Saturday, January 16, 2010

Barack Obama, Media Man

Barack Obama, Media Man

There’s something very wrong about political figures getting a free pass from the MSM or, worse, being idolized, lionized by an institution that historically, rightly, should be detached from politics and politicians so that it can accomplish its underlying raison d’être objectively.

We’re presently witnessing a journalistic sea change in which, instead of honest reporting on the political scene and on those who inhabit that scene, we’re seeing media fulfilling the role of lap dogs, snuggling up to Democrats in general and Barack Obama in particular in hopes of getting a gentle pat on the head and entry into the inner sanctums of their worlds.

In the past 18 months or so, Americans have witnessed a media phenomenon, a unique–and unfortunate–alteration in our media in which they have become virtual appendages of a political figure and a political party. In that process, the media have abnegated their informational responsibilities and disgraced their sacred duty toward our democratic republic.

Formerly reputable newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, magazines such as Newsweek, Time, and the US News and World Report, regularly bury and ignore news that would reflect unfavorably on the president, brazenly distort reports on his failures, and shamelessly exaggerate his abilities and accomplishments as if they were operating in the Pravda mode of the defunct U.S.S.R.

In pre-internet, pre-YouTube, pre-24/7/365 cable news coverage times, media were far better able to misrepresent and mis-report, . . .


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