Sunday, January 10, 2010

Harry Reid and the Racist Democrat Party, Part I

Harry Reid and the Racist Democrat Party, Part I

“I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout birthin’ no baby, Miss Scarlet!”

That memorable line by Prissy, Butterfly McQueen, in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind never struck anyone as being racist, but that was over 70 years ago.

Today, in our far more enlightened age and thanks to ceaseless racial agitation, almost any slip of the lip can evoke charges of racism, charges that have a way of sticking to Republicans and are quickly shaken off by the historic party of racism, the teflon-coated Democrats.

Apparently, we’re not nearly as enlightened as we’d like to think. The more things change . . .

Without stressing ancient history back to Lincoln the Great Emancipator versus the slave-owning Democrats of the Confederate South or even back to FDR who never met a racist he didn’t like, in his Cabinet or on the Supreme Court, race in America today has become a defining feature of our lives and culture.

And that despite the high hopes of a “post-racial America” following the election of the first bi-racial president a year ago.

The Democrat Party has had a lock on the Black vote in this country since . . .


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