SB 1070: Arizona's Illegal Alien Law
With the continuing and worsening uproar over Arizona’s new immigration law, SB 1070, it might be worthwhile to actually read said law before demonstrating or rioting over it.
Aside from the incongruity of the spectacle of illegal aliens protesting against a public law not scheduled to go into effect for months, a look at the text of that statute might alleviate some of their overreactive concerns.
It’s a simple law, really, as far as laws go, and largely devoid of the legalistic jargon that often obfuscates what politicians write. The section titled, “Article 8. Enforcement of Immigration Laws.” and subtitled, “Cooperation and Assistance in Enforcement of Immigration Laws; Indemnification,” represents a straightforward piece of legislation: . . .
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Horses' Petuzzis Ride into Arizona
Horses' Petuzzis Ride into Arizona
“Three Border Patrol agents are assaulted on the average day at or near the U.S.A border. Someone is kidnapped every 35 hours in Phoenix, Ariz., often by agents of alien smuggling organizations. And one-in-five American teenagers last year used some type of illegal drug, many of which were imported across the unsecured U.S.-Mexico border:”
That excerpt of a CNS report based on DOJ figures doesn’t even mention the number of assaults and murders of both civilians and law enforcement officials, the high-speed chases of criminal suspects, the school over-crowding, the closed hospitals, the high costs across the board for Arizonans to be the unwilling hosts of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from Mexico.
Yet, Mexico treats undocumented visitors traversing its Third World environs en route to the USA as invaders and condemns Arizona’s new immigration law which is far more lenient than Mexico’s and simply codifies on a state level already existing and unenforced federal laws.
As expected, the Commander in Chief in Charge of Defending Illegality jumped into the Arizona controversy as did San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome who declared Arizona off limits as did the usual agitators such as Al Sharpton, all insisting that Arizona be blacklisted as a pariah state which should be shunned by all civilized peoples.
Perhaps the worst attack has . . .
“Three Border Patrol agents are assaulted on the average day at or near the U.S.A border. Someone is kidnapped every 35 hours in Phoenix, Ariz., often by agents of alien smuggling organizations. And one-in-five American teenagers last year used some type of illegal drug, many of which were imported across the unsecured U.S.-Mexico border:”
That excerpt of a CNS report based on DOJ figures doesn’t even mention the number of assaults and murders of both civilians and law enforcement officials, the high-speed chases of criminal suspects, the school over-crowding, the closed hospitals, the high costs across the board for Arizonans to be the unwilling hosts of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from Mexico.
Yet, Mexico treats undocumented visitors traversing its Third World environs en route to the USA as invaders and condemns Arizona’s new immigration law which is far more lenient than Mexico’s and simply codifies on a state level already existing and unenforced federal laws.
As expected, the Commander in Chief in Charge of Defending Illegality jumped into the Arizona controversy as did San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome who declared Arizona off limits as did the usual agitators such as Al Sharpton, all insisting that Arizona be blacklisted as a pariah state which should be shunned by all civilized peoples.
Perhaps the worst attack has . . .
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
MOre NHS Horror Stories
More NHS Horror Stories
With the dismal dawning of the Age of Obamacare, the multiple horrors of the UK’s version of health care presage what lies ahead in our medical and custodial lives.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service, the NHS, has been in place for some 62 years now; its birth and implementation were not merely coincidental with the decline of Great Britain as one of the world’s great powers.
It’s becoming tedious writing about the NHS and its regularly-occurring tales of malpractice and mispractice, long wait times for critical care, the monumental expense, its disorganization, etc.
However, with the narrow passage last month of Obama’s legacy bill and with the possibility of repealing that legacy after the November elections, it’s crucial to keep in mind the many flaws of socialized medicine.
I have already detailed in this space some of the numerous instances of misdiagnoses, incorrect and withheld medications, denials of treatment, mismanagement, staff shortages, staff disregard for patients, unsanitary conditions, and, worst of all, the NHS’s utter disregard for premature infants born even 3 days before the arbitrary 22 week cut-off point for any care.
Read more here, if you have the stomach for infanticide under nationalized health care, aka Obamacare in the States:
The latest NHS examples of what we can expect . . .
With the dismal dawning of the Age of Obamacare, the multiple horrors of the UK’s version of health care presage what lies ahead in our medical and custodial lives.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service, the NHS, has been in place for some 62 years now; its birth and implementation were not merely coincidental with the decline of Great Britain as one of the world’s great powers.
It’s becoming tedious writing about the NHS and its regularly-occurring tales of malpractice and mispractice, long wait times for critical care, the monumental expense, its disorganization, etc.
However, with the narrow passage last month of Obama’s legacy bill and with the possibility of repealing that legacy after the November elections, it’s crucial to keep in mind the many flaws of socialized medicine.
I have already detailed in this space some of the numerous instances of misdiagnoses, incorrect and withheld medications, denials of treatment, mismanagement, staff shortages, staff disregard for patients, unsanitary conditions, and, worst of all, the NHS’s utter disregard for premature infants born even 3 days before the arbitrary 22 week cut-off point for any care.
Read more here, if you have the stomach for infanticide under nationalized health care, aka Obamacare in the States:
The latest NHS examples of what we can expect . . .
No Surprises
No Surprises
Unsurprising News Tidbits:
. President Transparency Manipulates a Town Hall: Barack Obama is not one for public surprises. He was taken aback last week when a group of gay protestors repeatedly disrupted a speech with demands he push for repeal of the military’s DADT policy regarding gays. This week he reverted to form by stacking a town hall meeting with supporters in Iowa.
See the video here and note the enthusiastic guy behind Obama wearing a tee shirt emblazoned with the words, “Community Organizer:”
. An Obamacare Ooops: Recall all those promises that Obamacare would save money, wouldn’t force people out of their current insurance plans, wouldn’t adversely impact Medicaid, etc.? Now a report from HHS Chief Actuary Richard Foster reveals that was all a pack of lies. . .
Unsurprising News Tidbits:
. President Transparency Manipulates a Town Hall: Barack Obama is not one for public surprises. He was taken aback last week when a group of gay protestors repeatedly disrupted a speech with demands he push for repeal of the military’s DADT policy regarding gays. This week he reverted to form by stacking a town hall meeting with supporters in Iowa.
See the video here and note the enthusiastic guy behind Obama wearing a tee shirt emblazoned with the words, “Community Organizer:”
. An Obamacare Ooops: Recall all those promises that Obamacare would save money, wouldn’t force people out of their current insurance plans, wouldn’t adversely impact Medicaid, etc.? Now a report from HHS Chief Actuary Richard Foster reveals that was all a pack of lies. . .
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Double Standard in Action
The Double Standard in Action
My fellow Americans, we have a crucial election coming up in November, an election which can turn the tide against an administration which has turned its back on America. In order to win that election, we must unite. We must reconnect with all those people who deserted us in 2008 and those who were with us but in insufficient numbers and join together to defeat the party of Obama and all they stand for. We call upon every eligible and ineligible voter who is middle aged or older, who is white, not Latino, and who is male to support us this coming November to overcome the Democrats and take back our great republic from the forces of darkness.
Would the above be considered an outrageous appeal to racism, ageism, and sexism? It damned well would and should be but President Barack Obama gets a free pass when he says much the same thing and plays the race card. . .
My fellow Americans, we have a crucial election coming up in November, an election which can turn the tide against an administration which has turned its back on America. In order to win that election, we must unite. We must reconnect with all those people who deserted us in 2008 and those who were with us but in insufficient numbers and join together to defeat the party of Obama and all they stand for. We call upon every eligible and ineligible voter who is middle aged or older, who is white, not Latino, and who is male to support us this coming November to overcome the Democrats and take back our great republic from the forces of darkness.
Would the above be considered an outrageous appeal to racism, ageism, and sexism? It damned well would and should be but President Barack Obama gets a free pass when he says much the same thing and plays the race card. . .
Monday, April 26, 2010
Want to Live Longer? Move!
Want to Live Longer? Move!
There’s a killer on the loose, a killer responsible for some 20,000 deaths over thirty-five years, an uncontrollable, mindless, inhumane killer: Mother Nature.
Sure, there were worse killers during the period 1970-2004. According to a study on natural disasters, heart disease claimed 652,091 lives, cancer, 559,312, stroke (cerebrovascular diseases), 143,579, chronic lower respiratory diseases, 130,933, and accidents (unintentional injuries), 117,809.
That’s some toll and those are some pretty gory numbers but those merciless marauders are (somewhat) preventable and, when they strike, their victims are usually isolated and the damage they cause limited in scope. When Mom Nature really goes on a tear, the devastation is much more widespread and not confined to people.
We in the Northeast seem relatively safe, . . .
There’s a killer on the loose, a killer responsible for some 20,000 deaths over thirty-five years, an uncontrollable, mindless, inhumane killer: Mother Nature.
