Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Big Brother's Paranoia

Big Brother’s Paranoia

If the Obamians were trying to act as if they wanted to create a new Oceania, George Orwell’s Big Brother society, in America, they couldn’t do any better than they are now.

More and more, we’ve seen government sticking its obscene, uninvited nose into every area of our private and public lives, into corporate boardrooms, into every individual and business enterprise. That intrusion is not in the interests of providing assistance or some other boon but rather to manipulate, regulate, and dictate.

Do I sound paranoid? Maybe, but keep in mind that even paranoiacs have enemies and the primary enemy of every American citizen and corporation is our current overbearing, intimidating government.

Anyone who happens to be of a conservative frame of mind can multiply the governmental threat tenfold. One Obamabuddy is now on record as admitting that liberals in power are virtually duty bound to go after conservatives.

Cass Sunstein, Harvard professor, constitutional law scholar, czar of the administration’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and rumored future SCOTUS nominee, has ripped open the curtain to reveal what the Obamawizards have up their flowing sleeves. Like the Oz wizard, it’s a pack of lies and deceptions designed for mind control. . . .

(Read molre at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1447)

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