Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lady Michelle Obama Uplifts Black Souls and Aspirations

Lady Michelle Obama Uplifts Black Souls and Aspirations

The company we keep and the company which keeps us tend to define the kept. That point of popular wisdom may not always be true in real life but in political lives it is a constnt and invariably as valid as political treachery.

As they should, most political wives studiously maintain a low profile. Usually.

First ladies, especially, tend to busy themselves with innocuous causes and projects ranging from Jackie Kennedy’s White House beautification after the dowdy Mamie Eisenhower ruled that roost to former librarian Laura Bush’s campaign for education and literacy to Michelle Obama’s quest to eradicate fat kids from the American landscape.

Michelle, however, despite her childhood obesity fixation and her White House vegetable garden. planned, no doubt, to inspire America’s youth to forego Clintonian Big Macs and to discover the joy of veggies, is a FLOTUS literally and figuratively of a whole different color.

No stranger to controversy before and during her White House tenure, the president’s bride continues to outdo herself. From her “racially-conscious” Princeton undergrad thesis to her stated lack of national pride before Barack ascended to the presidency to her extravagant vacations on the taxpayer dime and borderline bizarre tastes in first lady garb during her personal reign, Mrs. Obama has been a real trip.

Any more than Barack’s gaffes. inanities, and “misquotes” get much MSM play, few of Michelle’s questionably-proper activities and statements get much attention from her husband’s mainstream media, which doesn’t mitigate Michelle’s improprieties any more than they do her husband’s. Both seem to abide by the conviction that they do and say what they do and say because they can.

For example, how many Americans have heard of Mrs. Obama’s electioneering outside a Chicago polling place in 2008? How many have read about such breaches of protocol as her touching Indonesian Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring last year, something which simply is not done with Indonesian men? President George W. Bush was ridiculed for winking at Queen Elizabeth II but Michelle Obama actually slapping a big hug on the Queen of England was attributed to her natural inclination of just being folksy.

Still, those are small potatoes in the greater scheme of political things . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4418)

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