Sunday, May 22, 2011

When Is a Violent, Sexual Assault not a Violent, Sexual Assault?

When Is a Violent, Sexual Assault not a Violent, Sexual Assault?

When is a violent, sexual assault not a violent, sexual assault? Why, when the assault is committed by a protected species, of course!

The powerful LGBT Lobby, which stands for the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and which sometimes throws in a “Q” in its designated acronym for “Queer” and “Questioning” to encompass as many people, especially sexually confused young people as possible, agitated for and received legally protected status.

That protection is afforded the LGBT(Q)’s in the nation according to federal law which also incorporates blacks, hermaphrodites, Mormons, Ugandans, anyone over 40, cross dressers, and veterans, a goodly chunk of Americans.

Related but different legislation in covered many, not all, of those groups under “hate crimes” which are defined ”as a violent act causing death or bodily injury because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability of the victim.”

Little agitation for the law, seconded by the United Nations, came from religious or nationality groups or the disabled who were thrown into that thought crime mix to make the legislation more palatable and seem as if it weren’t catering to the LGBT(Q) set, which it was.

Noteworthy in what is called the Matthew Shepard Act is the provision that enables federal authorities to intervene in alleged hate crimes that local enforcement authorities choose not to pursue and mandates FBI involvement in statistically tracking alleged gender and gender identity (B and T) crimes.

All of that brings us to a school bus in Kellogg, Idaho, a 17 year old high school softball player, and three teammates who may or may not have had gender identity issues but who clearly engaged in, if not a hate crime under current definitions, a sex crime and possibly a reverse lesbian sex crime committed out of anything but love . . .

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