Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year?

I think it’s all very fitting and proper that perfect strangers on the street, on the phone, or even in darkened alleyways wish us a “Happy New Year” and that we return the favor.

It’s just a common courtesy, a common expression of politeness much like the non-PC greeting of ”Merry Christmas” but devoid of all the needless rancor currently associated with mentioning the reason for the Christmas season.

However, what if the greetee of an unsolicited ”Happy New Year” salutation had just come off a miserable 2009 and is facing an even more miserable 2010?

What if the greetee anticipates being out of a job, his home being foreclosed or, far worse, grave personal or family ilnesses which threaten to make job and home worries pale by comparison?

Sticky wickets there but still not sufficient reasons to turn away what’s really an innocuous wish that you have a good year.

So, Happy New Year!

“At least, you have your health” is another comment that bugs some people–particularly relatively healthy, relative younguns when they’re encountering . . .


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