Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When "Kids" Rape

When “Kids” Rape

In the interests of what’s left of a woman’s dignity, news accounts of rape stories customarily omit the identity of the victim, which is altogether reasonable and proper. There’s no crying public need to reveal that information.

At the same time, those accounts also avoid identifying the alleged attacker, not because until he is tried and convicted the charge is still technically an allegation but because he is a minor. If it happens that he is at least 18, his name is publicized loudly and clearly in both print and broadcast media but different rules apply with minors.


Why is it that a 15, 16, or 17 year old accused assailant in such a crime is protected and coddled by the media while an 18 year old is not? Likewise, why is it that one piece of critical information about an accused assailant, his race, is usually omitted from news reports?

A Cincinnati, Ohio “woman, in her 60s, . . .

(Read the rest at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1423)

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