Say It Ain’t So, Joe Biden!
There’s been an ugly rumor floating around Washington for a while now, namely that Vice President Joe Biden is a drunk.
Not to make light of the serious disease that is alcoholism but, if true, it would explain quite a bit about his antics and gaffes during last year’s campaign and since he assumed the vice presidency in January.
Of course his boss, Barack Obama, is D.C.’s resident Gaffe King. That’s not a result of being tipsy but because he’s just Obama.
He is so reliant on his crutch, Mr. Teleprompter, that without it he tends to say stupid things such as claiming he had campaigned “in all 57 states” and being unable to speculate on the moment of conception because it “was above my pay grade.”
Post-election his most famous, and insensitive, goof was ridiculing Special Olympians on Leno.
Not that any of the gaffe twins’ numerous examples of foot-in-mouth disease get any significant play in the mass media, except for the Leno remark which was made on national television.
If covered at all, their flubs and screw ups are soon buried, never to see the light of publicity again, whereas George Bush’s numerous misspeaks still are prime fodder.
Biden is no slacker in the blooper department, either.
Don’t expect to see them on NBC, CNN, et al., but two videos featuring good ol’ Joe have come to light which give credence to his having an issue with “the drink,” as his Irish ancestors would say.
They offer explanation for his often rambling dissertations, solecisms, flubs, and outright improprieties.
The first Biden video, . . .
(Read the rest and see the videos at
Saturday, October 31, 2009
And, They're Off!
And, They’re Off!
The title isn’t a reference to the Derby or the Preakness or the Belmont Stakes. It’s a reference to the annual Festival of Nativity Naysayers, aka the Feast of Christmas Humbuggers, aka the Holiday When Liberals Dump on Christians.
We’ve barely reached the pagan festival of Halloween but, never known as people who missed a chance to bash Christian beliefs, the Left is already up in arms over a 63-year Christmas tradition in Warren, Michigan.
They’re trying to ban the return of a creche scene to a public site where it has stood every year since 1945.
Perhaps emboldened by President Obama’s outrageous declaration that America is not a Christian nation and well aware it could never accomplish its goals by public referendum, the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed suit in federal court to banish the creche.
The foundation’s basis? Why, the non-existent constitutional clause mandating a strict separation of church and state, of course.
John Satawa’s dad built and installed the creche. . .
(Read the rest at
The title isn’t a reference to the Derby or the Preakness or the Belmont Stakes. It’s a reference to the annual Festival of Nativity Naysayers, aka the Feast of Christmas Humbuggers, aka the Holiday When Liberals Dump on Christians.
We’ve barely reached the pagan festival of Halloween but, never known as people who missed a chance to bash Christian beliefs, the Left is already up in arms over a 63-year Christmas tradition in Warren, Michigan.
They’re trying to ban the return of a creche scene to a public site where it has stood every year since 1945.
Perhaps emboldened by President Obama’s outrageous declaration that America is not a Christian nation and well aware it could never accomplish its goals by public referendum, the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed suit in federal court to banish the creche.
The foundation’s basis? Why, the non-existent constitutional clause mandating a strict separation of church and state, of course.
John Satawa’s dad built and installed the creche. . .
(Read the rest at
Friday, October 30, 2009
Obama's Islamic Video
An Obama-Islamic Video
When George W. Bush proclaimed during the 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus Christ was his “favorite philosopher,” he was roundly chastised by America’s left wingers for intruding religion into politics.
Bush would also as a matter of course end his speeches with, “May God continue to bless the United States,” another horrific violation of the leftist-inspired, false issue of separation of church and state.
All Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote of a “wall of separation” in an 1802 letter was that this nation would and should never have an official state religion. We had escaped the state Church of England by our revolution and weren’t about to re-establish a national religion.
In the interests of full disclosure, I’m not a big fan of our current president, for sundry reasons, as regular visitors to this site would know. I have also questioned his religion.
I caught a lot of flak last year from friend and foe alike for suggesting the man wasn’t all he seemed. We all know appearances can be deceiving and Obama was always careful to present a pleasant facade.
In order to win the presidency, he had to appear non-threatening, a proverbial man of the people, open to all ideas, open to all races and religions.
With the aid and abettance of the MSM, he deftly skirted all negative issues and questionable associations with committed domestic terrorists such as his good buddy Bill Ayers and committed racist America-haters such as his pastor and moral compass, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Along the way in his campaign of deception and since his election, the gaffe-prone Obama has let slip though his opaque facade some very telling commentary, slipped probably when his trusty teleprompter wasn’t guiding his words. . .
(Read the rest at
When George W. Bush proclaimed during the 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus Christ was his “favorite philosopher,” he was roundly chastised by America’s left wingers for intruding religion into politics.
Bush would also as a matter of course end his speeches with, “May God continue to bless the United States,” another horrific violation of the leftist-inspired, false issue of separation of church and state.
All Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote of a “wall of separation” in an 1802 letter was that this nation would and should never have an official state religion. We had escaped the state Church of England by our revolution and weren’t about to re-establish a national religion.
In the interests of full disclosure, I’m not a big fan of our current president, for sundry reasons, as regular visitors to this site would know. I have also questioned his religion.
I caught a lot of flak last year from friend and foe alike for suggesting the man wasn’t all he seemed. We all know appearances can be deceiving and Obama was always careful to present a pleasant facade.
In order to win the presidency, he had to appear non-threatening, a proverbial man of the people, open to all ideas, open to all races and religions.
With the aid and abettance of the MSM, he deftly skirted all negative issues and questionable associations with committed domestic terrorists such as his good buddy Bill Ayers and committed racist America-haters such as his pastor and moral compass, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Along the way in his campaign of deception and since his election, the gaffe-prone Obama has let slip though his opaque facade some very telling commentary, slipped probably when his trusty teleprompter wasn’t guiding his words. . .
(Read the rest at
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nancy Pelosi, Queen of OHI
Nancy Pelosi, Queen of OHI
When Lincoln concluded the Gettysburg Address with the stirring words, “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” he could never have envisioned Nancy Pelosi.
We still have a nation even if God has been banished from the public forum and we still have some freedoms left despite efforts by Congress and the president to deny them.
However, Abe’s dream that our government would always be of, by, and for the people took another shot to the solar plexus in Washington today.
Nancy Pelosi’s health care bill, is a monstrosity in every sense of the word. . . .
(Read the rest at
When Lincoln concluded the Gettysburg Address with the stirring words, “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” he could never have envisioned Nancy Pelosi.
We still have a nation even if God has been banished from the public forum and we still have some freedoms left despite efforts by Congress and the president to deny them.
However, Abe’s dream that our government would always be of, by, and for the people took another shot to the solar plexus in Washington today.
Nancy Pelosi’s health care bill, is a monstrosity in every sense of the word. . . .
(Read the rest at
The U.N., a Boil on the Arse of America
The U.N., a Boil on the Arse of America
We should have known at the inception of the United Nations when the U.S.S.R. was accorded three separate votes in the General Assembly that the whole idea was a bad deal for the United States.
We should have known but we didn’t, or else we did know and bought into the deal anyway because, ostensibly, it was all in the interests of a lasting world peace, aka, pie in the sky.
Then, too, convicted Soviet spy, Alger Hiss, helped establish the structure of the U.N. However, that was before the Cold War with the Soviet Union so his machinations must have been motivated by the purest and most patriotic intentions.
The fact that the world hasn’t had any real peace since the U.N. entered the geopolitcal picture still hasn’t resonated with many Americans and the fact that nothing the U.N. has ever done has favored American interests. We still pour money and precious military resources into that cesspool.
The U.N. has been and will continue to be the proverbial teats on a bull while posing as mankind’s savior and American suckers will continue to subsidize that sad excuse for a deliberative, international body.
Far worse, the rotting building on New York City’s East River and its thousands of rotten, resident delegates and functionaries represent the most insidious, dangerous force we have ever faced.
Too many books and articles, including any number of articles in this space, have been written on the fraud that is the United Nations to beat that dead horse so let’s just focus on one of its most recent foray into diplomacy.
US Drones May Be Tantamount to Summary Executions: Of all institutions, the U.N. should be the last to speak of drones but this week U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions Philip Alston did just that.
With that ostentatious title, I guess Mr. Alston feels he’s entitled to address any issue he damned well pleases. . . .
(Read the rest at
We should have known at the inception of the United Nations when the U.S.S.R. was accorded three separate votes in the General Assembly that the whole idea was a bad deal for the United States.
We should have known but we didn’t, or else we did know and bought into the deal anyway because, ostensibly, it was all in the interests of a lasting world peace, aka, pie in the sky.
Then, too, convicted Soviet spy, Alger Hiss, helped establish the structure of the U.N. However, that was before the Cold War with the Soviet Union so his machinations must have been motivated by the purest and most patriotic intentions.
The fact that the world hasn’t had any real peace since the U.N. entered the geopolitcal picture still hasn’t resonated with many Americans and the fact that nothing the U.N. has ever done has favored American interests. We still pour money and precious military resources into that cesspool.
The U.N. has been and will continue to be the proverbial teats on a bull while posing as mankind’s savior and American suckers will continue to subsidize that sad excuse for a deliberative, international body.
Far worse, the rotting building on New York City’s East River and its thousands of rotten, resident delegates and functionaries represent the most insidious, dangerous force we have ever faced.
Too many books and articles, including any number of articles in this space, have been written on the fraud that is the United Nations to beat that dead horse so let’s just focus on one of its most recent foray into diplomacy.
US Drones May Be Tantamount to Summary Executions: Of all institutions, the U.N. should be the last to speak of drones but this week U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions Philip Alston did just that.
With that ostentatious title, I guess Mr. Alston feels he’s entitled to address any issue he damned well pleases. . . .
(Read the rest at
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dem Damned Lies, Deceptions, and Dolts
Dem Damned Lies, Deceptions, and Dolts
This mess of Democrats in control of our government has come near to perfecting the fine art of political obfuscation and nervy prevarication.
Whether it’s the president who now says that, “Gee, when I said that my Obamacare proposals never incorporated funding for aborting the pre-born, I didn’t really mean that Obamacare wouldn’t incorporate such funding,” or other deceptions, it’s transparent that this ilk has gone to the top of the Prevarication Charts.
Seriously, now, they are absolutely superb at twisting the truth, that is unless, ala Bill Clinton, everyone else is lying but they are telling the god’s-honest truth.
For example, “Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told that President Barack Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that ‘under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions’ he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.”
“I don’t know if it is a game of semantics or what,” Stupak said of Obama’s nationally-televised declaration to Congress that the health-care plan will not allow federal funding of abortion:”
Rep. Stupak, it’s not semantics. It’s baldfaced lying, a political technique developed into an art form by Barack Obama and his acolytes and predicated on the assumption that the American people are dolts.
All Stupak wants is a floor vote on an amendment prohibiting abortion funding in Obamacare, a transparent, democratic procedure to determine specifically where House members stand. Speaker-wannabe Steny Hoyer has now tried to placate Stupak with more mealy-mouthed, vague promises of compromise:
Then along comes the Queen of Deceptive Prevarication, House Speaker Nancy Patricia D’Alesssandro Pelosi, who feigned ignorance–or was it feigned?– . . .
(Read the rest at
This mess of Democrats in control of our government has come near to perfecting the fine art of political obfuscation and nervy prevarication.
