Friday, May 27, 2011

Barney and His Friends

Barney and His Friends

Barney has lots of friends. No, not the purple, cartoon Barney but the ethically-challenged, cartoonish Barney, as in Frank. The inimitable Michelle Malkin calls them “Barney Frank’s Friends with Benefits” and they sure do benefit from their, umm, relationship with the homosexual congressman from Massachusetts’ 4th cd.

Rep. Frank adds a whole new dimension to the term “teflon man.” He seems to get away with more things–ethical, moral, and borderline criminal things–than any individual in Washington principally because he is homosexual and his peers dare not touch him, literally or figuratively speaking. Representing a district which includes uber-liberal bastions, the University of Dartmouth and Hillary Clinton’s alma mater, Wellesley College, doesn’t hurt, either; they consistently and blindly send him back to Congress whatever he does, or doesn’t do.

The most powerful homosexual in D.C., thanks to the House seniority system and to his position as former Chairman and now ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, another of Frank’s machinations has come home to roost. I would say it bit him on the arse but that image could unduly arouse Barney.

Even the Boston Herald took a potshot at Barney in its story headlined, “Barney Frank Knocked on His Fannie,” which details the latest scandal to hit the newswires, Barney’s greasing the skids into a lucrative job for his long-time “companion,” (gay lover), Herb Moses, back in 1991.

The unabashed and proud Barney, who is rarely abashed or humble under any circumstances, . . .

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