Sure, there were worse killers during the period 1970-2004. According to a study on natural disasters, heart disease claimed 652,091 lives, cancer, 559,312, stroke (cerebrovascular diseases), 143,579, chronic lower respiratory diseases, 130,933, and accidents (unintentional injuries), 117,809.
That’s some toll and those are some pretty gory numbers but those merciless marauders are (somewhat) preventable and, when they strike, their victims are usually isolated and the damage they cause limited in scope. When Mom Nature really goes on a tear, the devastation is much more widespread and not confined to people.
We in the Northeast seem relatively safe, . . .
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Blago and Spitzo, Part Two
Blago and Spitzo, Part Two
Whether Rod Blagojevich beats the multiple raps filed against him or not, (see “Blago and Spitzo, Part One,”, he will still go down as one of the most entertaining and even charismatic of disgraced politicians of the last fifty years.
Lies, subterfuges, hubris, obnoxiousness, illegalities, contemptuousness, and potty mouth aside, he’s still a likable fellow. On the other hand, his fellow disgraced Dem, former Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York, can also lay claim to most of those negatives–except maybe the potty mouth–without the somewhat redeeming trait of likability.
Charisma is another characteristic with which Spitzo has never had to contend; he compensated by being a lying, sneaky, hubristic, criminal, contemptuous bulldog.
As contrasted with Blago, Spitzo hailed from a wealthy background and all the best schools–Princeton, Harvard Law–and made his name by helping to bring down organized crime’s Gambino family before effectively buying the job as New York Attorney General with the help of a multi-million dollar “loan” from his tycoon father.
If his hubris, his sense of over-weening pride, . . .
Whether Rod Blagojevich beats the multiple raps filed against him or not, (see “Blago and Spitzo, Part One,”, he will still go down as one of the most entertaining and even charismatic of disgraced politicians of the last fifty years.
Lies, subterfuges, hubris, obnoxiousness, illegalities, contemptuousness, and potty mouth aside, he’s still a likable fellow. On the other hand, his fellow disgraced Dem, former Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York, can also lay claim to most of those negatives–except maybe the potty mouth–without the somewhat redeeming trait of likability.
Charisma is another characteristic with which Spitzo has never had to contend; he compensated by being a lying, sneaky, hubristic, criminal, contemptuous bulldog.
As contrasted with Blago, Spitzo hailed from a wealthy background and all the best schools–Princeton, Harvard Law–and made his name by helping to bring down organized crime’s Gambino family before effectively buying the job as New York Attorney General with the help of a multi-million dollar “loan” from his tycoon father.
If his hubris, his sense of over-weening pride, . . .
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The October/November Surprise Part Three
The October/November Surprise Part Three
Few presidents have found themselves in such a massive pickle barely fifteen months into their first terms as President Barack Hussein Obama.
Beset on all sides by Tea Partiers on the right and gays on the left, with more negative news dribbling out just today that surprise, surprise, Obamacare will cost more than health care did in the past, with smatterings of war protestors complaining that we’re still fighting in the Middle East, with Democrats in Congress bailing out, with a prime constituency, the Jewish vote, increasingly discontent over U.S.-Israeli relations, the president should be stressed over the November elections and his own fading hopes for a second term.
Yet, he shows no signs of worry or concern. Now, why is that?
Could it be because of his well-known coolness that he’s not sweating his own and his party’s future? Or, could it be that Obama feels firmly ensconced in the catbird seat, knowing he has an ace up his sleeve that he can and will throw down when the time is opportune and he has no other cards left? . . .
Few presidents have found themselves in such a massive pickle barely fifteen months into their first terms as President Barack Hussein Obama.
Beset on all sides by Tea Partiers on the right and gays on the left, with more negative news dribbling out just today that surprise, surprise, Obamacare will cost more than health care did in the past, with smatterings of war protestors complaining that we’re still fighting in the Middle East, with Democrats in Congress bailing out, with a prime constituency, the Jewish vote, increasingly discontent over U.S.-Israeli relations, the president should be stressed over the November elections and his own fading hopes for a second term.
Yet, he shows no signs of worry or concern. Now, why is that?
Could it be because of his well-known coolness that he’s not sweating his own and his party’s future? Or, could it be that Obama feels firmly ensconced in the catbird seat, knowing he has an ace up his sleeve that he can and will throw down when the time is opportune and he has no other cards left? . . .
Blago and Spitzo, Part One
Blago and Spitzo, Part One
Okay, agreed, they’re both dirty and sleazy but there are different degrees of dirt and sleaze, as any washerwoman and political reporter knows. I refer to Blago and Spitzo who are not 2 long lost Marx brothers or the 4th and 5th stooges.
I refer to the latest duo of disgraced Democrat governors: Milorad R. “Rod” Blagojevich of Illinois and Eliot Laurence Spitzer of New York. Blagojevich, affectionately known as Blago, and Spitzer, not affectionately known by anyone, are both back in the news again.
You may recall Blago, he of the Donald Trump hairdo but darker and fuller, and his bride, the former Patricia Mell, both captured on reams of audio tape using language that would embarrass Joe Biden. The specifics of those tapes were sufficient for U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to pull a raid on the home of the Illinois governor and his family in December, 2008.
Accused of stealing all but the kitchen sink, Blago was subsequently removed from office by the Illinois legislature and has been anything but the obsequious criminal ever since. He’s appeared on various television shows, including Letterman, always preaching the same story, that he was framed, yada, yada, yada, and that the truth will out come his trial which is scheduled to begin on June 3rd. . .
Okay, agreed, they’re both dirty and sleazy but there are different degrees of dirt and sleaze, as any washerwoman and political reporter knows. I refer to Blago and Spitzo who are not 2 long lost Marx brothers or the 4th and 5th stooges.
I refer to the latest duo of disgraced Democrat governors: Milorad R. “Rod” Blagojevich of Illinois and Eliot Laurence Spitzer of New York. Blagojevich, affectionately known as Blago, and Spitzer, not affectionately known by anyone, are both back in the news again.
You may recall Blago, he of the Donald Trump hairdo but darker and fuller, and his bride, the former Patricia Mell, both captured on reams of audio tape using language that would embarrass Joe Biden. The specifics of those tapes were sufficient for U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to pull a raid on the home of the Illinois governor and his family in December, 2008.
Accused of stealing all but the kitchen sink, Blago was subsequently removed from office by the Illinois legislature and has been anything but the obsequious criminal ever since. He’s appeared on various television shows, including Letterman, always preaching the same story, that he was framed, yada, yada, yada, and that the truth will out come his trial which is scheduled to begin on June 3rd. . .
Friday, April 23, 2010
Are You Kidding Me?
Are You Kidding Me?
I can appreciate a joke but some news stories feature such outlandish ideas that should be funny and instead fall into the realm of the simply pathetic. A few examples culled from a plethora available:
. Most rational people, a description which excludes virtually all feminists, acknowledge the existence of “post abortion syndrome” which pro-life writer Lori Ziganto refers to in her article, “Women Can Have It All? Only If You Abort, Claim Pro-abortion Feminists:”
First of all, “pro-abortion feminists” is a redundancy easily verified by conversations with feministas who regard abortion as a virtual sacrament in their distorted religion. They worship at the perverted altar of dead babies.
Secondly, from a male perspective, if post-abortion syndrome did not exist . . .
I can appreciate a joke but some news stories feature such outlandish ideas that should be funny and instead fall into the realm of the simply pathetic. A few examples culled from a plethora available:
. Most rational people, a description which excludes virtually all feminists, acknowledge the existence of “post abortion syndrome” which pro-life writer Lori Ziganto refers to in her article, “Women Can Have It All? Only If You Abort, Claim Pro-abortion Feminists:”
First of all, “pro-abortion feminists” is a redundancy easily verified by conversations with feministas who regard abortion as a virtual sacrament in their distorted religion. They worship at the perverted altar of dead babies.
Secondly, from a male perspective, if post-abortion syndrome did not exist . . .
The October/November Surprise Part Two
The October/November Surprise Part Two
It would be one nasty surprise to awake some morning to find federal troops patrolling America’s streets.
Technically, legally, such a phenomenon could never happen due to the existence of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878–except in a circumstance which is deemed “extraordinary” and, of course, “extraordinary circumstance” is a term open to debate.
The post-Reconstruction Posse Comitatus, literally “the power of the county,” law theoretically prohibits the use of federal uniformed services from exercising the police powers granted to states within the confines of the United States, theoretically since the act’s provisions have been termed more mythical than factual.
The story behind the passage of Posse Comitatus Act reeks with political intrigue and political compromise following the Civil War. . .
It would be one nasty surprise to awake some morning to find federal troops patrolling America’s streets.
Technically, legally, such a phenomenon could never happen due to the existence of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878–except in a circumstance which is deemed “extraordinary” and, of course, “extraordinary circumstance” is a term open to debate.
The post-Reconstruction Posse Comitatus, literally “the power of the county,” law theoretically prohibits the use of federal uniformed services from exercising the police powers granted to states within the confines of the United States, theoretically since the act’s provisions have been termed more mythical than factual.