Whether it’s the president who now says that, “Gee, when I said that my Obamacare proposals never incorporated funding for aborting the pre-born, I didn’t really mean that Obamacare wouldn’t incorporate such funding,” or other deceptions, it’s transparent that this ilk has gone to the top of the Prevarication Charts.
Seriously, now, they are absolutely superb at twisting the truth, that is unless, ala Bill Clinton, everyone else is lying but they are telling the god’s-honest truth.
For example, “Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told that President Barack Obama told him in a telephone conversation that when he said in his Sept. 9 speech to a joint session of Congress that ‘under our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions’ he was not talking about the actual bill drafted in the House but about the president’s own health care plan—which has never been written.”
“I don’t know if it is a game of semantics or what,” Stupak said of Obama’s nationally-televised declaration to Congress that the health-care plan will not allow federal funding of abortion:”
Rep. Stupak, it’s not semantics. It’s baldfaced lying, a political technique developed into an art form by Barack Obama and his acolytes and predicated on the assumption that the American people are dolts.
All Stupak wants is a floor vote on an amendment prohibiting abortion funding in Obamacare, a transparent, democratic procedure to determine specifically where House members stand. Speaker-wannabe Steny Hoyer has now tried to placate Stupak with more mealy-mouthed, vague promises of compromise:
Then along comes the Queen of Deceptive Prevarication, House Speaker Nancy Patricia D’Alesssandro Pelosi, who feigned ignorance–or was it feigned?– . . .
(Read the rest at
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jesse Dirkhising Would be 23
For those not familiar with the name Jesse Dirkhising, that’s no surprise. He was never a media favorite like Matthew Shepard even though the two met similar fates.
The chief differences are that Jesse was a child of 13. Matthew was a young man of 21. Jesse’s vicious murder was committed by two pedophiles, sadistic animals who also tortured and repeatedly raped him. Matthew was killed by 2 drugged up drunks in a robbery.
Oh, there was another difference: Jesse was a totally innocent, heterosexual victim and Matthew, a homosexual, was picked up in a Wyoming tavern before he was robbed, beaten, and left to die tied to a frozen fencepost.
Both were horrendous crimes but for some inexplicable reason, we now have a hate crime law commemorating the life of Matthew Shepard, a man, and only a tombstone to remember Jesse Dirkhising, a child.
Why the disparity in recognition?
Ask the mainstream media which chose either to treat Jesse’s horrific murder as a mere random aberration–which it wasn’t–or chose to ignore it altogether, and to honor Matthew as a cause celebre’ because he is some kind of hero–which he wasn’t.
Rumor has it . . .
(Read the rest at
The chief differences are that Jesse was a child of 13. Matthew was a young man of 21. Jesse’s vicious murder was committed by two pedophiles, sadistic animals who also tortured and repeatedly raped him. Matthew was killed by 2 drugged up drunks in a robbery.
Oh, there was another difference: Jesse was a totally innocent, heterosexual victim and Matthew, a homosexual, was picked up in a Wyoming tavern before he was robbed, beaten, and left to die tied to a frozen fencepost.
Both were horrendous crimes but for some inexplicable reason, we now have a hate crime law commemorating the life of Matthew Shepard, a man, and only a tombstone to remember Jesse Dirkhising, a child.
Why the disparity in recognition?
Ask the mainstream media which chose either to treat Jesse’s horrific murder as a mere random aberration–which it wasn’t–or chose to ignore it altogether, and to honor Matthew as a cause celebre’ because he is some kind of hero–which he wasn’t.
Rumor has it . . .
(Read the rest at
All That Glisters Isn't Gold
All That Glisters Is Not Gold
Having barbarized the English language, we now prefer to say that, “All that glitters isn’t gold,” instead of using Shakespeare’s “glisters.”
The meaning is about the same: Gold and the pursuit thereof, whether for investment, speculation, jewelry, or its sheer gut attraction has its pitfalls and the benefits of its attraction may not always be what they seem to be.
The same goes for “the poor man’s gold,” silver, which today seems ubiquitous in cheap baubles.
Unlike real estate which Will Rogers said we should buy since they’re not making any more of it, they’re still “making,” as in mining, gold although gold deposits are becoming harder and harder to find even as competition heats up and as the price soars.
Gold, that most precious of all precious metals, has from time immemorial been the one true sure bet. However, not that it would ever be worthless, but gold could lose significant value and lose investors/speculators big money. For the hoarders, it also presents the problem of storage.
Under Grandma’s bed is not recommended, especially if she tends to wander with her purse stuffed.
Of course, land, real estate, tends to periodically crash and burn as millions of Americans witnessed from the government-caused burst housing bubble.
In today’s very uncertain times, buying–and hoarding–gold has become an enticing hedge against wildly-inflated paper currencies, such the Obama dollar. The inflationary effect of Obama’s fascination with printing far more greenbacks than we should has yet to hit America’s fan.
Just give it time, until after the elections.
Gold is considered the safest hedge . . .
(Read the rest at
Having barbarized the English language, we now prefer to say that, “All that glitters isn’t gold,” instead of using Shakespeare’s “glisters.”
The meaning is about the same: Gold and the pursuit thereof, whether for investment, speculation, jewelry, or its sheer gut attraction has its pitfalls and the benefits of its attraction may not always be what they seem to be.
The same goes for “the poor man’s gold,” silver, which today seems ubiquitous in cheap baubles.
Unlike real estate which Will Rogers said we should buy since they’re not making any more of it, they’re still “making,” as in mining, gold although gold deposits are becoming harder and harder to find even as competition heats up and as the price soars.
Gold, that most precious of all precious metals, has from time immemorial been the one true sure bet. However, not that it would ever be worthless, but gold could lose significant value and lose investors/speculators big money. For the hoarders, it also presents the problem of storage.
Under Grandma’s bed is not recommended, especially if she tends to wander with her purse stuffed.
Of course, land, real estate, tends to periodically crash and burn as millions of Americans witnessed from the government-caused burst housing bubble.
In today’s very uncertain times, buying–and hoarding–gold has become an enticing hedge against wildly-inflated paper currencies, such the Obama dollar. The inflationary effect of Obama’s fascination with printing far more greenbacks than we should has yet to hit America’s fan.
Just give it time, until after the elections.
Gold is considered the safest hedge . . .
(Read the rest at
Monday, October 26, 2009
Israeli Racism
Israeli Racism
In a scathing attack on certain religious factions in Israel, an article on the authoritative Jewish website, denounces the existence in the country of self-righteous zealots imvolved in a “racist campaign [which] is being led by the Shas party, headed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai.”
Shulamit Aloni also targets Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for having “fallen in love” with ultra-orthodox elements in Israel and Israel’s “parasites,” 50,000 yeshiva students who are exempted from working and serving in the military.
The notoriously-belligerent Netanyahu allegedly ”despises the principles embodied in the founding document of the state . . . that ensures the country will be developed ‘for the benefit of all its residents,’ that there will be ‘complete equality of rights for all citizens regardless of origin, race, religion or gender,’ as well as ‘freedom of religion and conscience.’ “
The chief object of Aloni’s disaffection is the ultra-Orthodox hypocrisy in accepting the assimilation of Russian emigres while insisting ”on racial purity,” and expulsion ”from the ‘Jewish democratic’ state [all other] children . . .
(Read the rest at
In a scathing attack on certain religious factions in Israel, an article on the authoritative Jewish website, denounces the existence in the country of self-righteous zealots imvolved in a “racist campaign [which] is being led by the Shas party, headed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai.”
Shulamit Aloni also targets Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for having “fallen in love” with ultra-orthodox elements in Israel and Israel’s “parasites,” 50,000 yeshiva students who are exempted from working and serving in the military.
The notoriously-belligerent Netanyahu allegedly ”despises the principles embodied in the founding document of the state . . . that ensures the country will be developed ‘for the benefit of all its residents,’ that there will be ‘complete equality of rights for all citizens regardless of origin, race, religion or gender,’ as well as ‘freedom of religion and conscience.’ “
The chief object of Aloni’s disaffection is the ultra-Orthodox hypocrisy in accepting the assimilation of Russian emigres while insisting ”on racial purity,” and expulsion ”from the ‘Jewish democratic’ state [all other] children . . .
(Read the rest at
Charles Krauthammer on the Sorry State of the State
Summary of Charles Krauthammer's Remarks
Last Monday was a profound evening. Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke to the Center for the American Experiment. He is a brilliant intellectual, seasoned & articulate. He is forthright and careful in his analysis, and never resorts to emotions or personal insults. He is NOT a fear monger nor an extremist in his comments and views. He is a fiscal conservative, and has received a Pulitzer Prize for writing. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News and writes weekly for the Washington Post. . .
(The above was received as an e-mail and is re-printed here as a public service without major edits or commentary.
(It is important to note that the above is a summary interpretation of Dr. Krauthammer’s remarks to the Center for American Experiment and that he has taken objection to the dissemination of this summary mainly due to misrepresention of his rhetoric and not on substantive grounds.
(Dr. Krauthammer notified the Center that this “summary of his speech . . . is ‘neither accurate nor authoritative.’ “
(However, a perusal of 5 internet links he provided to the Center demonstrate no appreciable variation from the summary’s content. Those links to columns printed in The Washington Post soon after Obama’s inauguration began with “The Obamaist Manifesto.” All are available here:
(Without taking issue with Dr. Krauthammer’s objections, I would suggest that he at least acknowledge the substantive truth of the summary even if the presentation and articulation of his views falls far short of his outstanding verbal and written skills.
(Let’s all work together, Doctor.)
(Read all 11 points in the summary at
Last Monday was a profound evening. Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke to the Center for the American Experiment. He is a brilliant intellectual, seasoned & articulate. He is forthright and careful in his analysis, and never resorts to emotions or personal insults. He is NOT a fear monger nor an extremist in his comments and views. He is a fiscal conservative, and has received a Pulitzer Prize for writing. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News and writes weekly for the Washington Post. . .
(The above was received as an e-mail and is re-printed here as a public service without major edits or commentary.
(It is important to note that the above is a summary interpretation of Dr. Krauthammer’s remarks to the Center for American Experiment and that he has taken objection to the dissemination of this summary mainly due to misrepresention of his rhetoric and not on substantive grounds.
(Dr. Krauthammer notified the Center that this “summary of his speech . . . is ‘neither accurate nor authoritative.’ “
(However, a perusal of 5 internet links he provided to the Center demonstrate no appreciable variation from the summary’s content. Those links to columns printed in The Washington Post soon after Obama’s inauguration began with “The Obamaist Manifesto.” All are available here:
(Without taking issue with Dr. Krauthammer’s objections, I would suggest that he at least acknowledge the substantive truth of the summary even if the presentation and articulation of his views falls far short of his outstanding verbal and written skills.
(Let’s all work together, Doctor.)
(Read all 11 points in the summary at
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Racism and Serena Williams
Racism and Serena Williams
Racism is an ugly word and a word very often unjustly applied.
Professional hate mongers and race baiters, like the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, toss the term around as if they’re playing volleyball, unmindful of the lesson behind the Aesop fable of the shepherd boy who cried wolf.
The townspeople eventually get fed up with the boy’s lying and refused to come to his aid when a true threat came on the scene, a nasty, hungry, real wolf.
Aesop’s readers learn the moral that, “Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth.”
So, too, will reasonable people come to realize those reverends are money-grubbing, racist charlatans whose repetitive cries of racism have as much substance as the shepherd boy’s “Wolf!” lies.
Which brings us to the less than serene sports star, Serena Williams.
