Wednesday, May 4, 2011

President Dances the Hesitation Waltz

President Dances the Hesitation Waltz

As more and more details are revealed, clarified, and denied concerning the Navy SEALs’ take-down of Osama bin Laden, it’s becoming vividly clear that America’s Commander-in-Chief is not all he pretends to be and nowhere near all he thinks he is. Obama’s refusal today to release any pictures or videos of the operation only serves to underscore this president’s ambivalence and indecisiveness.

His Sunday night announcement that agents of America’s Special Ops had finally located and killed OBL provided carefully-scripted appearances that President Barack Hussein Obama was the man in charge from the bloody start to the watery finish. Despite his self-congratulatory words and his repetitive usage of the pronoun “I,” it turns out that not only did Obama not make the call to assault bin Laden’s Abbotabad compound but in fact he was overruled, in effect a figurehead.

As usual with this president, things are not always what they appear to be or how he wants us to believe they are, not even close.

The sensitive mission was a go until Obama decided to go to bed rather than make the final call. As Britain’s Daily Mail, which is not a member of Obama’s state-controlled media, reports, ”The president stunned officials when he told a national security meeting that he wanted more time to think–and disappeared out of the room.” The Mail cites the New York Times in adding that Obama said, “I’m not going to tell you what my decision is now–I’m going to go back and think about it some more. I’m going to make a decision soon:”

In other words, Scarlet O’Hara Obama hadn’t the slightest notion . . .

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