The story behind the passage of Posse Comitatus Act reeks with political intrigue and political compromise following the Civil War. . .
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The October/November Surprise Part One
The October/November Surprise Part One
. . . There’s another story out there which, on face value, seems preposterous in our two-century old democratic republic. However, given the recent unconstitutional actions of our congress and given Barack Obama’s demonstrated disdain for our constitution as well as his contempt for solemn pledges and promises, I’m coming to believe the unthinkable is both thinkable and possible.
We’ve been hearing much of late of the probability of major Democrat losses in the coming off-year election in November. Almost always, those predictions are accompanied by a caveat framed as something like, “Those losses are inevitable–barring some national or international event, some catastrophic event, which would cause Americans to unite behind the president and his party.”
The mind boggles and speculation as to the nature of that event runs rampant: a terrorist attack or attacks, a war on our soil, a natural disaster of enormous proportions, a dire constitutional crisis, something yet unimaginable?
How would this administration react to such an eventuality? . . .
. . . There’s another story out there which, on face value, seems preposterous in our two-century old democratic republic. However, given the recent unconstitutional actions of our congress and given Barack Obama’s demonstrated disdain for our constitution as well as his contempt for solemn pledges and promises, I’m coming to believe the unthinkable is both thinkable and possible.
We’ve been hearing much of late of the probability of major Democrat losses in the coming off-year election in November. Almost always, those predictions are accompanied by a caveat framed as something like, “Those losses are inevitable–barring some national or international event, some catastrophic event, which would cause Americans to unite behind the president and his party.”
The mind boggles and speculation as to the nature of that event runs rampant: a terrorist attack or attacks, a war on our soil, a natural disaster of enormous proportions, a dire constitutional crisis, something yet unimaginable?
How would this administration react to such an eventuality? . . .
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Lindsey Graham: Log Cabin Republican?
Lindsey Graham: Log Cabin Republican?
There’s a rumor afoot that the senior United States senator from the state of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, member of the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees, Air Force vet and current AF reserve colonel, is a closeted gay.
As Jerry Seinfeld would say, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” Or, is there?
William Gheen, thinks there is something very wrong with that–if the allegation is true.
Gheen heads the conservative, anti-amnesty, anti-illegal immigration Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), and spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this past weekend and called for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to “come out of that log cabin closet:”
Dems fighting words in most areas of the country even if they aren’t in Seinfeld’s ultra liberal New York City.
(For those not aware, the so-called “Log Cabin Republicans” are a group of socially liberal, fiscally conservative homosexuals who claim membership in the Republican Party.)
Gheen feels the lifelong-bachelor Graham’s possible homosexuality would be problematic for a variety of reasons. The 54 year old Graham is not due to face the voters in socially-conservative South Carolina until 2014 so he has plenty of time to refute the charge, assuming he sees a need of refutation.
Sen. John McCain has even jumped into the fray, . . .
There’s a rumor afoot that the senior United States senator from the state of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, member of the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees, Air Force vet and current AF reserve colonel, is a closeted gay.
As Jerry Seinfeld would say, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” Or, is there?
William Gheen, thinks there is something very wrong with that–if the allegation is true.
Gheen heads the conservative, anti-amnesty, anti-illegal immigration Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), and spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this past weekend and called for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to “come out of that log cabin closet:”
Dems fighting words in most areas of the country even if they aren’t in Seinfeld’s ultra liberal New York City.
(For those not aware, the so-called “Log Cabin Republicans” are a group of socially liberal, fiscally conservative homosexuals who claim membership in the Republican Party.)
Gheen feels the lifelong-bachelor Graham’s possible homosexuality would be problematic for a variety of reasons. The 54 year old Graham is not due to face the voters in socially-conservative South Carolina until 2014 so he has plenty of time to refute the charge, assuming he sees a need of refutation.
Sen. John McCain has even jumped into the fray, . . .
Repeal Obamacare PAC (ROCPAC)
Repeal Obamacare PAC - Repeal It Now!
Dear Friends:
Our country, and the future of our liberties as American citizens, is at a crossroads. Like you, we believe that Obamacare is an affront to the U.S. Constitution and to the American way of life, and that the destructive fraud known as “Obamacare” must be repealed. Sensible aspects of healthcare reform are one thing – but Obamacare needs to go.
We can do it! Obamacare can be repealed, and with your support, it will be after the November 2010 elections.
Formed in late March 2010, just days after the historic March 21st vote by the U.S. House ratifying Obamacare, Repeal Obamacare is in the process of reviewing a group Congressional candidates who have made clear their intentions to work to repeal Obamacare in 2011. We have also now filed the necessary paperwork to receive Federal PAC status.
As Election Day 2010 draws near, Repeal Obamacare PAC intends to support candidates for U.S. Congress who have made clear that, if elected to serve, they will support a repeal of Obamacare. We are confident that, as Election Day in November 2010 draws near, and with enough grassroots fundraising support, we will be able to support a large number of candidates nationwide.
Of course, the festering problem of federal government intrusion started well before Obamacare. We believe that government bureaucrats have no place at our garage sales, lemonade stands, and in our living rooms. We will seek to support candidates who recognize this, and who are willing to use their vote to protect our individual freedoms.
We are especially focused on Congressional Districts represented by turncoat Democrats who abandoned their constituents and made Obamacare possible.
To reach our goal of ending Obamacare in 2011, we need your support. Our organization is only as strong as its grassroots network.
Dear Friends:
Our country, and the future of our liberties as American citizens, is at a crossroads. Like you, we believe that Obamacare is an affront to the U.S. Constitution and to the American way of life, and that the destructive fraud known as “Obamacare” must be repealed. Sensible aspects of healthcare reform are one thing – but Obamacare needs to go.
We can do it! Obamacare can be repealed, and with your support, it will be after the November 2010 elections.
Formed in late March 2010, just days after the historic March 21st vote by the U.S. House ratifying Obamacare, Repeal Obamacare is in the process of reviewing a group Congressional candidates who have made clear their intentions to work to repeal Obamacare in 2011. We have also now filed the necessary paperwork to receive Federal PAC status.
As Election Day 2010 draws near, Repeal Obamacare PAC intends to support candidates for U.S. Congress who have made clear that, if elected to serve, they will support a repeal of Obamacare. We are confident that, as Election Day in November 2010 draws near, and with enough grassroots fundraising support, we will be able to support a large number of candidates nationwide.
Of course, the festering problem of federal government intrusion started well before Obamacare. We believe that government bureaucrats have no place at our garage sales, lemonade stands, and in our living rooms. We will seek to support candidates who recognize this, and who are willing to use their vote to protect our individual freedoms.
We are especially focused on Congressional Districts represented by turncoat Democrats who abandoned their constituents and made Obamacare possible.
To reach our goal of ending Obamacare in 2011, we need your support. Our organization is only as strong as its grassroots network.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Nervy News #1
Nervy News #1
We’ve all heard that dog bites man isn’t newsworthy but that man bites dog is. Likewise, we’ve heard of other stories which are so banal we wonder why the editor publishes them and stories which strike a chord as classic examples of overreaching and obnoxiousness.
One of the latter comes to us from the benighted state of Mexifornia, from the bi-lingual city of Los Angeles.
California Cardinal Condemns Arizona Immigration Law: Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese has ripped the content of the bill just sent to Governor Jan Brewer as encouraging “German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques” since it requires suspected illegal aliens to provide identification papers showing they have a right to be in our country.
Reasoning that illegal immigrants are really nice people . . .
We’ve all heard that dog bites man isn’t newsworthy but that man bites dog is. Likewise, we’ve heard of other stories which are so banal we wonder why the editor publishes them and stories which strike a chord as classic examples of overreaching and obnoxiousness.
One of the latter comes to us from the benighted state of Mexifornia, from the bi-lingual city of Los Angeles.
California Cardinal Condemns Arizona Immigration Law: Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese has ripped the content of the bill just sent to Governor Jan Brewer as encouraging “German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques” since it requires suspected illegal aliens to provide identification papers showing they have a right to be in our country.
Reasoning that illegal immigrants are really nice people . . .
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hooking Up Part Two
Hooking Up Part Two
“In the spring a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love,” wrote Tennyson. Alfred had never toured a twenty-first century American college campus where, to the young men–and women–in attendance, every season is booze-filled spring and thoughts of lust.
“I saw it [hooking up] as a way to be recognized and get satisfaction,” said Boyle, shaking her blond ponytail. “I felt so empty then.”
Fannie Boyle, now a junior at Vanderbilt University, thereby capsulized the state and status of casual, random make-out and copulation sessions, at least for her. She made her decision after her freshman year to change her life and priorities, met with a great deal of cynicism and criticism, and is now among the 25% celibate minority. . .
“In the spring a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love,” wrote Tennyson. Alfred had never toured a twenty-first century American college campus where, to the young men–and women–in attendance, every season is booze-filled spring and thoughts of lust.
“I saw it [hooking up] as a way to be recognized and get satisfaction,” said Boyle, shaking her blond ponytail. “I felt so empty then.”
