Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Day and the Communist SEIU

May Day and the Communist SEIU

May Day, the first day of the merry month of May, was once best known as the day of spring festivals, but that was in long ago and far away places. It is also the day which Catholics devote to the Blessed Virgin and offer prayerful festivities in her honor.

Last century, May Day became synonymous with a celebration of communists, anarchists, and socialists orchestrated by the U.S.S.R. to give their worker-drones a rare day off and the illusion that they mattered. Attended by massive parades in which the Soviets exhibited the weaponry with which it swore to bury the United States and the West, May Day is still associated with communists who today swear to subvert, corrupt, and destroy the U.S. and Western democracies as they now exist.

Most American organizations eschew the communist label because of the unsavory history of that group although many organizations profess the same subversive beliefs as communists and employ similar tactics and strategies to collectivize America and undermine our institutions.

Communism in the United States isn’t dead. It has simply retreated into the closet.

With 1.8 million members, the powerful Service Employees International Union, the SEIU, is one of the fastest-growing unions in America although it hasn’t yet flown the communist banner but it doesn’t have to.

Established in 1921 as the BSEIU and representing those employed in health care, (hospital and nursing home workers), public service employees, (local and state government employees), and property service workers, (janitors and security officers), the SEIU has become a formidable force on the American labor–and political– scenes.

An early and committed supporter of the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, the SEIU exercised its political power during that campaign mainly through thuggery and intimidation. Following those strong arm successes, the union repeated the tactics at town hall meetings in 2009 for which numerous SEIU enforcers were arrested. Michelle Malkin has aptly described its shock troop tactics as “the persuasion of power.”

It’s a persuasion and influence they achieve not only by raw violence but by the happenstance that SEIU members calibrate and maintain voting machines in various localities.

The union was richly rewarded for its unstinting support and “persuasion” by being granted virtually unlimited access to the White House in the person of its former president, Andy Stern. Precisely what Stern discussed with Obama and Obamian functionaries and lackeys has not been disclosed. Based on the SEIU and Obama’s history, none of it could have been good for the country.

However, back to May Day . . .
(Read more and see dozens of photos taken at the SEIU May Day rally at

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