, in dispute anymore:”
Mr. Gibbs, sorry to burst your bubble but your office and the presidency don’t confer upon you or Barack Obama the gift of infallibility or wisdom: The global warming game is up. The deceivers lost, truth won.
The long-running Climategate fiasco, the revelation that much of the scientific community has been distorting, exaggerating, out and out lying, and covering up the facts about climate change for their own vain and venal purposes, is over.
(See “Climategate Part One,”
Look, the warmists had their day, celebs, politicians and money grubbers like Al Gore milked it for all it was worth, pseudo-scientists and academics amassed their grants, and the dark, guiding force behind it all–the United Nations–managed to terrify the planet. . .
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Climategate Part One
Climategate, Part One
In normal times, i.e., pre-politically correct, pre-Obama times, the slowly evolving truth about global warming/cooling/climate change would be blockbuster news and the whole sleazy story would already be in development as a movie.
Granted, Oliver Stone wouldn’t be falling all over himself trying to get the tale of Climategate onto the silver screen and into a theater near you but more reputable writers, directors, and producers–whoever they are–would just love to film an expose’ of the global warming charade to acquaint the American people with the fact they have been had for decades.
That wishful-thinking scenario of reputable Hollywoodians exposing the truth about the baloney-science climate farce is as probable as Adam Lambert going hetero or Patrick Kennedy going Catholic.
Regardless of Hollywood and related charlatans, thanks to computer hackers, the truth is finally slithering out about climate change and, God willing, Americans may soon be free of the meticulously-designed guilt for our reprehensible and willful destruction of Planet Earth.
If and when that happens, we hapless human Americans may finally rest easy content in the knowledge that we didn’t cause it and whether it even exists outside the venal minds of greedy publicity hounds in academia and self-serving politicos is very suspect.
The MSM, not unexpectedly, has chosen to either downplay or totally ignore the story out of Britain that has been tagged “Climategate” thereby linking it with the Nixonian political scandal of Watergate.
Such linkage does a disservice to the scope of this scandal which far surpasses in gravity Watergate and even surpasses the papal rebuke of Nicolaus Copernicus and his cockamamie cosmological theory of a heliocentric universe.
In the sixteenth century, only maniacs believed the Earth was not the center of the universe. In the twenty first century, only muckraking, semi-retarded conservatives rejected anthropomorphic/anthropogenic climate change.
Those sixteenth century maniacs were proven less maniacal than seers. The twenty first century idiots are now in the slow progress of being proven prophets.
Thank you very much! . . .
(Read the rest at
In normal times, i.e., pre-politically correct, pre-Obama times, the slowly evolving truth about global warming/cooling/climate change would be blockbuster news and the whole sleazy story would already be in development as a movie.
Granted, Oliver Stone wouldn’t be falling all over himself trying to get the tale of Climategate onto the silver screen and into a theater near you but more reputable writers, directors, and producers–whoever they are–would just love to film an expose’ of the global warming charade to acquaint the American people with the fact they have been had for decades.
That wishful-thinking scenario of reputable Hollywoodians exposing the truth about the baloney-science climate farce is as probable as Adam Lambert going hetero or Patrick Kennedy going Catholic.
Regardless of Hollywood and related charlatans, thanks to computer hackers, the truth is finally slithering out about climate change and, God willing, Americans may soon be free of the meticulously-designed guilt for our reprehensible and willful destruction of Planet Earth.
If and when that happens, we hapless human Americans may finally rest easy content in the knowledge that we didn’t cause it and whether it even exists outside the venal minds of greedy publicity hounds in academia and self-serving politicos is very suspect.
The MSM, not unexpectedly, has chosen to either downplay or totally ignore the story out of Britain that has been tagged “Climategate” thereby linking it with the Nixonian political scandal of Watergate.
Such linkage does a disservice to the scope of this scandal which far surpasses in gravity Watergate and even surpasses the papal rebuke of Nicolaus Copernicus and his cockamamie cosmological theory of a heliocentric universe.
In the sixteenth century, only maniacs believed the Earth was not the center of the universe. In the twenty first century, only muckraking, semi-retarded conservatives rejected anthropomorphic/anthropogenic climate change.
Those sixteenth century maniacs were proven less maniacal than seers. The twenty first century idiots are now in the slow progress of being proven prophets.
Thank you very much! . . .
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