Fannie Boyle, now a junior at Vanderbilt University, thereby capsulized the state and status of casual, random make-out and copulation sessions, at least for her. She made her decision after her freshman year to change her life and priorities, met with a great deal of cynicism and criticism, and is now among the 25% celibate minority. . .
Hooking Up Part One
. . . One notable hazard on that road today is the practice of hookups, a contemporary alternative to dating which itself was fraught with dangers although hookups make those threats to physical safety seem miniscule.
And, despite decades of women’s lib propaganda and graphic sex classes on contracting what used to be called a “social disease”–a misnomer if there ever was one–members of the female gender tend to bear the emotional and physical brunt, no pun intended, of today’s sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s).
Hooking up, simplified, is the modern practice of avoiding relationships and emotional entanglements by having “recreational,” casual sex. It also serves to relieve the stress of all those books to read and papers to write, and parties to attend, by coupling with someone. In some cases, it simply serves to pass the time and stave off boredom.
That someone could be a “friend with benefits,” a euphemism for a good buddy with whom you copulate as a favor, as a reward, or simply as a way of extending friendship to an ultimate extreme.
Or, it could be someone you just met at a keg party who becomes irresistible as a consequence of a high blood alcohol level and a reduced sense of virtuosity.
Or, it could be an absolute stranger . . .
And, despite decades of women’s lib propaganda and graphic sex classes on contracting what used to be called a “social disease”–a misnomer if there ever was one–members of the female gender tend to bear the emotional and physical brunt, no pun intended, of today’s sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s).
Hooking up, simplified, is the modern practice of avoiding relationships and emotional entanglements by having “recreational,” casual sex. It also serves to relieve the stress of all those books to read and papers to write, and parties to attend, by coupling with someone. In some cases, it simply serves to pass the time and stave off boredom.
That someone could be a “friend with benefits,” a euphemism for a good buddy with whom you copulate as a favor, as a reward, or simply as a way of extending friendship to an ultimate extreme.
Or, it could be someone you just met at a keg party who becomes irresistible as a consequence of a high blood alcohol level and a reduced sense of virtuosity.
Or, it could be an absolute stranger . . .
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Who Said That?
Who Said That?
A 3 question quickie, multiple guess quiz to evaluate the reader’s grasp of current events:
1. “The second way government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment is by providing an incentive, and the means, not to work. Each unemployed person has a ‘reservation wage’—the minimum wage he or she insists on getting before accepting a job. Unemployment insurance and other social assistance programs increase [the] reservation wage, causing an unemployed person to remain unemployed longer:” (
Who said that? a) Karl Marx b) Bill Clinton c) Rush Limbaugh d) Larry Summers
The answer is . . . Larry Summers, the Obama White House economic advisor. Summers thereby punched gaping holes in the US Senate plan to extend unemployment benefits to 99 weeks. . .
A 3 question quickie, multiple guess quiz to evaluate the reader’s grasp of current events:
1. “The second way government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment is by providing an incentive, and the means, not to work. Each unemployed person has a ‘reservation wage’—the minimum wage he or she insists on getting before accepting a job. Unemployment insurance and other social assistance programs increase [the] reservation wage, causing an unemployed person to remain unemployed longer:” (
Who said that? a) Karl Marx b) Bill Clinton c) Rush Limbaugh d) Larry Summers
The answer is . . . Larry Summers, the Obama White House economic advisor. Summers thereby punched gaping holes in the US Senate plan to extend unemployment benefits to 99 weeks. . .
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Contemptible Quickies #10: Adam Lambert II
Contemptible Quickies #10: Adam Lambert II
No less than a dozen comments were posted on within 18 hours after that website published my article, “Contemptible Quickies #9: Adam Lambert.”
The comments were about equally divided between those who agreed that Lambert’s gay freak show on last year’s prime time American Music Awards program was a shameless show of gross, gay exhibitionism and those who felt pushing a male performer’s head deep into his crotch, etc. wasn’t offensive or that the article was sheer “rubbish.”
Perhaps the best comment refuting that “rubbish” slur was a personal note of “Frankie” whose son socked a fellow student in the nose and she was called to his school. When it was revealed that her son was groped by his gay classmate, the issue was buried and no action was taken against the gay kid.
For the original article and the full text of all the comments, see
I will confess to one misstatement in the article, . . .
No less than a dozen comments were posted on within 18 hours after that website published my article, “Contemptible Quickies #9: Adam Lambert.”
The comments were about equally divided between those who agreed that Lambert’s gay freak show on last year’s prime time American Music Awards program was a shameless show of gross, gay exhibitionism and those who felt pushing a male performer’s head deep into his crotch, etc. wasn’t offensive or that the article was sheer “rubbish.”
Perhaps the best comment refuting that “rubbish” slur was a personal note of “Frankie” whose son socked a fellow student in the nose and she was called to his school. When it was revealed that her son was groped by his gay classmate, the issue was buried and no action was taken against the gay kid.
For the original article and the full text of all the comments, see
I will confess to one misstatement in the article, . . .
Friday, April 16, 2010
Contemptible Quickies #9: Adam Lambert
Contemptible Quickies #9: Adam Lambert
“It’s like that high school mentality: If you’re looking and putting energy into it, something about it is fascinating you, whether you like to admit it or not. I got your attention, that’s why you’re spewing negative hate at me, so I’m doing something right.”
Those are the considered and pithy words of Adam Lambert, self-outed “American Idol” loser and homoerotic performer on last year’s American Music Awards who outraged millions of prime time viewers by engaging in explicit homosexual acts onstage. He later apologized for his sickening conduct but apparently has now withdrawn that apology.
A video of his R-rated exhibition can be witnessed at
Let’s do a bit of pop analysis of his braggadochio above. . .
“It’s like that high school mentality: If you’re looking and putting energy into it, something about it is fascinating you, whether you like to admit it or not. I got your attention, that’s why you’re spewing negative hate at me, so I’m doing something right.”
Those are the considered and pithy words of Adam Lambert, self-outed “American Idol” loser and homoerotic performer on last year’s American Music Awards who outraged millions of prime time viewers by engaging in explicit homosexual acts onstage. He later apologized for his sickening conduct but apparently has now withdrawn that apology.
A video of his R-rated exhibition can be witnessed at
Let’s do a bit of pop analysis of his braggadochio above. . .
No Free Speech in the Shadow of the Liberty Bell
No Free Speech in the Shadow of the Liberty Bell
Remember this? “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
Or this? “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof.”
The first, of course, is the text of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the second, less well known, is the first part of the inscription on the Liberty Bell located, famed crack and all, near Independence Hall in “the birthplace of American freedom,” Philadelphia.
Michael Marcavage has a tough gig to start with: He’s a street preacher. It was made even tougher by Obama’s Department of Justice, which is headed by defender of terrorists Eric Holder, when the DOJ went to court to deprive Marcavage of his First Amendment rights exercised in front of the Liberty Bell Center adjacent to Constitutional Hall in Philly.
Marcavage was accosted by Park Rangers, fined $400. and given probation for preaching outside of a designated “free speech zone” back in October, 2007 even though another group was marching in the same location.
Precisely where in the Constitution it provides for selected free speech zones is unclear so Marcavage, an evangelist who preaches against abortion on city streets, appealed his fine and conviction.
This is where it gets even better. . .
Remember this? “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
Or this? “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof.”
The first, of course, is the text of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the second, less well known, is the first part of the inscription on the Liberty Bell located, famed crack and all, near Independence Hall in “the birthplace of American freedom,” Philadelphia.
Michael Marcavage has a tough gig to start with: He’s a street preacher. It was made even tougher by Obama’s Department of Justice, which is headed by defender of terrorists Eric Holder, when the DOJ went to court to deprive Marcavage of his First Amendment rights exercised in front of the Liberty Bell Center adjacent to Constitutional Hall in Philly.
Marcavage was accosted by Park Rangers, fined $400. and given probation for preaching outside of a designated “free speech zone” back in October, 2007 even though another group was marching in the same location.
Precisely where in the Constitution it provides for selected free speech zones is unclear so Marcavage, an evangelist who preaches against abortion on city streets, appealed his fine and conviction.
This is where it gets even better. . .
Thursday, April 15, 2010
TEA Party Poll
TEA Party Poll
Just as a ham sandwich can be indicted with a little effort, any poll can be skewed depending on the pre-conceived notions of the poll takers, the wording of the questions, the tone of the questioners, etc.
With that in mind, when a political poll is conducted by CBS News and the New York Times it’s immediately suspect. When the subject of that poll is the participants in the TEA Party phenomenon now sweeping the nation, one should always take the results with a hefty grain of salt.
Nevertheless, the results are interesting even given the decidedly leftist nature of the pollsters.
Based on 1580 respondents in a random telephone sample. of whom 56% were TEA Party supporters, the poll was conducted April 5th-12th. Some of the highlights: . . .
