Sunday, January 24, 2010

Committing Political Harakiri

Committing Political Harakiri

Literally, hara-kiri or harakiri involves “ritual suicide by disembowelment” committed by samurai warriors for their shameful actions, so maybe desparate kamikazi attacks better describes some Republicans’ statements in the wake of Scott Brown’s laying waste to Martha Coakley last week in Massachusetts.

By any estimation, except White House flak Robert Gibbs’, Brown’s victory and accession to the Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy seat in the U.S. Senate marked a monumental step toward a resurgent Republican Party and signalled an unmistakeable sense that November 2010 and November 2012 could mean a major shakeup, a sea change, in both the national and local landscapes.

In a Sunday interview with Chris Wallace on that enemy cable news channel, Fox News, master spinmeister Gibbs cited a Washington Post poll which purportedly showed Coakley’s ignominious shellacking really represented an endorsement of President Obama and his policies.

I heard of a poll that proves pigs learning to dance the tarantella means they are honoring Fred Astaire’s memory.

Gibbs’ sideshow aside, some GOPers still fail to grasp the import of last Tuesday and, worse, fail to appreciate the negative effects of carping over issues that may be consequential but not consequential enough to undermine the opportunity Brown’s win brought to the Republican table.

In short, if any Republicans set up roadblocks that negatively affect the excellent GOP chances this coming election cycle and for the next presidential election, they should leave the party or, at the very least, keep their mouths shut.

Case in point are those pro-lifers who are making an issue of Senator Scott Brown’s record on the abortion issue. . . .


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