Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bearding the Lion

Bearding the Lion

“Bearding the Lion” or “Bearding the lion in his own den” has nothing to do with either beards or lions and even less to do with affixing hairy appendages to beasts of the jungle. Rather, the term is an idiomatic, metaphorical expression referring to directly confronting powerful and/or dangerous rivals on their own turf, which is precisely what a new political blog does, in spades.

Lion Group Strategies describes its function in today’s political world: “Lion Group leadership has been involved with communications, messaging and strategy in political and corporate campaigns for years. We work with pollsters, bloggers, media specialists, and others to develop a coordinated, coherent communications strategy. LGS’s approach is unique and cost-effective . . .
(Find out more regarding Bearding the Lion at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4488)

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