Just as a ham sandwich can be indicted with a little effort, any poll can be skewed depending on the pre-conceived notions of the poll takers, the wording of the questions, the tone of the questioners, etc.
With that in mind, when a political poll is conducted by CBS News and the New York Times it’s immediately suspect. When the subject of that poll is the participants in the TEA Party phenomenon now sweeping the nation, one should always take the results with a hefty grain of salt.
Nevertheless, the results are interesting even given the decidedly leftist nature of the pollsters.
Based on 1580 respondents in a random telephone sample. of whom 56% were TEA Party supporters, the poll was conducted April 5th-12th. Some of the highlights: . . .
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Death and Taxes
Death and Taxes
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” (BenjaminFranklin); ”Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.“ (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Franklin was semi-correct in his observation, in the death part, but though taxes are always with us the rates are always negotiable in a civilized society thus adding a degree of uncertainty.
The Obama administration commented on death without ever using the word. In the context of a nuclear attack on the United States we were reminded, (just reminded, mind you), that local agencies should and would be the first responders and decimated cities shouldn’t expect to see the feds on hand for 72 hours or more.
The reader may recall the uproar over FEMA’s slow response in the aftermath of Katrina when President G.W. Bush was lambasted for doing a flyover over New Orleans and commending FEMA head Michael Brown (”Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job”). President Obama seems to want to forestall any such criticism by warning local officials not to expect any “significant federal response” for up to four days if they were nuked.
Barry, you’re doing a heck of an advance job.
It’s bad enough that Obama was talking about the unthinkable, a terrorist nuclear attack on an American city, but he gives fair warning that the surviving victims would be on their own for a good few days. Brownie screwed up after massive flooding; Barry is planning to screw up after a mushroom cloud rises above NYC or LA or SF or DC.
Some 1836 people died from Katrina, a horrendous toll. Tens of thousands would be killed in a nuclear blast but fear not, says the White House in a guide posted online and sent to local officials, in effect saying you guys will be just fine until we get around to you.
And what would that blast do? “A 10-kiloton nuclear explosion would level buildings within half a mile of ground zero, generate 900-mph winds, bathe the landscape with radiation and produce a plume of fallout that would drift for hundreds of miles, the guide says.” That would be followed by chaos so the plan is for the feds to hang back until things were more settled:
Then there’s tax news, which seems cheerful in comparison. . .
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” (BenjaminFranklin); ”Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.“ (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Franklin was semi-correct in his observation, in the death part, but though taxes are always with us the rates are always negotiable in a civilized society thus adding a degree of uncertainty.
The Obama administration commented on death without ever using the word. In the context of a nuclear attack on the United States we were reminded, (just reminded, mind you), that local agencies should and would be the first responders and decimated cities shouldn’t expect to see the feds on hand for 72 hours or more.
The reader may recall the uproar over FEMA’s slow response in the aftermath of Katrina when President G.W. Bush was lambasted for doing a flyover over New Orleans and commending FEMA head Michael Brown (”Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job”). President Obama seems to want to forestall any such criticism by warning local officials not to expect any “significant federal response” for up to four days if they were nuked.
Barry, you’re doing a heck of an advance job.
It’s bad enough that Obama was talking about the unthinkable, a terrorist nuclear attack on an American city, but he gives fair warning that the surviving victims would be on their own for a good few days. Brownie screwed up after massive flooding; Barry is planning to screw up after a mushroom cloud rises above NYC or LA or SF or DC.
Some 1836 people died from Katrina, a horrendous toll. Tens of thousands would be killed in a nuclear blast but fear not, says the White House in a guide posted online and sent to local officials, in effect saying you guys will be just fine until we get around to you.
And what would that blast do? “A 10-kiloton nuclear explosion would level buildings within half a mile of ground zero, generate 900-mph winds, bathe the landscape with radiation and produce a plume of fallout that would drift for hundreds of miles, the guide says.” That would be followed by chaos so the plan is for the feds to hang back until things were more settled:
Then there’s tax news, which seems cheerful in comparison. . .
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
National Day of Silence
National Day of Silence
To those who haven’t heard of what has become an annual event, this Friday, April 16 has been designated as 2010’s National Day of Silence in the nation’s schools.
Most teachers would welcome a day of silence possibly because they could get more teaching accomplished or just to get their heads together. However, this new tradition wasn’t established for those purposes. Rather, it could be called the National Day of Homosexual Indoctrination of Children.
On Friday in many secondary and middle schools throughout the country, kids will be expected to remain silent as they are bombarded with homosexual propaganda in the form of psychological warfare committed against them by the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgendered community–all with the willing cooperation of too many schools, administrators, and teachers.
As reported by, “During the Day of Silence, . . . school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the homosexual activist movement. Students are . . .
To those who haven’t heard of what has become an annual event, this Friday, April 16 has been designated as 2010’s National Day of Silence in the nation’s schools.
Most teachers would welcome a day of silence possibly because they could get more teaching accomplished or just to get their heads together. However, this new tradition wasn’t established for those purposes. Rather, it could be called the National Day of Homosexual Indoctrination of Children.
On Friday in many secondary and middle schools throughout the country, kids will be expected to remain silent as they are bombarded with homosexual propaganda in the form of psychological warfare committed against them by the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgendered community–all with the willing cooperation of too many schools, administrators, and teachers.
As reported by, “During the Day of Silence, . . . school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the homosexual activist movement. Students are . . .
The Muckraking of Oprah
The Muckraking of Oprah
Call me a cynic, call me an iconoclast, call me whatever you wish but I never bought into the whole Oprah Winfrey wholesome thing.
And it’s not just because of her anti-war stance, her refusal to have Sarah Palin on her show until after the 2008 election, her car giveaway when the recipients had to pay tax on the vehicles, her phony feud with Letterman, or her bias in touting books.
I just never believed she was what she appeared and claimed to be, too good to be true, if you will, so it was good to see modern muckraker Kitty Kelley finally coming on-board the Anti-Oprah Show with her latest unauthorized biography, Oprah: A Biography. . .
Call me a cynic, call me an iconoclast, call me whatever you wish but I never bought into the whole Oprah Winfrey wholesome thing.
And it’s not just because of her anti-war stance, her refusal to have Sarah Palin on her show until after the 2008 election, her car giveaway when the recipients had to pay tax on the vehicles, her phony feud with Letterman, or her bias in touting books.
I just never believed she was what she appeared and claimed to be, too good to be true, if you will, so it was good to see modern muckraker Kitty Kelley finally coming on-board the Anti-Oprah Show with her latest unauthorized biography, Oprah: A Biography. . .
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Daily Kos
The Daily Kos
I consider it a variation on slumming to visit liberal websites. It’s like a trip to Calcutta without Mother Theresa holding your hand and making sure you don’t step into puddles of excrement or be assaulted by descendants of the thuggees who would sooner rip out your spleen than give you the time of day, if they knew it.
One of the most rabidly leftist websites out there, if not the most rabid, is the which featured two stories in its April 12th edition which clearly demonstrate the Kosites are at the extreme of American thinking as well as more than a tad disconnected from reality.
(Disclaimer: I was ousted as a commenter by the DailyKos a year or two ago due to my conservative postings which until my ouster seemed to get Kosite regulars excessively agitated and obscene in their rebuttals and cause them to reach for their blood pressure meds.)
The first article, following some unidentified, fantastical poll showing Obama’s national popularity soaring, was entitled, “Nebraska Lawmakers Flip Out on Abortion” . . .
I consider it a variation on slumming to visit liberal websites. It’s like a trip to Calcutta without Mother Theresa holding your hand and making sure you don’t step into puddles of excrement or be assaulted by descendants of the thuggees who would sooner rip out your spleen than give you the time of day, if they knew it.
One of the most rabidly leftist websites out there, if not the most rabid, is the which featured two stories in its April 12th edition which clearly demonstrate the Kosites are at the extreme of American thinking as well as more than a tad disconnected from reality.
(Disclaimer: I was ousted as a commenter by the DailyKos a year or two ago due to my conservative postings which until my ouster seemed to get Kosite regulars excessively agitated and obscene in their rebuttals and cause them to reach for their blood pressure meds.)
The first article, following some unidentified, fantastical poll showing Obama’s national popularity soaring, was entitled, “Nebraska Lawmakers Flip Out on Abortion” . . .
What's in a Census Word?
What's in a Word?
. . . The election of the semi-black Barack Obama as president of the United States should have signalled an end to racial politics and racism but, instead, it has exacerbated the racial divide. Obama greatly widened that divide by indicating on the 2010 census form that he was totally African-American without a trace of caucasian blood even though he is half white.
Whites should now say we were dissed, using the African-American jargon. By ignoring his white roots, Obama has served to marginalize the vast majority of Americans, treating his white half as if it didn’t exist. That is an insult to his mother, to his maternal grandparents who largely reared him, and to the 74% of Americans who are caucasians.
Consider the repercussions had Obama checked the box next to “White” instead of “Black, African Am, or Negro.” Such a self-designation would have been met with demonstrations and protests by the black community righteously demanding he at least explain his choice of words. . .