The tennis amazon blossomed into a foul-mouthed, threatening harridan at the U.S. Open last September leading some to believe the dad-proclaimed greatest tennis player in the history of tennis had erupted as much out of frustration as out of her vile personality and character:
Serena recovered, even if the line judge who was the target of her F-bomb-filled, murderous invective hasn’t.
Serena moved on down the road to exhibiting her prodigious bod on ESPN Magazine’s “body issue” cover:
As a result of her tirade and exhibiting her well-oiled figure for all the world to see, Serena may not be welcome at the upcoming Australia Open next February:
If she is disinvited, . . .
(Read the rest at
Racism is an ugly word and a word very often unjustly applied.
Professional hate mongers and race baiters, like the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, toss the term around as if they’re playing volleyball, unmindful of the lesson behind the Aesop fable of the shepherd boy who cried wolf.
The townspeople eventually get fed up with the boy’s lying and refused to come to his aid when a true threat came on the scene, a nasty, hungry, real wolf.
Aesop’s readers learn the moral that, “Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth.”
So, too, will reasonable people come to realize those reverends are money-grubbing, racist charlatans whose repetitive cries of racism have as much substance as the shepherd boy’s “Wolf!” lies.
Which brings us to the less than serene sports star, Serena Williams.
The tennis amazon blossomed into a foul-mouthed, threatening harridan at the U.S. Open last September leading some to believe the dad-proclaimed greatest tennis player in the history of tennis had erupted as much out of frustration as out of her vile personality and character:
Serena recovered, even if the line judge who was the target of her F-bomb-filled, murderous invective hasn’t.
Serena moved on down the road to exhibiting her prodigious bod on ESPN Magazine’s “body issue” cover:
As a result of her tirade and exhibiting her well-oiled figure for all the world to see, Serena may not be welcome at the upcoming Australia Open next February:
If she is disinvited, . . .
(Read the rest at
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New York Republicans Just Don't Get It
New York Republicans Just Don’t Get It
She’s pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-card check, pro-tax and spend, in bed with labor unions, and has been endorsed by
I’m not referring to Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer. I’m referring to New York State Assmblywoman Dede Scozafazza, the Republican nominee for Congress in New York 23rd CD.
More liberal than many of her Democratic colleagues in the Assembly yet termed a moderate, Scozzafazza is about as moderate as George Soros and her nomination represents the most asinine Republican pick since Rick Lazio ran against Hillary in 2000.
Opposed in the special election on November 3rd by Democrat Bill Owens and the Conservative Party’s Doug Hoffman, Scozafazza’s nomination is a classic example of the political astigmatism and poor memories of the New York State Republicans.
The 23rd and this country as a whole are politically center right and generally reject political extremism of liberal candidates such as Barack Obama unless they successfully cloak that philosophy in rhetorical vagaries, such as Barack Obama did.
Last November’s election . . .
(Read the rest at
She’s pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-card check, pro-tax and spend, in bed with labor unions, and has been endorsed by
I’m not referring to Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer. I’m referring to New York State Assmblywoman Dede Scozafazza, the Republican nominee for Congress in New York 23rd CD.
More liberal than many of her Democratic colleagues in the Assembly yet termed a moderate, Scozzafazza is about as moderate as George Soros and her nomination represents the most asinine Republican pick since Rick Lazio ran against Hillary in 2000.
Opposed in the special election on November 3rd by Democrat Bill Owens and the Conservative Party’s Doug Hoffman, Scozafazza’s nomination is a classic example of the political astigmatism and poor memories of the New York State Republicans.
The 23rd and this country as a whole are politically center right and generally reject political extremism of liberal candidates such as Barack Obama unless they successfully cloak that philosophy in rhetorical vagaries, such as Barack Obama did.
Last November’s election . . .
(Read the rest at
Friday, October 23, 2009
Climate Change Foolery
Climate Change Foolery
The End Is Near! If you’re not too busy on or about December 8th, make a note that on that fateful day climate change will wreak its final vengeance on the world’s polluters–and on everyone else.
At least that’s the view of the increasingly-odd British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Well, not exactly.
According to the BBC, Brown did say on October 19th in London that “negotiators had 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the ‘impasse’ ” or face “catastrophic” floods, heat waves, and droughts for which there is “no Plan B:”
So, that’s all, folks! Either the world gets its act together when nations gather in December in Copenhagen to try to scrap the Kyoto Protocol, or there is no hope, no future, no planet to speak of as of December 8th.
Sort of.
He did temper his remarks by adding that, ”within the lifetime of our children and grandchildren the intense temperatures of 2003 could become the average temperature experienced throughout much of Europe.”
By the time our grandchildren are affected, much of Europe will be Islamic so maybe we should seek answers in the Qu’ran?
Absent from Brown’s hot, bleak forecast was any allusion to looking behind that curtain and discovering the charlatan who cites one miserable European summer and ignores all the true science that points to global cooling over the past decade.
Mr. Brown, faithfully carrying on Obama’s Panic Philosophy despite being repeatedly rebuffed and insulted by the American president and with his Labour Party headed for a jolly good trouncing in the next election, seems a desparate bloke who would admit to Brit atrocities in Ireland if it would garner a few votes.
The man needs a feather in his tweed cap even if it means scaring the living bejesus out of Britons.
Also on the climate change front, New York Times’ environmental reporter, Andrew Rivkin, has come up with yet another muddled, liberal idea.
Why not, Rivkind suggests, make children the equivalent of smokestacks . . .
(read the rest at
The End Is Near! If you’re not too busy on or about December 8th, make a note that on that fateful day climate change will wreak its final vengeance on the world’s polluters–and on everyone else.
At least that’s the view of the increasingly-odd British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Well, not exactly.
According to the BBC, Brown did say on October 19th in London that “negotiators had 50 days to save the world from global warming and break the ‘impasse’ ” or face “catastrophic” floods, heat waves, and droughts for which there is “no Plan B:”
So, that’s all, folks! Either the world gets its act together when nations gather in December in Copenhagen to try to scrap the Kyoto Protocol, or there is no hope, no future, no planet to speak of as of December 8th.
Sort of.
He did temper his remarks by adding that, ”within the lifetime of our children and grandchildren the intense temperatures of 2003 could become the average temperature experienced throughout much of Europe.”
By the time our grandchildren are affected, much of Europe will be Islamic so maybe we should seek answers in the Qu’ran?
Absent from Brown’s hot, bleak forecast was any allusion to looking behind that curtain and discovering the charlatan who cites one miserable European summer and ignores all the true science that points to global cooling over the past decade.
Mr. Brown, faithfully carrying on Obama’s Panic Philosophy despite being repeatedly rebuffed and insulted by the American president and with his Labour Party headed for a jolly good trouncing in the next election, seems a desparate bloke who would admit to Brit atrocities in Ireland if it would garner a few votes.
The man needs a feather in his tweed cap even if it means scaring the living bejesus out of Britons.
Also on the climate change front, New York Times’ environmental reporter, Andrew Rivkin, has come up with yet another muddled, liberal idea.
Why not, Rivkind suggests, make children the equivalent of smokestacks . . .
(read the rest at
Rep. Patrick Kennedy, Theologian
Rep. Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Theologian
Could there be a finer Irish name than Patrick Kennedy?
Sure and begorrah, there could not, and, Patrick, you’ve done a foine job at presenting yourself, indeed.
Could there be a worse exemplar of Irishness and Catholicity than Congressman Patrick Kennedy? Sure, now, there couldn’t!
Catholic theologian-wannabe Patrick has now weighed in on the abortion-in-Obamacare controversy and the right of the Catholic Church to express an opinion on the matter:
He declared that the Church is sowing the seeds, “flames of dissent and discord,” he called it, by its opposition to Obamacare simply because Obama’s cure for the nation’s health care issue incorporates provisions for solving any health problems of the pre-born by killing them.
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, me-boy, are you not aware that the other Irishman, Barack O’Bama, has said abortion will not be incorporated in Obamacare? If not, would you be beating a dead horse?
And, how can you say, “I can’t understand for the life of me how the Catholic Church could be against the biggest social justice issue of our time, where the very dignity of the human person is being respected by the fact that we’re caring and giving health care to the human person–that right now we have 50 million people who are uninsured?”
That number, by the way, seems to grow and blow in the wind.
Patrick, in the immortal words of Irish playwright, Sean O’Casey, surely you don’t believe that “The whole world’s in a state of chassis” or that health care supersedes the issue of killing pre-born babies as “the biggest social issue of our time?”
For the life of me, I can’t fathom your thinking!
Is not ending the lives of some 50,000,000 human beings long before their time more consequential than inaugurating a socialistic welfare program?
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! . . .
(Read the rest at
Could there be a finer Irish name than Patrick Kennedy?
Sure and begorrah, there could not, and, Patrick, you’ve done a foine job at presenting yourself, indeed.
Could there be a worse exemplar of Irishness and Catholicity than Congressman Patrick Kennedy? Sure, now, there couldn’t!
Catholic theologian-wannabe Patrick has now weighed in on the abortion-in-Obamacare controversy and the right of the Catholic Church to express an opinion on the matter:
He declared that the Church is sowing the seeds, “flames of dissent and discord,” he called it, by its opposition to Obamacare simply because Obama’s cure for the nation’s health care issue incorporates provisions for solving any health problems of the pre-born by killing them.
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, me-boy, are you not aware that the other Irishman, Barack O’Bama, has said abortion will not be incorporated in Obamacare? If not, would you be beating a dead horse?
And, how can you say, “I can’t understand for the life of me how the Catholic Church could be against the biggest social justice issue of our time, where the very dignity of the human person is being respected by the fact that we’re caring and giving health care to the human person–that right now we have 50 million people who are uninsured?”
That number, by the way, seems to grow and blow in the wind.
Patrick, in the immortal words of Irish playwright, Sean O’Casey, surely you don’t believe that “The whole world’s in a state of chassis” or that health care supersedes the issue of killing pre-born babies as “the biggest social issue of our time?”
For the life of me, I can’t fathom your thinking!
Is not ending the lives of some 50,000,000 human beings long before their time more consequential than inaugurating a socialistic welfare program?
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! . . .
(Read the rest at
Super Swine Scam?
Super Swine Scam?
There’s a quiet revolution afoot in our great land and, no, that’s not a reference to the national tea party tax revolt nor to the growing revolution of the populace against Obamacare and outrageous spending and deficits.
Those revolts are less than quiet.
The quiet revolution is as grass roots as can be.
People are rebelling over government insistence that they inhale some mysterious mist or get poked with needles attached to vials filled with a vaccine untested for its long term effects.
Allegedly designed to protect them from H1N1, the swine flu scourge, unless we dutifully cooperate, H1N1 will infect at least half the planet, we’re told.
Many people are refusing to cooperate and many parents are refusing to have their kids vaccinated with this product which could be the result of as much junk science as the global warming charade.
A Consumer Reports poll showed just 34% of Americans plan to get the shot, 21% smell a rat and would pass, and 43% are undecided,, testimony that Americans aren’t as stupid as Obama thinks they are. snuck out of the government reservation the other day and effectively said the passers and fence-sitters are right.
“Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?” is a heretical departure from the government propaganda machine which has been preaching for over a year that the H1N1 virus is the worst thing to hit mankind since the Black Plague.
CBS surprisingly reported that “If you’ve been diagnosed ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ H1N1 or ’swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.
“In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That’s according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.”
How could that be, after all the scare tactics being employed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC?
Easy answer: the whole swine flu scare is a large load of poppycock.
CBS also revealed . . .
