Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Wicked Weed of the West

The Wicked Weed of the West
It goes by many names–cannabis, weed, pot, joints, ganja, marijuana, maryjane. Those who regularly smoke it are called many things as well, including potheads, stoners, and pot freaks.

Call it what you will, it’s time as a legal high is fast approaching and in a growing number of areas it has already arrived in all its smoky glory. After all, since our president smoked it in his misguided youth, can it be all bad?

Technically not a narcotic since it’s not a synthetic opiate, pot is almost as addictive as heroin and its use among America’s young is as common as the weekend beer blast despite its current classification as an illicit substance.

The arguments against its use are almost as old as marijuana itself. In addition to its addictive qualities, it sucks dry ambition and motivation, it gives you the munchies, its effects on the human psyche are worse than booze, it’s a gateway drug to heroin, cocaine, etc. And, it’s illegal, sort of in some places.

No matter. Pot is gradually making its way toward social, and governmental, acceptability.

Once used for medicinal purposes–Queen Victoria is said . . .


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