. . . The election of the semi-black Barack Obama as president of the United States should have signalled an end to racial politics and racism but, instead, it has exacerbated the racial divide. Obama greatly widened that divide by indicating on the 2010 census form that he was totally African-American without a trace of caucasian blood even though he is half white.
Whites should now say we were dissed, using the African-American jargon. By ignoring his white roots, Obama has served to marginalize the vast majority of Americans, treating his white half as if it didn’t exist. That is an insult to his mother, to his maternal grandparents who largely reared him, and to the 74% of Americans who are caucasians.
Consider the repercussions had Obama checked the box next to “White” instead of “Black, African Am, or Negro.” Such a self-designation would have been met with demonstrations and protests by the black community righteously demanding he at least explain his choice of words. . .
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Katyn Curse
The Katyn Curse
Sixteen days after the Germans invaded Poland from the west, the U.S.S.R. invaded from the east, capturing tens of thousands of Poles including thousands of ethnic Polish military officers who were then interned in the Kozelsk POW camp, 12 miles west of Smolensk, Russia, in the Katyn forest.
In April, 1940, the executions by the NKVD began and when it was over, some 21,768 Poles were dead, including about 8,000 officers at Kozelsk as well as over 13,000 others of the Polish intelligentsia, police, industry leaders, landowners, lawyers, minor government officials, and priests. (Statistics taken from Wikipedia.)
It was for the 70th anniversary of that mass slaughter by Russian Communists that Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his entourage of 88 people from similar walks of life were traveling to Russia on a commemorative, mournful journey when their ancient Russian-built airliner crashed in thick fog, near the Katyn forest.
The irony of that crash, Polish elite of 2010 dying near the site of the murders of thousands of the Polish elite in 1940, is too rich to be overlooked.
As Poland entered a 2-week period of national mourning, Russian President Medvedev and Premier Putin expressed heartfelt sympathies for the Polish losses and speculation began that the elite passengers had insisted the pilot land the plane despite warnings not to do so in the fog.
All aboard, including the 88 passengers and 8 crew were killed on impact:
Without trying to mitigate the loss to Poland and to the Polish state . . .
Sixteen days after the Germans invaded Poland from the west, the U.S.S.R. invaded from the east, capturing tens of thousands of Poles including thousands of ethnic Polish military officers who were then interned in the Kozelsk POW camp, 12 miles west of Smolensk, Russia, in the Katyn forest.
In April, 1940, the executions by the NKVD began and when it was over, some 21,768 Poles were dead, including about 8,000 officers at Kozelsk as well as over 13,000 others of the Polish intelligentsia, police, industry leaders, landowners, lawyers, minor government officials, and priests. (Statistics taken from Wikipedia.)
It was for the 70th anniversary of that mass slaughter by Russian Communists that Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his entourage of 88 people from similar walks of life were traveling to Russia on a commemorative, mournful journey when their ancient Russian-built airliner crashed in thick fog, near the Katyn forest.
The irony of that crash, Polish elite of 2010 dying near the site of the murders of thousands of the Polish elite in 1940, is too rich to be overlooked.
As Poland entered a 2-week period of national mourning, Russian President Medvedev and Premier Putin expressed heartfelt sympathies for the Polish losses and speculation began that the elite passengers had insisted the pilot land the plane despite warnings not to do so in the fog.
All aboard, including the 88 passengers and 8 crew were killed on impact:
Without trying to mitigate the loss to Poland and to the Polish state . . .
The Juno Effect and Abortion
The Juno Effect and Abortion
Anyone who has seen the Oscar-winning film, Juno, couldn’t help but wonder if it could be a vehicle that encourages teen pregnancy. After all, the title character who is all of 16 does accidentally get pregnant and doesn’t seem to be very disturbed by her condition and it all ends relatively happily.
Thus was born the much-dreaded “Juno Effect,” the conclusion of impressionable teens that, “That woman is in the movies (or on TV, or in a magazine)! That makes her glamorous! Maybe if I get knocked up, I’ll be glamorous, too!”
Said effect never really occurred since data shows that teen pregnancy, despite the efforts of Planned Parenthood, actually showed a downtick of 2% between 2007, the Juno year, and 2008, what could be termed the Bristol Palin year.
Liberal recorders of pop culture, such as Mona Ackerman, Time magazine, and Linda Hirshman, jumped all over the idea that a movie could or would inspire teen pregnancies, an inspiration that never existed, and predicted catastrophic rates of impregnated teenagers:
There’s something about liberals which makes them always think . . .
Anyone who has seen the Oscar-winning film, Juno, couldn’t help but wonder if it could be a vehicle that encourages teen pregnancy. After all, the title character who is all of 16 does accidentally get pregnant and doesn’t seem to be very disturbed by her condition and it all ends relatively happily.
Thus was born the much-dreaded “Juno Effect,” the conclusion of impressionable teens that, “That woman is in the movies (or on TV, or in a magazine)! That makes her glamorous! Maybe if I get knocked up, I’ll be glamorous, too!”
Said effect never really occurred since data shows that teen pregnancy, despite the efforts of Planned Parenthood, actually showed a downtick of 2% between 2007, the Juno year, and 2008, what could be termed the Bristol Palin year.
Liberal recorders of pop culture, such as Mona Ackerman, Time magazine, and Linda Hirshman, jumped all over the idea that a movie could or would inspire teen pregnancies, an inspiration that never existed, and predicted catastrophic rates of impregnated teenagers:
There’s something about liberals which makes them always think . . .
Friday, April 9, 2010
Lifetime Achievement Award Goes to Reverend Michael Pfleger?
Lifetime Achievement Award Goes to Reverend Michael Pfleger?
As if the Catholic Church doesn’t have enough scandal on its hands, in Chicago it seems to go begging for even more.
The Church’s “lifetime achievement award” has been conferred on a known radical racist, good pal of Prof. Cornel West and of the Revs. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton, Chicago’s defiant priest and self-loathing white man, Father Michael Pfleger.
Aptly-termed “Obama’s white cheerleader” by Michelle Malkin, Pfleger defied Chicago’s previous Catholic bishop, Joseph Cardinal Cody by adopting and living with two local boys, and current leader Francis Cardinal George has now rewarded him with a prestigious honor despite his chequered past, and present. . .
As if the Catholic Church doesn’t have enough scandal on its hands, in Chicago it seems to go begging for even more.
The Church’s “lifetime achievement award” has been conferred on a known radical racist, good pal of Prof. Cornel West and of the Revs. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton, Chicago’s defiant priest and self-loathing white man, Father Michael Pfleger.
Aptly-termed “Obama’s white cheerleader” by Michelle Malkin, Pfleger defied Chicago’s previous Catholic bishop, Joseph Cardinal Cody by adopting and living with two local boys, and current leader Francis Cardinal George has now rewarded him with a prestigious honor despite his chequered past, and present. . .
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Humbling America
Humbling America
In a forthright and unsettling piece on, Ben Shapiro writes of “Obama’s Plan to Humble America” in which he compares the president’s machinations with “gargantuan” domestic expenditures coupled with equally expensive wars to LBJ’s vain efforts to provide America with “Guns and Butter.”
The guns were intended to win the war in Viet Nam, or at least not lose that war, the guns. At the same time Johnson wanted to effect his Great Society programs, the butter. The end result of that juggling was that we kept the welfare and other domestic programs and ignominiously lost the war due to half-hearted commitment.
According to Shapiro, our current president is on the same social welfare/wars path with one notable twist: Obama knows where he and the country are headed and is planning for failure: “First, Obama wants to weaken us on the home front by ’spreading the wealth around’ in the name of equality. Second, Obama wants to use that aggravated economic weakness to undermine America’s foreign policy standing around the world.”
That’s a strong charge to make and it’s what makes Shapiro’s article unsettling. . .
In a forthright and unsettling piece on, Ben Shapiro writes of “Obama’s Plan to Humble America” in which he compares the president’s machinations with “gargantuan” domestic expenditures coupled with equally expensive wars to LBJ’s vain efforts to provide America with “Guns and Butter.”
The guns were intended to win the war in Viet Nam, or at least not lose that war, the guns. At the same time Johnson wanted to effect his Great Society programs, the butter. The end result of that juggling was that we kept the welfare and other domestic programs and ignominiously lost the war due to half-hearted commitment.
According to Shapiro, our current president is on the same social welfare/wars path with one notable twist: Obama knows where he and the country are headed and is planning for failure: “First, Obama wants to weaken us on the home front by ’spreading the wealth around’ in the name of equality. Second, Obama wants to use that aggravated economic weakness to undermine America’s foreign policy standing around the world.”
That’s a strong charge to make and it’s what makes Shapiro’s article unsettling. . .
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The VAT Is Coming! The VAT Is Coming!
The VAT Is Coming! The VAT Is Coming!
Ever go to Europe and get sticker shock with the prices of just about everything? The Euro-style technique of surreptitious taxation, the VAT or Value Added Tax, is coming to America.