(Read the rest at
There’s a quiet revolution afoot in our great land and, no, that’s not a reference to the national tea party tax revolt nor to the growing revolution of the populace against Obamacare and outrageous spending and deficits.
Those revolts are less than quiet.
The quiet revolution is as grass roots as can be.
People are rebelling over government insistence that they inhale some mysterious mist or get poked with needles attached to vials filled with a vaccine untested for its long term effects.
Allegedly designed to protect them from H1N1, the swine flu scourge, unless we dutifully cooperate, H1N1 will infect at least half the planet, we’re told.
Many people are refusing to cooperate and many parents are refusing to have their kids vaccinated with this product which could be the result of as much junk science as the global warming charade.
A Consumer Reports poll showed just 34% of Americans plan to get the shot, 21% smell a rat and would pass, and 43% are undecided,, testimony that Americans aren’t as stupid as Obama thinks they are. snuck out of the government reservation the other day and effectively said the passers and fence-sitters are right.
“Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?” is a heretical departure from the government propaganda machine which has been preaching for over a year that the H1N1 virus is the worst thing to hit mankind since the Black Plague.
CBS surprisingly reported that “If you’ve been diagnosed ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ H1N1 or ’swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.
“In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That’s according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.”
How could that be, after all the scare tactics being employed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC?
Easy answer: the whole swine flu scare is a large load of poppycock.
CBS also revealed . . .
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
National Paranoia II
National Paranoia–Part 2
Ok, go ahead and scoff at paranoia and the truism that paranoiacs sometimes really do have someone after them who may want to do them serious bodily and/or psychological harm.
In the case of national paranoia, perhaps you have been misinterpreting the words and actions of people plotting to alter your life as you’ve known it and our nation’s principles as we’ve long understood and revered them.
Oops, that sounds paranoid.
As strongly suggested in “National Paranoia, Part One,”, ominous, dark storm clouds of a change few anticipated on November 4th, 2008 have been gathering and theatening both America’s and our individual status quos.
With abject apologies to Robert Browning, How do I count those changes? Let me count the ways.
We could start the count of the undermining of American’s life and values on President Obama’s Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2008, when he promised the universe as the minorities who elected him all but became orgasmic and trashed his predecessor.
However, fast forward to four days ago when the White House Communications Directress, Anita Dunn, recent FoxNews dunner and Mao Tse Dung aficionado, who let slip the quip in a Dominican Republic speech that, “Very rarely did we [Obamians] communicate through the press anything that we didn’t absolutely control.”
Dunn added, “We just put that out there and made them write what [David] Plouffe [Obama’s campaign manager] had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it [sic]:”
Media control is the essence of any modern dictatorship.
Throw in the end run being plotted to re-establish the so-called Fairness Doctrine to eliminate conservative talk radio and recent attacks on Fox News aimed at marginalizing/blackballing that network and Obama will have a virtual monopoly over the airwaves.
Still not convinced that this adminstration . . .
(Read the rest at
Ok, go ahead and scoff at paranoia and the truism that paranoiacs sometimes really do have someone after them who may want to do them serious bodily and/or psychological harm.
In the case of national paranoia, perhaps you have been misinterpreting the words and actions of people plotting to alter your life as you’ve known it and our nation’s principles as we’ve long understood and revered them.
Oops, that sounds paranoid.
As strongly suggested in “National Paranoia, Part One,”, ominous, dark storm clouds of a change few anticipated on November 4th, 2008 have been gathering and theatening both America’s and our individual status quos.
With abject apologies to Robert Browning, How do I count those changes? Let me count the ways.
We could start the count of the undermining of American’s life and values on President Obama’s Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2008, when he promised the universe as the minorities who elected him all but became orgasmic and trashed his predecessor.
However, fast forward to four days ago when the White House Communications Directress, Anita Dunn, recent FoxNews dunner and Mao Tse Dung aficionado, who let slip the quip in a Dominican Republic speech that, “Very rarely did we [Obamians] communicate through the press anything that we didn’t absolutely control.”
Dunn added, “We just put that out there and made them write what [David] Plouffe [Obama’s campaign manager] had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it [sic]:”
Media control is the essence of any modern dictatorship.
Throw in the end run being plotted to re-establish the so-called Fairness Doctrine to eliminate conservative talk radio and recent attacks on Fox News aimed at marginalizing/blackballing that network and Obama will have a virtual monopoly over the airwaves.
Still not convinced that this adminstration . . .
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Screwballs in the News
Screwballs in the News
Culling out the most ridiculous features of recent news items is always a challenge, what with all the absurdities and screwballs in the competition, but here are some of the best:
Swede Charged With Hate Speech: Swedish Democratic Leader Jimmie Akesson published an opinion piece in Aftonbladet asserting “that the spread of Islam represents the country’s ‘greatest external threat since World War II.’ “
Assertion of the obvious is apparently frowned upon by some in Sweden.
Akesson was roundly condemned and ”reported to Sweden’s highest legal official by the Centre Against Racism.”
No refutation of Akesson’s position was offered but the head of the Centre did say, “We are of the view that the article agitates against Muslims when it points at Islam as the greatest threat to Sweden:”
What with the continuing worldwide jihad being waged against Western Civilization by Islamic Fundamentalists, Akesson’s contention seems to hold great credibility. His critics failed to present any other viewpoint on what does pose the “greatest external threat” to Sweden if it is not Muslims.
Bra-less Somalis: Masked, unthreatening Muslim men in Somalia are publicly whipping Muslim women who dare to wear bras because they are practicing “deception.”
To further humiliate the Somali fair sex, “After the public whippings, the women are forced to remove their bras and shake their breasts.”
As one Muslim woman complained, “They first banned the former veil and introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women’s chests. They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat.”
The hardline Islamic group Shabaab which amputates the feet and hands of robbers “has also banned movies, musical ringtones, dancing at wedding ceremonies and playing or watching soccer:”
Drunk Man Stabs Son: Seemingly infuriated and inebriated Vermonter, Nazeih Hammouri, allegedly stabbed his 19 year old son in the stomach with a corkscrew following an argument over a clogged toilet. . . .
(Read the rest at
Culling out the most ridiculous features of recent news items is always a challenge, what with all the absurdities and screwballs in the competition, but here are some of the best:
Swede Charged With Hate Speech: Swedish Democratic Leader Jimmie Akesson published an opinion piece in Aftonbladet asserting “that the spread of Islam represents the country’s ‘greatest external threat since World War II.’ “
Assertion of the obvious is apparently frowned upon by some in Sweden.
Akesson was roundly condemned and ”reported to Sweden’s highest legal official by the Centre Against Racism.”
No refutation of Akesson’s position was offered but the head of the Centre did say, “We are of the view that the article agitates against Muslims when it points at Islam as the greatest threat to Sweden:”
What with the continuing worldwide jihad being waged against Western Civilization by Islamic Fundamentalists, Akesson’s contention seems to hold great credibility. His critics failed to present any other viewpoint on what does pose the “greatest external threat” to Sweden if it is not Muslims.
Bra-less Somalis: Masked, unthreatening Muslim men in Somalia are publicly whipping Muslim women who dare to wear bras because they are practicing “deception.”
To further humiliate the Somali fair sex, “After the public whippings, the women are forced to remove their bras and shake their breasts.”
As one Muslim woman complained, “They first banned the former veil and introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women’s chests. They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat.”
The hardline Islamic group Shabaab which amputates the feet and hands of robbers “has also banned movies, musical ringtones, dancing at wedding ceremonies and playing or watching soccer:”
Drunk Man Stabs Son: Seemingly infuriated and inebriated Vermonter, Nazeih Hammouri, allegedly stabbed his 19 year old son in the stomach with a corkscrew following an argument over a clogged toilet. . . .
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Gays Beat a Straight at Allstate
Gays Beat a Straight at Allstate
Make no mistake: Homosexuals will never give up their push for what they call their rights even if in the process they trample on the rights of heterosexuals.
Case in point is the matter of free speech involving an employee of the Allstate Insurance Company who dared to publish an article which someone at Allstate considered “anti-gay.”
A manager for 5 years in the company’s Corporate Security Division at its headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, and a jazz drummer-professional heavyweight boxer-blogger in his spare time, J. Matt Barber’s wife had just given birth to their fourth child when Allstate terminated his employment.
His offense: writing and publishing online the ironically titled, ” ‘Intolerance’ Will Not Be Tolerated,” in which column he masterfully defended–as if any defense is necessary–the institution of marriage as the union between one man and one woman.
That concept, accepted as normal from time immemorial, was enshrined in American law with the passage of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act under President Clinton in 1996. It will remain our law until President Obama gets around to having it repealed, something he has promised homosexuals he will do.
Barber critcizes the radical idea of “same-sex marriage” as oxymoronic even as it gains popular recognition, under pressures from the gay community. He writes, ”It’s the end result of choosing to define one’s identity based upon with whom, and how one elects to have sex.”
In turn, that belief, predicated on alleged and unproven genetic factors, opens the door to other bizarre personal doctrines. . . .
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Make no mistake: Homosexuals will never give up their push for what they call their rights even if in the process they trample on the rights of heterosexuals.
Case in point is the matter of free speech involving an employee of the Allstate Insurance Company who dared to publish an article which someone at Allstate considered “anti-gay.”
A manager for 5 years in the company’s Corporate Security Division at its headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, and a jazz drummer-professional heavyweight boxer-blogger in his spare time, J. Matt Barber’s wife had just given birth to their fourth child when Allstate terminated his employment.
His offense: writing and publishing online the ironically titled, ” ‘Intolerance’ Will Not Be Tolerated,” in which column he masterfully defended–as if any defense is necessary–the institution of marriage as the union between one man and one woman.
That concept, accepted as normal from time immemorial, was enshrined in American law with the passage of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act under President Clinton in 1996. It will remain our law until President Obama gets around to having it repealed, something he has promised homosexuals he will do.
Barber critcizes the radical idea of “same-sex marriage” as oxymoronic even as it gains popular recognition, under pressures from the gay community. He writes, ”It’s the end result of choosing to define one’s identity based upon with whom, and how one elects to have sex.”
In turn, that belief, predicated on alleged and unproven genetic factors, opens the door to other bizarre personal doctrines. . . .
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Monday, October 19, 2009
What Do We Do About Israel? Part II
What Do We Do About Israel? Part II
The signs have been frequent and definitive: The Obama administration is no Bush administration when it comes to American-Israeli relations or, for that matter, the survival of the Jewish state of Israel.
Despite assurances by Obama that he would stand by Israel, many Jews who stood by their liberal man last November 4th are coming to realize his promises represented a bait and switch game, as prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz put it.
Still vainly attempting to find some positive affirmations in Obama’s public positions since the election, Dershowitz concludes his essay, “Has Obama Turned on Israel,” with the understatement that, “There may be coming changes in the Obama administration’s policies that do weaken the security of the Jewish state:”
Alan, you ain’t seen nothing yet! The “settlements” issue may come to seem an irrelevancy compared to what lies ahead.
A Jewish news service even sees dangers for Israel in the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded Obama since it could lead to a reticence in opposing the most imminent threat against Israel, Iranian nuclear ambitions:
But what do Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands or the Iranian threat to Israel mean to us in the long term?
Precious little.
The simplest solution to determine what Americans truly feel about Israel and how far they are prepared to go to risk a major war between the United States and the Muslim world, including possible enormous casualties and a probable, crippling oil embargo, is to ask the American people what they think. . .
