Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Elder Laments the Sad State of Modern Women

An Elder Laments the Sad State of Modern Women

Ok, ok, let’s dispense with it from the get-go. I’m a (relatively) old dude, father of three and grandfather of four, so far.

It’s demonstrably true that as we age–I prefer to call it mature–we seasoned citizens tend to get “set in our ways,” to forget the indiscretions of our own “yout,” as Cousin Vinny put it, and to look askance–does anyone still say, “askance?”–at modernity and its sociological expressions and implications.

It’s also true that comparable askance looks and judgments date back to the ancient Romans and Greeks, and probably before, when an aging Kallistos might have become frustrated with a young Rhode’s newfangled ideas and a furious Granddad Gnaeus may have thrown a Roman version of a chamber pot at a recalcitrant Hilarius for failing, once again, to take out the trash.

All that said, what in the name of Zeus and Jupiter is going on with modern girls and women?

As sexist as it may sound, boys and young men have been randy and rambunctious and otherwise wild and nutty for as long as there have been boys and young men. However, it’s a very recent phenomenon that the former fair sex has matched–and surpassed–them in randiness and in their other negative attributes.

Let’s admit, too, that many elders wish they had been born 40 years later so they could have joined in and, shall we say, cashed in on the new freedoms, to use a euphemism, being enjoyed by the contemporary female, and male, sets. Nevertheless, those freedoms must indeed be scary to most parents today.

We read about it virtually every day, girls high school age and even younger, through their college years and beyond, live lives that in times past were more characteristic of hookers and misbegotten “loose women,” another euphemism for, well, girls acting more like boys than girls.

In college, many girls accept and seem content with being the objects of male derision after casual, indiscriminate “hook-ups” often with “friends with benefits” and having to walk the slut/tart walks on their next- morning return to their college dorms.

With their handy-dandy birth control pills, supplemented by partners who promise to wear condoms, they feel immune to pregnancies and stds, which makes remarkable the incidence of abortions they undergo and their runs to college infirmaries and pharmacies for cures.

What the hell is wrong with these girls? . . .

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