The VAT’s arrival won’t quite be the equivalent of Godzilla attacking New York or L.A. and isn’t quite the same as when the Russians were coming. The VAT will be much worse than a Godzilla or a bunch of Russians attacking.
We could kill Godzilla and repel the Russians; the Value Added Tax is forever, forever picking our wallets, forever gnawing away at our savings and pensions, forever expanding the welfare state and the socialization of America.
The beauty of the VAT to bureaucrats is that it’s so sinister, so sneaky, so permanent.
As prices rise exponentially on every good and service imaginable, from what your dentist or mechanic charges to what you pay for a pack of butts or set of underwear to every mortgage or rent payment, the politicians can just throw up their hands in dismay and blame your dentist, your mechanic, your retailer, your bank or landlord.
The VAT is an almost perfect system of legalized, governmental thievery and it’s coming to a government near you as surely as the sun will rise in the morning.
Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker and now chairman of the president’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board . . .
Ever go to Europe and get sticker shock with the prices of just about everything? The Euro-style technique of surreptitious taxation, the VAT or Value Added Tax, is coming to America.
The VAT’s arrival won’t quite be the equivalent of Godzilla attacking New York or L.A. and isn’t quite the same as when the Russians were coming. The VAT will be much worse than a Godzilla or a bunch of Russians attacking.
We could kill Godzilla and repel the Russians; the Value Added Tax is forever, forever picking our wallets, forever gnawing away at our savings and pensions, forever expanding the welfare state and the socialization of America.
The beauty of the VAT to bureaucrats is that it’s so sinister, so sneaky, so permanent.
As prices rise exponentially on every good and service imaginable, from what your dentist or mechanic charges to what you pay for a pack of butts or set of underwear to every mortgage or rent payment, the politicians can just throw up their hands in dismay and blame your dentist, your mechanic, your retailer, your bank or landlord.
The VAT is an almost perfect system of legalized, governmental thievery and it’s coming to a government near you as surely as the sun will rise in the morning.
Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker and now chairman of the president’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board . . .
The Census Consensus
The Census Consensus
The consensus on the census is that it’s getting all screwed up.
You had to know something would go awry when the White House wanted the decennial head count to be headquartered in the executive mansion where Rahm Emanuel would have his sticky fingers all over the results.
Now, with months to go before it’s completed, reports are flowing in about how botched up the process is and how it’s become a phony boondoggle for many involved in tallying the number–and race–of people residing in our massive nation.
Reflecting how desperate the honchos at the Census Bureau are, George W. Bush’s “architect,” Karl Rove has been hired to do television spots urging Americans, and non-Americans, to cooperate and fill out the census form.
Our Constitution mandates it be done every ten years so there’s no debating the issue. What can be debated is how the enumeration is conducted, how fair the count is, and, especially, how accurate it is.
However, some people just don’t like filling out forms, even forms with 10 simple questions. Others forget to do it despite the billion dollar advertising effort to remind them of their consititutional duty. Still others are afraid to complete the form, principally those who shouldn’t be here in the first place and are afraid agents of the INS and ICE will break down their doors right after the census taker leaves.
No such luck.
With hundreds of billions of dollars in federal largesse at stake, not to mention the number of congressional districts a state is awarded, as Joe Biden would say, the census is a big f*****g deal but a deal already rife with corruption and evidence of mismanagement and mis-counting. . .
The consensus on the census is that it’s getting all screwed up.
You had to know something would go awry when the White House wanted the decennial head count to be headquartered in the executive mansion where Rahm Emanuel would have his sticky fingers all over the results.
Now, with months to go before it’s completed, reports are flowing in about how botched up the process is and how it’s become a phony boondoggle for many involved in tallying the number–and race–of people residing in our massive nation.
Reflecting how desperate the honchos at the Census Bureau are, George W. Bush’s “architect,” Karl Rove has been hired to do television spots urging Americans, and non-Americans, to cooperate and fill out the census form.
Our Constitution mandates it be done every ten years so there’s no debating the issue. What can be debated is how the enumeration is conducted, how fair the count is, and, especially, how accurate it is.
However, some people just don’t like filling out forms, even forms with 10 simple questions. Others forget to do it despite the billion dollar advertising effort to remind them of their consititutional duty. Still others are afraid to complete the form, principally those who shouldn’t be here in the first place and are afraid agents of the INS and ICE will break down their doors right after the census taker leaves.
No such luck.
With hundreds of billions of dollars in federal largesse at stake, not to mention the number of congressional districts a state is awarded, as Joe Biden would say, the census is a big f*****g deal but a deal already rife with corruption and evidence of mismanagement and mis-counting. . .
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Obama Is No MADman
Obama Is No MADman
We don’t hear much about MAD anymore, except in the context of Mad magazine, which makes more sense every day when compared with the Obama administration.
For the younguns out there, MAD was the acronym for the Cold War policy of mutually assured destruction which was the single most effective way the U.S.S.R. and the United States had to keep Moscow and Washington from becoming molten puddle s of radioactive rubble.
In essence, the MAD strategy meant that if they hit us they could be assured that the attack or attacks would be reciprocated in kind and both nations would in large part be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust.
It was a sick, Strangelovian policy that assumed a minimal level of sanity on both sides and enjoyed the distinction of working for forty+ years. There were countless threats and nuke rattlings, most emanating from the U.S.S.R., but even though the adversaries came close a few times, notably in 1961 with the Cuban Missile Crisis, no nuclear exchange ever occurred.
President Feelgood seems to think that if a nuclear war never happened in the past it could never happen in the future, just as September 11th, 2001 could never happen.
Accordingly. “President Obama said Monday . . .
We don’t hear much about MAD anymore, except in the context of Mad magazine, which makes more sense every day when compared with the Obama administration.
For the younguns out there, MAD was the acronym for the Cold War policy of mutually assured destruction which was the single most effective way the U.S.S.R. and the United States had to keep Moscow and Washington from becoming molten puddle s of radioactive rubble.
In essence, the MAD strategy meant that if they hit us they could be assured that the attack or attacks would be reciprocated in kind and both nations would in large part be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust.
It was a sick, Strangelovian policy that assumed a minimal level of sanity on both sides and enjoyed the distinction of working for forty+ years. There were countless threats and nuke rattlings, most emanating from the U.S.S.R., but even though the adversaries came close a few times, notably in 1961 with the Cuban Missile Crisis, no nuclear exchange ever occurred.
President Feelgood seems to think that if a nuclear war never happened in the past it could never happen in the future, just as September 11th, 2001 could never happen.
Accordingly. “President Obama said Monday . . .
Scenarios: Gays and Toothbrushes
Scenarios: Gays and Toothbrushes
Scenario Number One: The USMC and DADT
Ok, you’re a normal, healthy male with normal, healthy appetites and volunteer to become one of the few and the proud. You sign up for the United States Marine Corps–not “corpse,” Mr. President. You’re assigned to Camp Lejeune to endure the rigors of boot camp and find yourself bunking next to a Megan Fox lookalike recruit.
Healthy or not, that wouldn’t be a healthy environment for any jarhead, least of all an impressionable 19 year old expecting to survive boot camp.
That’s a variation on the scenario Marine Corps’ commandant General James Conway wants to avoid if and when Bill Clinton’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, (DADT), policy regarding gays in the military is repealed. The difference would be that the normal healthy male would effectively become the Megan to the homosexual(s) in the next bunk(s). . .
Scenario Number One: The USMC and DADT
Ok, you’re a normal, healthy male with normal, healthy appetites and volunteer to become one of the few and the proud. You sign up for the United States Marine Corps–not “corpse,” Mr. President. You’re assigned to Camp Lejeune to endure the rigors of boot camp and find yourself bunking next to a Megan Fox lookalike recruit.
Healthy or not, that wouldn’t be a healthy environment for any jarhead, least of all an impressionable 19 year old expecting to survive boot camp.
That’s a variation on the scenario Marine Corps’ commandant General James Conway wants to avoid if and when Bill Clinton’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, (DADT), policy regarding gays in the military is repealed. The difference would be that the normal healthy male would effectively become the Megan to the homosexual(s) in the next bunk(s). . .
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Last, Best Hope for America: General David Petraeus
The Last Best Hope for America: General David Petraeus
. . . It’s time for General David H. Petraeus to lead this country.
Thirty-six year veteran of the United States Army, West Point grad, four-star general, commander of the U.S. Central Command, former commanding general of the multinational force in Iraq, Ph.D in international relations, if Hollywood tried to cast the perfect president, it couldn’t do any better than with General Petraeus.
Infamously labelled, “General Betrayus” by as he masterfully conducted Bush’s Iraq surge to victory in that beleagured country, Petraeus has expressed as much interest in the presidency as Gen. Sherman after the Civil War.
Nevertheless, David Petraeus is a patriot and his nation is in dire need of his leadership. If he agrees with Rush Limbaugh that the future of the country is at stake, he will step up and take charge.
If he doesn’t do that, he will be complicit in the decline and fall of our great nation.