(Read the rest at
The signs have been frequent and definitive: The Obama administration is no Bush administration when it comes to American-Israeli relations or, for that matter, the survival of the Jewish state of Israel.
Despite assurances by Obama that he would stand by Israel, many Jews who stood by their liberal man last November 4th are coming to realize his promises represented a bait and switch game, as prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz put it.
Still vainly attempting to find some positive affirmations in Obama’s public positions since the election, Dershowitz concludes his essay, “Has Obama Turned on Israel,” with the understatement that, “There may be coming changes in the Obama administration’s policies that do weaken the security of the Jewish state:”
Alan, you ain’t seen nothing yet! The “settlements” issue may come to seem an irrelevancy compared to what lies ahead.
A Jewish news service even sees dangers for Israel in the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded Obama since it could lead to a reticence in opposing the most imminent threat against Israel, Iranian nuclear ambitions:
But what do Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands or the Iranian threat to Israel mean to us in the long term?
Precious little.
The simplest solution to determine what Americans truly feel about Israel and how far they are prepared to go to risk a major war between the United States and the Muslim world, including possible enormous casualties and a probable, crippling oil embargo, is to ask the American people what they think. . .
(Read the rest at
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Obamabortion Administration
The Obamabortion Administration
Remember Bill Clinton?
Who doesn’t?
I’m sure we all remember Clinton’s presidency but do we all recall his chief defense against that “vast right wing conspiracy” that Hillary charged unfairly bedeviled poor Bill. Her man was telling the absolute truth and his dozens of detractors were lying.
They were lying about Gennifer Flowers, about all those people who knew and worked with him and turned up dead, and, of course, were lying about his involvement with his intern, Monica Lewinsky, in the Oral Orifice.
Learning well from their predecessor, the Obamaians have adopted the same tactics from the get-go and especially lately on Obamacare, the public option/state option/cooperative option/ etc. etc.
They have somewhat refined the technique by politely dismissing the naysayers on Obamacare’s inclusion of abortion as simply being wrong.
Here we have a president who has a proven and extensive track record of endorsing abortion, even voting in favor of partial birth infanticides, and we are expected to believe that his signature legislation, his legacy legislation, of nationalized, socialized health care would not incorporate abortion “care?”
It would be more logical to believe Obama is a practicing Christian.
So, when the United Sates Conference of Catholic Bishops announced it would never support any of the Obamacare bills now being considered since all include federally-funded abortions, “the White House for the second time in a week said the bishops are wrong to assert that the bill permits funding of abortion.” . . .
(Read the rest of this story at )
Remember Bill Clinton?
Who doesn’t?
I’m sure we all remember Clinton’s presidency but do we all recall his chief defense against that “vast right wing conspiracy” that Hillary charged unfairly bedeviled poor Bill. Her man was telling the absolute truth and his dozens of detractors were lying.
They were lying about Gennifer Flowers, about all those people who knew and worked with him and turned up dead, and, of course, were lying about his involvement with his intern, Monica Lewinsky, in the Oral Orifice.
Learning well from their predecessor, the Obamaians have adopted the same tactics from the get-go and especially lately on Obamacare, the public option/state option/cooperative option/ etc. etc.
They have somewhat refined the technique by politely dismissing the naysayers on Obamacare’s inclusion of abortion as simply being wrong.
Here we have a president who has a proven and extensive track record of endorsing abortion, even voting in favor of partial birth infanticides, and we are expected to believe that his signature legislation, his legacy legislation, of nationalized, socialized health care would not incorporate abortion “care?”
It would be more logical to believe Obama is a practicing Christian.
So, when the United Sates Conference of Catholic Bishops announced it would never support any of the Obamacare bills now being considered since all include federally-funded abortions, “the White House for the second time in a week said the bishops are wrong to assert that the bill permits funding of abortion.” . . .
(Read the rest of this story at )
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Get a Whitey!
Get a Whitey!
Get a Whitey Conservative! If that derogatory racist slur came from a Caucasian, it would be chalked up to yet another effort of White people to stoke racial tensions in America.
However, the charge emanates from none other than Deneen Borelli of Project 21, the rare bird, conservative national Black leadership network.
In an article published on referring to the hatchet job perpetrated on Rush Limbaugh and his quest to become part owner of the St. Louis Rams, the statement included the bodacious accusation: “The left-wing jihad against Rush Limbaugh is un-fair and un-American. Rush is being targeted simply because he is a conservative and a leading critic of President Obama’s wealth redistribution policies.”
Borelli specifically cited the “race card duo,” the two reverends, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson: “Whipping up unjustified black anger is their specialty. Frankly, I see their effort as ‘get whitie’–an inherent racist act:”
Touche’, halleluja, and amen!
Needless to say, defenders of the race-card dynamic duo leapt to their defense, calling Borelli a “Creole Princess” trotted out to dump on Blacks.
That makes as much sense as accusing Limbaugh of racism.
After 20+ years of listening to Rush off and on I can attest that the man is indeed a sometimes obnoxious, conservative dogmatist and a super-rich conservative blowhard.
Despite his many personal faults, he’s a generous, patriotic American who is about as racist as Billy and Franklin Graham.
Borelli’s daring to speak the truth is less a testimonial to Rush than to the validity and hope of nascent Black conservatism.
See Deneen’s dynamic, rockin’ speech at the September 12th taxpayer revolt march on Washington here:
Get a Whitey Queen!: Chosen Homecoming queen against all odds at traditionally Black Hampton University in Virginia, Miss Nikole Churchill discovered that diversity is a one-way street.
Churchill immediately encountered “closed minds” who opposed her win and in a letter to President Obama asked him to intervene to open those minds.
Said one of the disgruntled, ”Black or white, this young lady is not qualified to be the face of Hampton University as she is not in tune with the wants, needs, and desires of the student body at large.”
Another opined, “She is a transfer student who attends an HU satellite campus. She has never lived in a dorm, eaten in the cafe, or spent time in the Student Center.”
I’m so dumb that I wasn’t even aware that not living in a dorm and not eating in a student cafeteria were disqualifications for homecoming queen.
Stupid me! I always thought that it was how foxy a queen nominee looked but maybe that “face of Hampton University” comment was a reference to the melanin in that face?
Oh, by the way, Ms. Churchill is a White girl.
The poor thing . . .
(Read the rest at
Get a Whitey Conservative! If that derogatory racist slur came from a Caucasian, it would be chalked up to yet another effort of White people to stoke racial tensions in America.
However, the charge emanates from none other than Deneen Borelli of Project 21, the rare bird, conservative national Black leadership network.
In an article published on referring to the hatchet job perpetrated on Rush Limbaugh and his quest to become part owner of the St. Louis Rams, the statement included the bodacious accusation: “The left-wing jihad against Rush Limbaugh is un-fair and un-American. Rush is being targeted simply because he is a conservative and a leading critic of President Obama’s wealth redistribution policies.”
Borelli specifically cited the “race card duo,” the two reverends, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson: “Whipping up unjustified black anger is their specialty. Frankly, I see their effort as ‘get whitie’–an inherent racist act:”
Touche’, halleluja, and amen!
Needless to say, defenders of the race-card dynamic duo leapt to their defense, calling Borelli a “Creole Princess” trotted out to dump on Blacks.
That makes as much sense as accusing Limbaugh of racism.
After 20+ years of listening to Rush off and on I can attest that the man is indeed a sometimes obnoxious, conservative dogmatist and a super-rich conservative blowhard.
Despite his many personal faults, he’s a generous, patriotic American who is about as racist as Billy and Franklin Graham.
Borelli’s daring to speak the truth is less a testimonial to Rush than to the validity and hope of nascent Black conservatism.
See Deneen’s dynamic, rockin’ speech at the September 12th taxpayer revolt march on Washington here:
Get a Whitey Queen!: Chosen Homecoming queen against all odds at traditionally Black Hampton University in Virginia, Miss Nikole Churchill discovered that diversity is a one-way street.
Churchill immediately encountered “closed minds” who opposed her win and in a letter to President Obama asked him to intervene to open those minds.
Said one of the disgruntled, ”Black or white, this young lady is not qualified to be the face of Hampton University as she is not in tune with the wants, needs, and desires of the student body at large.”
Another opined, “She is a transfer student who attends an HU satellite campus. She has never lived in a dorm, eaten in the cafe, or spent time in the Student Center.”
I’m so dumb that I wasn’t even aware that not living in a dorm and not eating in a student cafeteria were disqualifications for homecoming queen.
Stupid me! I always thought that it was how foxy a queen nominee looked but maybe that “face of Hampton University” comment was a reference to the melanin in that face?
Oh, by the way, Ms. Churchill is a White girl.
The poor thing . . .
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
"Operation Can You Hear Us Now?"
“Operation Can You Hear Us Now?”
While most of us are sleeping in or shepherding the kids to soccer games or attending weddings or other festivities this Saturday, “Operation Can You Hear Us Now?” is on the case for America.
Fed up with the blackout of such events as the massive, peaceful, tax-protesting, conservative March on Washington on September 12th which was either ignored or trivialized by that media, “Operation Can You Hear Us Now?” has scheduled no less than 125 events for this Saturday, October 17th to drive home the point that we will NOT be further ignored or further trivialized.
(Hat tip to Van Helsing,
See here the truth about the September 12th march and here for the list of Saturday’s events:
“No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. (Edmund Burke)
While most of us are sleeping in or shepherding the kids to soccer games or attending weddings or other festivities this Saturday, “Operation Can You Hear Us Now?” is on the case for America.
Fed up with the blackout of such events as the massive, peaceful, tax-protesting, conservative March on Washington on September 12th which was either ignored or trivialized by that media, “Operation Can You Hear Us Now?” has scheduled no less than 125 events for this Saturday, October 17th to drive home the point that we will NOT be further ignored or further trivialized.
(Hat tip to Van Helsing,
See here the truth about the September 12th march and here for the list of Saturday’s events:
“No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. (Edmund Burke)
The Opaqueness of Obamacare Transparency
The Opaqueness of Obamacare Transparency
A favorite buzz word of Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for the presidency, aside from his vague invocation of “change,” was “transparency.”
Transparency may not be as vague a concept as change but it has become the biggest prevarication of Obama’s presidency especially when it comes to the abomination of Obamacare.
For the edification of this administration, in a political context, “transparent” is defined by Merriam-Webster as ”free from pretense or deceit : frank b : easily detected or seen through : obvious c : readily understood d : characterized by visibility or accessibility of information.”
Nowhere in that definition is any allusion to subterfuge and opaqueness which have supplanted any semblance of the transparent in the executive and congressional machinations surrounding the effort to change how Americans receive medical treatment.
Good grief, Barry! I really hope you and your cohorts don’t actually believe the mass of Americans are so stupid that they can’t see through your carefully-crafted deceptions.
Most Americans are not mind-numbed ACORN-ers who slavishly tow the socialistic, Obama-line and suck up the propaganda out of Washington these days. Nor are we about to be suckered into believing Obamacare includes anything approximating Americans’ concerns for their health interests.
So much is pouring out of D.C. of late, little of which is encouraging, that, by design, it’s difficult to keep up with it all.
That technique could be called, “Toss all kinds of BS against the wall and hope some of it sticks,” or, “Hit ‘em with a disinformation overload and hope they give up in frustration.”
Sorry, Obamians! Again, the vast majority of us are not members of ACORN. In other words, we think.
To keep real Americans abreast of the latest developments in the effort to seduce us into buying into Obamacare, here’s a quick summary of the latest news from the health front:
Baucus Bill Will Make Medical Deductions Out of Reach for Millions: . . .
