Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Quiet Desperation of the MSM

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,” wrote Tennessee Williams, and well he should know. There’s a lot of desperation out there, both quiet and noisy, but all the sufferers aren’t men.

One very desperate group in America is the mainstream media, particularly the print media which is rapidly being supplanted by the Internet for people to get news, information, entertainment.

Thus we see the “old grey lady,” the New York Times, gradually, inexorably being reduced to an old grey bag lady as its readership declines by the day.

Pretty soon the only people reading it will be the Sulzbergers and their coterie of leftist sycophants.

Barring a federal bailout of the Times and other national lib media, which has been suggested and is not beyond possibility, that newspaper should be gone in a generation or less.

Its disappearance will be all very fitting and proper since it has long abused its position as the only non-taboid in New York City since the Herald Tribune bit the dust in 1967.

With a newspaper monopoly and in contradistinction to its motto, the Times has for years been printing all the news that fit its “progressive” philosophy rather than all the news that’s fit to print.

Another specially sweet instance of journalistic poetic justice is the plight of New York’s Newsday.

Long the only show in town . . .


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