Friday, December 18, 2009

Crocks: Obama, Schumer, Gore

Crocks: Obama, Schumer, Gore

The crockiest stories on the wire lately involve our crisis-crazed president, New York’s rude Senator Chuckie Schumer, and former VP/current climate hack, Al Gore.

Critical Barry: Barack Obama recently graded his first year in office with a B+, a generous grade indeed considering he has accomplished virtually nothing over the course of that year, except in the eyes of the politically-motivated Nobel Peace Prize Committee.

Now, with both his chief international and domestic initiatives on the verge of tanking, the man is getting desparate.

As the president takes flight to visit the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the talks are in a state of chaos,, with Copenhagen engulfed in the Climategate Affair, in a blizzard during global warming, and with police battling Communist agitators.

Obama’s planned “signature” accomplishment, Obamacare, is in Senate Limbo and Majority Leader Reid is expecting his lackeys to vote on a “reckless . . . irresponsible” 2,074 page bill they haven’t even seen:

Obama has apparently written off climate change agreement and stoked up his famed Crisis Machine to push through health care reform.

The president seems to have a special affinity for crises. Hence we had the bank crisis, the auto crisis, the economic crisis, the climate crisis and, of course, the ongoing health crisis.

Obama’s cure for the health crisis has now become the be-all-and-end-all for the United States of America, without which the nation will go belly up.

With a straight face, ”President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government ‘will go bankrupt.’ ”

No mention was made of plagues of locusts and pestilence and no explanation was offered as to how failure to pass a $2.5 trillion measure will bankrupt us but passing it will make us solvent.

Go figure.

Mind you, that passage, which absolutely must be rushed through before Christmas, is totally unrelated to the fact Congresspeople would once again have to suffer the slings and arrows of outraged constituents over the Christmas break and maybe return without the same resolve to do the president’s bidding.

It’s also totally unrelated to Obama’s crying need to have something, anything, to show for 2009 when he delivers the 2010 State of the Union Address in January or else see 2009 cast upon the dungheap of abyssmal failure.

Chuckie’s Revenge: No stranger to crocks, New York’s senior United States Senator Charles Ellis “Chuckie” Schumer, Prince of Pork, Defender of Bill Clinton and Women, Supporter of Same Sex Marriage, Anti-bank Regulator, and Precipitator of the IndyMac Bank Debacle, also has a nasty mouth.

We have all said things and used cuss words we regret but most politicians have more class–or should have more class–than to publically revile a woman with the B-word, that word rhyming with itch.

Chuckie, however, . . .

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