(Read the rest at
A favorite buzz word of Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for the presidency, aside from his vague invocation of “change,” was “transparency.”
Transparency may not be as vague a concept as change but it has become the biggest prevarication of Obama’s presidency especially when it comes to the abomination of Obamacare.
For the edification of this administration, in a political context, “transparent” is defined by Merriam-Webster as ”free from pretense or deceit : frank b : easily detected or seen through : obvious c : readily understood d : characterized by visibility or accessibility of information.”
Nowhere in that definition is any allusion to subterfuge and opaqueness which have supplanted any semblance of the transparent in the executive and congressional machinations surrounding the effort to change how Americans receive medical treatment.
Good grief, Barry! I really hope you and your cohorts don’t actually believe the mass of Americans are so stupid that they can’t see through your carefully-crafted deceptions.
Most Americans are not mind-numbed ACORN-ers who slavishly tow the socialistic, Obama-line and suck up the propaganda out of Washington these days. Nor are we about to be suckered into believing Obamacare includes anything approximating Americans’ concerns for their health interests.
So much is pouring out of D.C. of late, little of which is encouraging, that, by design, it’s difficult to keep up with it all.
That technique could be called, “Toss all kinds of BS against the wall and hope some of it sticks,” or, “Hit ‘em with a disinformation overload and hope they give up in frustration.”
Sorry, Obamians! Again, the vast majority of us are not members of ACORN. In other words, we think.
To keep real Americans abreast of the latest developments in the effort to seduce us into buying into Obamacare, here’s a quick summary of the latest news from the health front:
Baucus Bill Will Make Medical Deductions Out of Reach for Millions: . . .
(Read the rest at
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Nouveau Sex-Ed
Nouveau Sex-Ed
At this stage of the teacher-has-sex-with-student game, it’s barely news anymore.
Back in the day, kids had to get parental permission slips for sex-ed classes and for those special classes offered to pre-teen girls to explain the facts of their anatomical/biological lives.
Nowadays, if not the norm, it’s all but accepted that some teachers, male and female, conduct individualized, very private, sexual education tutorials for select students.
Until they get caught.
The names of various educators who have taken their sex-ed mandates to whole new and un-mandated levels replete with teaching every conceivable sexual nuance are now inscribed in the annals of “educational sexual explorations.”
Think the notorious Queen of Pedophilia Mary Kay Letourneau and her 13 year old lover, Vili Fualauu, and the too-pretty-to-go-to-prison Princess Debra LaFave who preferred older consorts, as in 14.
Also, see “Teachers Gone Wild–Again!” and “Teen Sex and their Teachers,” for all the reader ever wanted to know about America’s educators and their extracurricular help.
Now we can add cheerleading coach and freshman English instructor, Nicole Howard, age 25, to the distaff rogues’ gallery.
Allegedly, Nicole took her educational responsibilities very seriously and to heart, especially when they involved an unidentified, 16 year old high school Dayton H.S. quarterback. . .
Read the rest at
At this stage of the teacher-has-sex-with-student game, it’s barely news anymore.
Back in the day, kids had to get parental permission slips for sex-ed classes and for those special classes offered to pre-teen girls to explain the facts of their anatomical/biological lives.
Nowadays, if not the norm, it’s all but accepted that some teachers, male and female, conduct individualized, very private, sexual education tutorials for select students.
Until they get caught.
The names of various educators who have taken their sex-ed mandates to whole new and un-mandated levels replete with teaching every conceivable sexual nuance are now inscribed in the annals of “educational sexual explorations.”
Think the notorious Queen of Pedophilia Mary Kay Letourneau and her 13 year old lover, Vili Fualauu, and the too-pretty-to-go-to-prison Princess Debra LaFave who preferred older consorts, as in 14.
Also, see “Teachers Gone Wild–Again!” and “Teen Sex and their Teachers,” for all the reader ever wanted to know about America’s educators and their extracurricular help.
Now we can add cheerleading coach and freshman English instructor, Nicole Howard, age 25, to the distaff rogues’ gallery.
Allegedly, Nicole took her educational responsibilities very seriously and to heart, especially when they involved an unidentified, 16 year old high school Dayton H.S. quarterback. . .
Read the rest at
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What Do We Do About Israel?
What Do We Do About Israel? Part One
Hubris-laden Israelis and resident American Jews would react with extreme indignation at the import of the title question of this article and take umbrage that the question would even be asked.
Too bad.
The reality is that Israel represents a severe economic burden on the United States during a time when we hardly need such a burden.
Another truth is that, if not for American financial and military support, the State of Israel would long ago have ceased to exist.
The grand total of direct American aid to Israel is $114,000,000,000, not including vast consequential costs and indirect aid which one expert calculates at the very tidy sum of $3 trillion:
Over 60 years, that works out to an average total of $50 billion per annum in direct or indirect assistance.
And what have we gotten in return? Not much, unless we factor in an almost constant conflict in the MidEast which we have subsidized for 6 decades and which now threatens to drag us into that maelstrom.
So, again, what do we do about Israel?
That was a rhetorical query until recently and the answer was also not much, the reason being that Israel wouldn’t allow us to do very much.
One would think that such a client state would have had more respect, if not allegiance, to its primary protector on the planet. Yet, that has been far from the case.
Our options: Do we continue to mindlessly back Israel, which bills itself as the only democracy and America’s only ally in the region or do we re-evaluate where our true national interests lie?
It’s at this point that the uber-powerful Israeli lobby/Zionist lobby/Jewish lobby would normally step to the plate.
See a 5 minute video on one of thousands of explosive articles, reports, and blogsites on the undue influence of that multifaceted lobby on U.S. foreign policy:
As with any criticism of that influence, that article was condemned as viciously anti-Semitic, . . .
(Read the rest at
Hubris-laden Israelis and resident American Jews would react with extreme indignation at the import of the title question of this article and take umbrage that the question would even be asked.
Too bad.
The reality is that Israel represents a severe economic burden on the United States during a time when we hardly need such a burden.
Another truth is that, if not for American financial and military support, the State of Israel would long ago have ceased to exist.
The grand total of direct American aid to Israel is $114,000,000,000, not including vast consequential costs and indirect aid which one expert calculates at the very tidy sum of $3 trillion:
Over 60 years, that works out to an average total of $50 billion per annum in direct or indirect assistance.
And what have we gotten in return? Not much, unless we factor in an almost constant conflict in the MidEast which we have subsidized for 6 decades and which now threatens to drag us into that maelstrom.
So, again, what do we do about Israel?
That was a rhetorical query until recently and the answer was also not much, the reason being that Israel wouldn’t allow us to do very much.
One would think that such a client state would have had more respect, if not allegiance, to its primary protector on the planet. Yet, that has been far from the case.
Our options: Do we continue to mindlessly back Israel, which bills itself as the only democracy and America’s only ally in the region or do we re-evaluate where our true national interests lie?
It’s at this point that the uber-powerful Israeli lobby/Zionist lobby/Jewish lobby would normally step to the plate.
See a 5 minute video on one of thousands of explosive articles, reports, and blogsites on the undue influence of that multifaceted lobby on U.S. foreign policy:
As with any criticism of that influence, that article was condemned as viciously anti-Semitic, . . .
(Read the rest at
Limbaugh on Race and Gays
Limbaugh on Race and Gays
Rush Limbaugh drew an interesting analogy the other week, to wit: If homosexuals are homosexuals because they are born that way, genetically wired beyond their control or desire to be gay, and racists are racists for the same reason, that they are born racist, should not racism be accepted and condoned if we are expected to accept and condone homosexuality?
There are obvious flaws in that argument including the existence of no verifiable, scientific substantiation of the genetic component in either homosexuality or racism but it’s still a provocative theory.
In a snarky critique of the issue on entitled, “Rush Limbaugh: Pro Segreation [sic], Anti-Gay,” the gay-sympathizing writer ridicules Limbaugh for what are transparently tongue-in-cheek remarks about the recent, bloody school bus assault on a White kid by Black kids in St. Louis:
See “Just Don’t Call Them Racial Hate Crimes” for the full story and video,
The article writer seized on a belated, Belleville, MO. police statement that the school bus attack wasn’t really racially inspired after initially saying the opposite.
A cursory viewing of the video of the assault strongly suggests that it was hardly inspired by a simple dispute over a seat on the bus.
The cops knew . . .
(Read the rest at
Rush Limbaugh drew an interesting analogy the other week, to wit: If homosexuals are homosexuals because they are born that way, genetically wired beyond their control or desire to be gay, and racists are racists for the same reason, that they are born racist, should not racism be accepted and condoned if we are expected to accept and condone homosexuality?
There are obvious flaws in that argument including the existence of no verifiable, scientific substantiation of the genetic component in either homosexuality or racism but it’s still a provocative theory.
In a snarky critique of the issue on entitled, “Rush Limbaugh: Pro Segreation [sic], Anti-Gay,” the gay-sympathizing writer ridicules Limbaugh for what are transparently tongue-in-cheek remarks about the recent, bloody school bus assault on a White kid by Black kids in St. Louis:
See “Just Don’t Call Them Racial Hate Crimes” for the full story and video,
The article writer seized on a belated, Belleville, MO. police statement that the school bus attack wasn’t really racially inspired after initially saying the opposite.
A cursory viewing of the video of the assault strongly suggests that it was hardly inspired by a simple dispute over a seat on the bus.
The cops knew . . .
(Read the rest at
Monday, October 12, 2009
3 Videos for Our Time: Larry King, Al Gore, Domino's
. . . Poor Larry. He keeps hoping that vaudeville makes a big comeback so he could take his comedy routine on the road.
The Boring Goracle is the environmentalist movement’s equivalent to Larry King, unaware that his time has come and gone and that most people now reject the pseudo-science that was the basis of An Inconvenient Truth.
As undeserving of the Nobel Prize as Barack Obama, former VP Al Gore tends to get irascible when asked questions about the convenient lies and distortions featured in his fantasy film. He tends to get so perturbed at impertinent questioning that he normally doesn’t allow any at his public appearances.
He recently departed from that imperious approach at a conference of ”environmental journalists” when a film producer-director, Phelim McAleer, pinned his ears back.
McAleer has produced his own film, Not Evil, Just Wrong, exposing the fallacies of Gore’s Academy Award-winning documentary and caught AlBore with his global-warming pants down by inquiring when Al would address the 90 errors in An Inconvenient Truth.
Gore stumbles and bumbles and gives his patented shrug before getting into a classically comic exchange over polar bears, reiterating that they are an endangered species despite the fact that they are thriving and multiplying.
In a state of obvious frustration over McAleer’s repeated, “You haven’t answered the question,” Gore’s fair-minded environmental henchmen pull the plug on the producer’s mike: . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalorcom)
The Boring Goracle is the environmentalist movement’s equivalent to Larry King, unaware that his time has come and gone and that most people now reject the pseudo-science that was the basis of An Inconvenient Truth.
As undeserving of the Nobel Prize as Barack Obama, former VP Al Gore tends to get irascible when asked questions about the convenient lies and distortions featured in his fantasy film. He tends to get so perturbed at impertinent questioning that he normally doesn’t allow any at his public appearances.
He recently departed from that imperious approach at a conference of ”environmental journalists” when a film producer-director, Phelim McAleer, pinned his ears back.
McAleer has produced his own film, Not Evil, Just Wrong, exposing the fallacies of Gore’s Academy Award-winning documentary and caught AlBore with his global-warming pants down by inquiring when Al would address the 90 errors in An Inconvenient Truth.
