Friday, January 29, 2010

Thrashing About on the Left

Thrashing About on the Left

Take former Clinton Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich. As Henny Youngman used to add, Please!!

Reich, or Reisshhh as Rush Limbaugh calls him, is so consumed by vile, sick venom that he sees a Fox under every bed. Not a red fox or a Megan Fox or a Redd Fox but that most vicious of all foxes, the Fox News Channel.

Now, Mr. Reich is a brilliant man, or so we’re told. We’re also told Paul Krugman is a brilliant man, Barack Obama is a brilliant man, and Bill Clinton is a brilliant man. In fact, just about all liberals are brilliant men, even VP Joe Biden who manages to conceal his remarkable brilliance better than most.

Mr. Reich, writer, politician, academic, political commentator, and multi-degreed professor currently serving in the belly of the beast, UC Berkeley, suffers from the tunnel vision that afflicts most lefties, the tunnel vision that sees only the skewed liberal perspective, a redundancy.

With that life view, . . .


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