(Read mre at
. . . It’s time for General David H. Petraeus to lead this country.
Thirty-six year veteran of the United States Army, West Point grad, four-star general, commander of the U.S. Central Command, former commanding general of the multinational force in Iraq, Ph.D in international relations, if Hollywood tried to cast the perfect president, it couldn’t do any better than with General Petraeus.
Infamously labelled, “General Betrayus” by as he masterfully conducted Bush’s Iraq surge to victory in that beleagured country, Petraeus has expressed as much interest in the presidency as Gen. Sherman after the Civil War.
Nevertheless, David Petraeus is a patriot and his nation is in dire need of his leadership. If he agrees with Rush Limbaugh that the future of the country is at stake, he will step up and take charge.
If he doesn’t do that, he will be complicit in the decline and fall of our great nation.
(Read mre at
Sunday, April 4, 2010
You Go, Sheriff Joe! Part Two
You Go, Sheriff Joe! Part Two
. . . They also don’t appreciate his brand of law enforcement, not mollycoddling the thousands of illegals and other miscreants he rounds up and incarcerates and treats like prisoners rather than as wards of the state to be indulged and entertained.
He dresses his prisoners in shocking pink underwear to soothe them, feeds them spare prison fare–two fifteen cent meals a day without salt and pepper– plays Sinatra and opera on his in-house radio station, houses some in tents, and has used all-female and all-youth chain gangs.
Most recently he has come up with a unique idea which will no doubt infuriate Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union which already oppose his tactics.
The idea could be summarized as, “You wanna watch, you gotta pedal,” meaning that any prisoners who want to watch more television must pedal exercise bikes to generate the electricity needed to power their tvs:
Under his pedaling policy, Maricopa inmates . . .
. . . They also don’t appreciate his brand of law enforcement, not mollycoddling the thousands of illegals and other miscreants he rounds up and incarcerates and treats like prisoners rather than as wards of the state to be indulged and entertained.
He dresses his prisoners in shocking pink underwear to soothe them, feeds them spare prison fare–two fifteen cent meals a day without salt and pepper– plays Sinatra and opera on his in-house radio station, houses some in tents, and has used all-female and all-youth chain gangs.
Most recently he has come up with a unique idea which will no doubt infuriate Amnesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union which already oppose his tactics.
The idea could be summarized as, “You wanna watch, you gotta pedal,” meaning that any prisoners who want to watch more television must pedal exercise bikes to generate the electricity needed to power their tvs:
Under his pedaling policy, Maricopa inmates . . .
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Rules? Who Needs 'Em?
Rules? Who Needs 'Em?
Kids generally don’t like rules whether they’re spelled out by parents or whether they’re dictated by custom yet most also generally conduct their lives according to the rules if only to avoid the repercussions for breaking them. Most kids innately understand that without rules life as well as the games they play would be chaotic.
Congressional Democrats don’t seem to understand what kids do and trample on rules established in order that congressional business is conducted in a fair and judicious manner.
Last month during the non-debate over Obamacare we witnessed an obscene disregard for the rules set forth in the Constitution and the written and unwritten laws of deorous behavior attendant on lawmaking.
Repeatedly, various Democratic congresspeople voiced doubts about facets of the Obamacare bill that they felt were unconstitutional–for example, forcing Americans to buy health insurance. However, almost to the man or woman they voted for it anyway.
Time and again they departed from the bounds of moral behavior–such as publically bribing Senator Mary Landrieu in order to secure her vote–in the monomaniacal interest of passing their leader’s legacy law.
Usually, people are discreet about breaking the rules and manufacture stratagem, and lies, to hide their brazen behavior. However, that wasn’t the case with two Democrats recently, Reps. Alcee Hastings of Florida and Phil Hare of Illinois, both of whom flouted the rules and seemed proud about it. . .
Kids generally don’t like rules whether they’re spelled out by parents or whether they’re dictated by custom yet most also generally conduct their lives according to the rules if only to avoid the repercussions for breaking them. Most kids innately understand that without rules life as well as the games they play would be chaotic.
Congressional Democrats don’t seem to understand what kids do and trample on rules established in order that congressional business is conducted in a fair and judicious manner.
Last month during the non-debate over Obamacare we witnessed an obscene disregard for the rules set forth in the Constitution and the written and unwritten laws of deorous behavior attendant on lawmaking.
Repeatedly, various Democratic congresspeople voiced doubts about facets of the Obamacare bill that they felt were unconstitutional–for example, forcing Americans to buy health insurance. However, almost to the man or woman they voted for it anyway.
Time and again they departed from the bounds of moral behavior–such as publically bribing Senator Mary Landrieu in order to secure her vote–in the monomaniacal interest of passing their leader’s legacy law.
Usually, people are discreet about breaking the rules and manufacture stratagem, and lies, to hide their brazen behavior. However, that wasn’t the case with two Democrats recently, Reps. Alcee Hastings of Florida and Phil Hare of Illinois, both of whom flouted the rules and seemed proud about it. . .
Friday, April 2, 2010
Pre-empting Mass Murder
Pre-empting Mass Murder
. . . Do you now have the moral right, the duty in fact, to kill Adolph Hitler and hopefully stop the mayhem?
On a more theoretical plane, is it incumbent on one human being to do all in his power to stop a madman from wreaking additional untold horrors when you’re certain he is already guilty of capital crimes against humanity?
Some 60,000,000 people died worldwide in World War Two. Some 50,000,000 pre-born babies have had their lives extinguished in the United States alone since the Supreme Court decided in 1973 that abortions should be legal in this country.
That number must have weighed heavily on the mind and soul of Scott Roeder.
Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas didn’t just perform abortions in his Women’s Health Care Services clinic. He specialized in a procedure practiced by only one other doctor in the country. He performed late term abortions which meant he would literally slice and dice fully-formed infants whose misfortune was to still exist in utero because they hadn’t gotten nature’s signal to be born. . .
. . . Do you now have the moral right, the duty in fact, to kill Adolph Hitler and hopefully stop the mayhem?
On a more theoretical plane, is it incumbent on one human being to do all in his power to stop a madman from wreaking additional untold horrors when you’re certain he is already guilty of capital crimes against humanity?
Some 60,000,000 people died worldwide in World War Two. Some 50,000,000 pre-born babies have had their lives extinguished in the United States alone since the Supreme Court decided in 1973 that abortions should be legal in this country.
That number must have weighed heavily on the mind and soul of Scott Roeder.
Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas didn’t just perform abortions in his Women’s Health Care Services clinic. He specialized in a procedure practiced by only one other doctor in the country. He performed late term abortions which meant he would literally slice and dice fully-formed infants whose misfortune was to still exist in utero because they hadn’t gotten nature’s signal to be born. . .
Westboro Perversions
Westboro Perversiona
I believe that homosexuality is a perversion of nature and that practicing homosexuals pervert the timeless principles of Natural Law.
I believe the ongoing drive of the homosexual lobby and especially the effort to seduce children into its sick web of degradation should be stopped at all costs.
I believe homosexual attacks, physical, intellectual, and moral, on American individuals, society and institutions should and must be recognized and prosecuted where possible.
That said, I believe the actions of the Westboro Baptist Congregation are obscene and repulsive and virtually as perverted as homosexuality.
The Westboro congregation is as far removed from Christian aims and principles as the most vile organizations in the country.
Wrapped in the flag, Westboro fanatics traverse the country to stage demonstrations at the funerals of fallen soldiers to protest against homosexuals in the armed forces. . .
I believe that homosexuality is a perversion of nature and that practicing homosexuals pervert the timeless principles of Natural Law.
I believe the ongoing drive of the homosexual lobby and especially the effort to seduce children into its sick web of degradation should be stopped at all costs.
I believe homosexual attacks, physical, intellectual, and moral, on American individuals, society and institutions should and must be recognized and prosecuted where possible.
That said, I believe the actions of the Westboro Baptist Congregation are obscene and repulsive and virtually as perverted as homosexuality.
The Westboro congregation is as far removed from Christian aims and principles as the most vile organizations in the country.
Wrapped in the flag, Westboro fanatics traverse the country to stage demonstrations at the funerals of fallen soldiers to protest against homosexuals in the armed forces. . .
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
. . . Dumbest: We all bite off more than we can chew once in a while but Somali pirates bit one huge mouthful when they decided to hijack and hold for ransom an American guided missile frigate, the USS Nicholas.
In the understatement of the month, British piracy expert Roger Middleton commented, “They might not always make rational decisions, and they often attack things that are bigger than they should . . . It’s also quite possible that they don’t have a full understanding of the targets they are attacking. Perhaps they just see a big ship they think is a worth a lot of money.”
No kidding, Rog! . . .
In the understatement of the month, British piracy expert Roger Middleton commented, “They might not always make rational decisions, and they often attack things that are bigger than they should . . . It’s also quite possible that they don’t have a full understanding of the targets they are attacking. Perhaps they just see a big ship they think is a worth a lot of money.”
No kidding, Rog! . . .
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