Gore stumbles and bumbles and gives his patented shrug before getting into a classically comic exchange over polar bears, reiterating that they are an endangered species despite the fact that they are thriving and multiplying.
In a state of obvious frustration over McAleer’s repeated, “You haven’t answered the question,” Gore’s fair-minded environmental henchmen pull the plug on the producer’s mike: . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalorcom)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Columbus Exposed!
Columbus Exposed!
He was “very, very mean,” “bossy,” an all around “bad guy.”
No, I’m not talking about your junior high gym teacher, or Jon Corzine, Phil Spector, or Roman Polanski. I’m talking about the man who discovered America in 1492, Christopher Columbus.
That invective is just part of the Politically Correct drivel which, along with the “Umm, Umm, Umm, Barack Hussein Obama” paean to our leader’s greatness, is being drilled into the heads of impressionable kids today by teachers who have been taught to propagandize according to National Education Association standards.
Of course, the explorer from Genoa didn’t really “discover” America. It was never lost and the still un-named continent was already inhabited by native peoples who had discovered it eons before and those noble savages had been busily hunting and warring on it ever since.
After teachers get finished with them, kids come away “with a more nuanced picture of Columbus than the noble discoverer often portrayed in pop culture and legend:”
That’s saying a mouthful!
The nuances include Columbus’ failures, getting lost searching for the Indies, “the suffering of indigenous populations,” their decimation by diseases brought by future settlers, and generally making life awful for the “Indians” who preferred their ancient lifestyle and teepees to the thought of European culture.
Needless to say, the federal Department of Education . . .
(Read the rest at
He was “very, very mean,” “bossy,” an all around “bad guy.”
No, I’m not talking about your junior high gym teacher, or Jon Corzine, Phil Spector, or Roman Polanski. I’m talking about the man who discovered America in 1492, Christopher Columbus.
That invective is just part of the Politically Correct drivel which, along with the “Umm, Umm, Umm, Barack Hussein Obama” paean to our leader’s greatness, is being drilled into the heads of impressionable kids today by teachers who have been taught to propagandize according to National Education Association standards.
Of course, the explorer from Genoa didn’t really “discover” America. It was never lost and the still un-named continent was already inhabited by native peoples who had discovered it eons before and those noble savages had been busily hunting and warring on it ever since.
After teachers get finished with them, kids come away “with a more nuanced picture of Columbus than the noble discoverer often portrayed in pop culture and legend:”
That’s saying a mouthful!
The nuances include Columbus’ failures, getting lost searching for the Indies, “the suffering of indigenous populations,” their decimation by diseases brought by future settlers, and generally making life awful for the “Indians” who preferred their ancient lifestyle and teepees to the thought of European culture.
Needless to say, the federal Department of Education . . .
(Read the rest at
Harry Reid's Toy Train
Harry Reid’s Toy Train
We’ve all heard of the scandalous $320 milion Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska. It was intended to link the metropolis of Ketchikan to the island of Gravina, population 50, and was finally shot down by Congress.
Somewhat fewer Americans have heard of the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania. Democrat Rep. Murtha, the undisputed King of Pork, has suckered the federal government–that would be us taxpayers–to funnel over $200 million so far into the airport, replete with state of the art technology.
The only person who regularly flies into and out of the facility is John Murtha.
His semi-private airport not only has not been de-funded but Murtha even wheedled $800,000 out of Obama’s stimulus package to re-pave a backup runway, just in case the main runway deteriorates from underuse.
Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Harry Reid of Nevada poohpoohs such piddling expenditures and waste with his challenge to fellow spendthrifts to just try to top this: $8 BILLION to build his grown-up version of a set of Lionels!
Senator Harry wants to link Vegas to L.A. with a monorail system, technically a light rail high speed train covering the 265 miles from Sin City to its California terminus, Victorville.
Why not? He’s not paying for it. The money . . .
(Read the rest at
We’ve all heard of the scandalous $320 milion Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska. It was intended to link the metropolis of Ketchikan to the island of Gravina, population 50, and was finally shot down by Congress.
Somewhat fewer Americans have heard of the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania. Democrat Rep. Murtha, the undisputed King of Pork, has suckered the federal government–that would be us taxpayers–to funnel over $200 million so far into the airport, replete with state of the art technology.
The only person who regularly flies into and out of the facility is John Murtha.
His semi-private airport not only has not been de-funded but Murtha even wheedled $800,000 out of Obama’s stimulus package to re-pave a backup runway, just in case the main runway deteriorates from underuse.
Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Harry Reid of Nevada poohpoohs such piddling expenditures and waste with his challenge to fellow spendthrifts to just try to top this: $8 BILLION to build his grown-up version of a set of Lionels!
Senator Harry wants to link Vegas to L.A. with a monorail system, technically a light rail high speed train covering the 265 miles from Sin City to its California terminus, Victorville.
Why not? He’s not paying for it. The money . . .
(Read the rest at
Updates: Census, Queers, France, Polanski, Whoopie
Updates: Census, Queers, France, Polanski, Whoopie
The times they are a-changing. It doesn’t seem as if they’re changing for the better:
The 2010 Census: Now that ACORN has been busted and all its selfless volunteers are out in the census-cold, how is the Census Bureau ever going to conduct its constitutionally-mandated decennial head-tally?
Why, hire other criminals, of course!
If Obama gets his way and the White House ends up headquarters for census operations, the final numbers won’t mean a damn thing anyway but, still, do we really want door-to-door canvassing conducted by thieves and God-knows-what-other characters with criminal records?
The GAO says it’s very possible since “tens of thousands of workers were improperly fingerprinted by bureau employees. . . [and that] It is possible that more than 200 people with unclassifiable prints had disqualifying criminal records but still worked and had contact with the public.”
The bureau is hot on the case however and assures that it “will refine instruction manuals and provide remediation training on proper procedures” to prevent the problem from recurring:
We’re from the government and we’re here to count. Mind if we look around and see what valuables you own?
French Queers on the Prowl: France wrote the books on both normal and aberrational sexual practices but now a government official is being pressured to resign for lusting after young boys.
Frédéric Mitterand, nephew of the former French President President François Mitterand, minister of, what else, French Culture, defender of the perversities of child sodomist/rapist Roman Polanski, is a confessed pedophile.
It’s not new news since he admitted his sick lust four years ago in his autobiography, La Mauvaise Vie, (The Bad Life) when he owned up to paying “young boys” for sex while vacationing in Thailand.
That feature of his resume’ obviously had no impact on his appointment as culture minister although it has now raised some interest after someone read his autobiography following his defense of Polanski.
He freely, and refreshingly for a homosexual, conceded, “We could say that such a spectacle is abominable from a moral point of view, but it pleased me beyond reason. The profusion of attractive young boys who are immediately available puts me in a state of desire and I do not need to restrain or hide myself.”
Nevertheless, he he was “flabbergasted” at the contretemps, declaring, “If the National Front [France’s equivalent of American conservatives] drags me through the mud then it is an honour for me:”
Sorry, Freddie, you made the mud. Just lay in it and revel in being dragged through it and maybe you can find some “attractive young boys” somewhere in Gay Paree?
Uncle Francois and his wife and mistress would be very proud of you.
Besides, your government is making it easier for you now to save some euros and flight time to Thailand by “selling Paris as a leading destination for gay travelers:”
Whoopie Weighs in on Rape:
(Read the rest at
The times they are a-changing. It doesn’t seem as if they’re changing for the better:
The 2010 Census: Now that ACORN has been busted and all its selfless volunteers are out in the census-cold, how is the Census Bureau ever going to conduct its constitutionally-mandated decennial head-tally?
Why, hire other criminals, of course!
If Obama gets his way and the White House ends up headquarters for census operations, the final numbers won’t mean a damn thing anyway but, still, do we really want door-to-door canvassing conducted by thieves and God-knows-what-other characters with criminal records?
The GAO says it’s very possible since “tens of thousands of workers were improperly fingerprinted by bureau employees. . . [and that] It is possible that more than 200 people with unclassifiable prints had disqualifying criminal records but still worked and had contact with the public.”
The bureau is hot on the case however and assures that it “will refine instruction manuals and provide remediation training on proper procedures” to prevent the problem from recurring:
We’re from the government and we’re here to count. Mind if we look around and see what valuables you own?
French Queers on the Prowl: France wrote the books on both normal and aberrational sexual practices but now a government official is being pressured to resign for lusting after young boys.
Frédéric Mitterand, nephew of the former French President President François Mitterand, minister of, what else, French Culture, defender of the perversities of child sodomist/rapist Roman Polanski, is a confessed pedophile.
It’s not new news since he admitted his sick lust four years ago in his autobiography, La Mauvaise Vie, (The Bad Life) when he owned up to paying “young boys” for sex while vacationing in Thailand.
That feature of his resume’ obviously had no impact on his appointment as culture minister although it has now raised some interest after someone read his autobiography following his defense of Polanski.
He freely, and refreshingly for a homosexual, conceded, “We could say that such a spectacle is abominable from a moral point of view, but it pleased me beyond reason. The profusion of attractive young boys who are immediately available puts me in a state of desire and I do not need to restrain or hide myself.”
Nevertheless, he he was “flabbergasted” at the contretemps, declaring, “If the National Front [France’s equivalent of American conservatives] drags me through the mud then it is an honour for me:”
Sorry, Freddie, you made the mud. Just lay in it and revel in being dragged through it and maybe you can find some “attractive young boys” somewhere in Gay Paree?
Uncle Francois and his wife and mistress would be very proud of you.
Besides, your government is making it easier for you now to save some euros and flight time to Thailand by “selling Paris as a leading destination for gay travelers:”
Whoopie Weighs in on Rape:
(Read the rest at
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Peter Principle in Action: Roland Burris
The Peter Principle in Action: Roland Burris
Deposed Illinois Governor, Hot Rod Blagojevich, may be more flamboyant than his pick to fill Barack Obama’s seat in the United States Senate but Roland Burris is almost as tainted.
Unlike Blago, Burris hasn’t been caught. Yet.
What Burris has going for him is principally the color of his skin and certainly not the content of his character.
As with Charlie Rangel in the House, his new Senate colleagues dare not mess with him unless his moral turpitude exceeds the average corruption norm, as it may finally have with Old Charlie.
Burris is a party hack, plain and simple, one of those guys who line up as per instructions from Chicago’s Daley Machine and vote early and often on election days.
He, like Al Franken, is a walking, talking exemplar of the time-proven axiom that people tend to rise to the level of their incompetence, aka, the Peter Principle.
Clearly demonstrating how out of touch with reality the guy is, Burris was one of just seven senators–all Democrats–who voted against defunding ACORN after a number of that slew of hoods was filmed giving aid and comfort to a “pimp” and a “prostitute.”
Those exposés were the icing on the ACORN malfeasants’ cake which has been overflowing for years with multiple tales of, and convictions for, voter fraud and other criminal activities as well as by ACORN’s complicity in the sub-prime mortgage scandals.
(See “Who Really Brought Freddie and Fannie Down,”
Undismayed, Burris supported the group, along with fellow . . .
(Read the rest at
Deposed Illinois Governor, Hot Rod Blagojevich, may be more flamboyant than his pick to fill Barack Obama’s seat in the United States Senate but Roland Burris is almost as tainted.
Unlike Blago, Burris hasn’t been caught. Yet.
What Burris has going for him is principally the color of his skin and certainly not the content of his character.
As with Charlie Rangel in the House, his new Senate colleagues dare not mess with him unless his moral turpitude exceeds the average corruption norm, as it may finally have with Old Charlie.
Burris is a party hack, plain and simple, one of those guys who line up as per instructions from Chicago’s Daley Machine and vote early and often on election days.
He, like Al Franken, is a walking, talking exemplar of the time-proven axiom that people tend to rise to the level of their incompetence, aka, the Peter Principle.
Clearly demonstrating how out of touch with reality the guy is, Burris was one of just seven senators–all Democrats–who voted against defunding ACORN after a number of that slew of hoods was filmed giving aid and comfort to a “pimp” and a “prostitute.”
Those exposés were the icing on the ACORN malfeasants’ cake which has been overflowing for years with multiple tales of, and convictions for, voter fraud and other criminal activities as well as by ACORN’s complicity in the sub-prime mortgage scandals.
(See “Who Really Brought Freddie and Fannie Down,”
Undismayed, Burris supported the group, along with fellow . . .
(Read the rest at
You Go, Sheriff Joe!
You Go, Sheriff Joe!
Seldom does a local official have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the federal government when that government is acting wrongly.
Even more rarely does a local sheriff dare confront the feds when those feds blatantly and consistently fail to enforce federal laws and oppose the enforcement of Arizona laws passed to compensate for that failure.
Then, again, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County is a rara avis and not your typical local official.
Embattled and harassed for years over his penchant for law enforcement and his refusal to cave to Washington’s blind eye toward illegal immigration, Sheriff Joe also refuses to mollycoddle convicted felons.
He opts to treat them as what they are, namely convicted felons not entitled to kid gloves in his jail.
He once took flak for decking out his prisoners in pink. The soothing color may have offended the dignity of his inmates but served its purpose of soothing their tempers.
Ya got a problem with all that? So, too, does the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency which lauds itself as “a component of the Department of Homeland Security. . . whose mission is to protect national security by enforcing our nation’s customs and immigration laws.”
Nice, concise mission statement, ICE! Too bad you don’t abide by it and choose to ignore the massive influx of illegal aliens who for years have been flooding across America’s southern border and wreaking havoc on the populace with their guns and drugs.
Sheriff Joe is merely picking up your slack and doing what ICE is supposed to do.
“America’s toughest sheriff” has been the subject of a number of encomia on this blog, including, “Sheriff Joe Arpaio and His Enemies,”, et al. and he’s under attack once again.
His offense? The same ol’, same ol’, i.e., doing his job to the best of his ability.
That embarrasses the Powers-that-Be . . .
(Read the rest at
Seldom does a local official have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the federal government when that government is acting wrongly.
Even more rarely does a local sheriff dare confront the feds when those feds blatantly and consistently fail to enforce federal laws and oppose the enforcement of Arizona laws passed to compensate for that failure.
Then, again, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County is a rara avis and not your typical local official.
Embattled and harassed for years over his penchant for law enforcement and his refusal to cave to Washington’s blind eye toward illegal immigration, Sheriff Joe also refuses to mollycoddle convicted felons.
He opts to treat them as what they are, namely convicted felons not entitled to kid gloves in his jail.
He once took flak for decking out his prisoners in pink. The soothing color may have offended the dignity of his inmates but served its purpose of soothing their tempers.
Ya got a problem with all that? So, too, does the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency which lauds itself as “a component of the Department of Homeland Security. . . whose mission is to protect national security by enforcing our nation’s customs and immigration laws.”
Nice, concise mission statement, ICE! Too bad you don’t abide by it and choose to ignore the massive influx of illegal aliens who for years have been flooding across America’s southern border and wreaking havoc on the populace with their guns and drugs.
Sheriff Joe is merely picking up your slack and doing what ICE is supposed to do.
“America’s toughest sheriff” has been the subject of a number of encomia on this blog, including, “Sheriff Joe Arpaio and His Enemies,”, et al. and he’s under attack once again.
His offense? The same ol’, same ol’, i.e., doing his job to the best of his ability.
That embarrasses the Powers-that-Be . . .
(Read the rest at
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You Say, "Hate Crimes." I Say, "First Amendment."
You Say, “Hate Crime.” I say, “First Amendment.”
When you say potato and I say potahto, it doesn’t mean much. Same goes for tomato and tomahto.
When you say I can’t speak and write whatever I wish to speak and write–as long as it’s the truth and not likely to get people to stampede out of a non-burning theater–I say you’re trampling on my rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
On Thursday, October 8th, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to “strengthen” so-called federal hate-crime legislation to incorporate any and all criticism and attacks on homosexuals.
It was passed handily just a few hours ago as of this writing with all the sneakiness Democrats could muster, including attaching the hate bill to a defense bill to insure its passage:
Had it been proposed as a separate bill, the House probably still would have passed it over Republican opposition given the makeup of the new leftist, gay-friendly, Constitution-unfriendly Dem majority.
However, that party loves late night machinations almost as much as it loves spitting on Americans’ rights.
The legislation now goes to the Senate for a vote and then inexorably on to Obama’s desk for signature, inexorably since Democratic Senate ratification and the president’s autograph are foregone conclusions.
Obama had cautioned gays to hold fire as he diddled over . . .
(Read the rest at
When you say potato and I say potahto, it doesn’t mean much. Same goes for tomato and tomahto.
When you say I can’t speak and write whatever I wish to speak and write–as long as it’s the truth and not likely to get people to stampede out of a non-burning theater–I say you’re trampling on my rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
On Thursday, October 8th, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to “strengthen” so-called federal hate-crime legislation to incorporate any and all criticism and attacks on homosexuals.
It was passed handily just a few hours ago as of this writing with all the sneakiness Democrats could muster, including attaching the hate bill to a defense bill to insure its passage:
Had it been proposed as a separate bill, the House probably still would have passed it over Republican opposition given the makeup of the new leftist, gay-friendly, Constitution-unfriendly Dem majority.
However, that party loves late night machinations almost as much as it loves spitting on Americans’ rights.
The legislation now goes to the Senate for a vote and then inexorably on to Obama’s desk for signature, inexorably since Democratic Senate ratification and the president’s autograph are foregone conclusions.
Obama had cautioned gays to hold fire as he diddled over . . .
(Read the rest at
Nasty Signs of Green Times
Nasty Signs of Green Times
Ok, there’s no need to admit it since even Jerry Seinfeld does it.
I’m not talking sex or nose-picking but bathroom, umm, activities. Granted the subject is not your usual cocktail party chat fare and it’s gross but, unfortunately, it’s in the news.
Overachieving songstress Sheryl Crow and political activist Laurie David started it all with their one-sheet proposal a few years back.
(The terminally squeamish should feel free to substitute “bathroom tissue” wherever the terms “toilet paper” or “tp” is mentioned in this article.)
In sum, enviro-zealots Crow and David seriously proposed that Americans be limited to a single sheet of toilet paper when they had to skip to the loo. The two self-appointed eco-experts felt that challenging sacrifice was needed to save the planet.
Both withdrew into the bushes when their scheme was met with a torrent of mockery and they then pulled an Emily Litella and declared, “Never mind.”
A related toilet tale later bubbled up in cash-strapped Riverside County, California when officials decided they just had to save a third of a penny per tp sheet.
Their plan as reported by the New York Times: “There was a texture test, and then the Facilities Management Department decided that Angel Soft would be utilized for elected officials and their guests. The remainder of the county facilities would be using two-ply.”
For more detail on both stories, toilet paper aficionados are referred to ”Things Get Rough in California,”
Things continue to gurgle on the toilet front.
Last month came the allegation that, unlike people who care about the planet, over-indulged, Earth-hating Americans are inclined to softies when it came to tp.
Super-Charmins and comparable super-soft “terlet paper,” as my mom used to call it, were wiping out tens of thousands of acres of old growth forests which are the prime softness sources. Newer trees make for a rougher going but it sure beats chopping down redwoods, no?
The enviro-whackos think we should emulate Europe and use single ply, recycled paper, which is tantamount to using dry leaves or old copies of the Times.
Those Earth-friendly Europeans are in the forefront of the effort to save the trees, especially old trees and should serve as models for us profligate Americans who love the soft life.
At least one Irish girls’ school has shown the way toward saving a few euros . . .
(Read the rest at
Ok, there’s no need to admit it since even Jerry Seinfeld does it.
I’m not talking sex or nose-picking but bathroom, umm, activities. Granted the subject is not your usual cocktail party chat fare and it’s gross but, unfortunately, it’s in the news.
Overachieving songstress Sheryl Crow and political activist Laurie David started it all with their one-sheet proposal a few years back.
(The terminally squeamish should feel free to substitute “bathroom tissue” wherever the terms “toilet paper” or “tp” is mentioned in this article.)
In sum, enviro-zealots Crow and David seriously proposed that Americans be limited to a single sheet of toilet paper when they had to skip to the loo. The two self-appointed eco-experts felt that challenging sacrifice was needed to save the planet.
Both withdrew into the bushes when their scheme was met with a torrent of mockery and they then pulled an Emily Litella and declared, “Never mind.”
A related toilet tale later bubbled up in cash-strapped Riverside County, California when officials decided they just had to save a third of a penny per tp sheet.
Their plan as reported by the New York Times: “There was a texture test, and then the Facilities Management Department decided that Angel Soft would be utilized for elected officials and their guests. The remainder of the county facilities would be using two-ply.”
For more detail on both stories, toilet paper aficionados are referred to ”Things Get Rough in California,”
Things continue to gurgle on the toilet front.
Last month came the allegation that, unlike people who care about the planet, over-indulged, Earth-hating Americans are inclined to softies when it came to tp.
Super-Charmins and comparable super-soft “terlet paper,” as my mom used to call it, were wiping out tens of thousands of acres of old growth forests which are the prime softness sources. Newer trees make for a rougher going but it sure beats chopping down redwoods, no?
The enviro-whackos think we should emulate Europe and use single ply, recycled paper, which is tantamount to using dry leaves or old copies of the Times.
Those Earth-friendly Europeans are in the forefront of the effort to save the trees, especially old trees and should serve as models for us profligate Americans who love the soft life.
At least one Irish girls’ school has shown the way toward saving a few euros . . .
(Read the rest at
Our topsy-turvy, ass-backward world is jam-packed with ironies of every possible stripe. Some ironic situations are sad, some comical, and some just plain infuriating.
In the comical category, James Carville saying that Glenn Beck is “Just out-and-out nuts. And I also think that he’s a blatant hypocrite” has to be awarded the funny irony cake of the week.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Jim Carville, the snake-like, ragin’ cajun conservative Mary Matalin must have married when she had a snootful or when suffering temporary insanity, is the epitome’ of nuts.
Watch Mary cringe at hubby Jim’s nutty remark here:
If Carville isn’t nuts for sucking up to the Clintons for 8 years and for repeatedly defending their tenure and record on national television, then no one is crazy, least of all, Glenn Beck.
The trash-talking fruitcake Carville is best remembered for covering his head with a garbage can in dismay over the 2002 election results
The fast-talking Beck will long be remembered for garnering 6 million + regular listeners on his radio show and having two, not just one, books on the best seller list at the same time.
Finishing first in the infuriating, situational irony sweepstakes is an incident on the Staten Island Ferry.
War veteran Dan Bergen bravely served in both Iraq and Afghanistan in a United States Navy special warfare unit then came home to a job as deckhand on one of the ferries that plies the waters between the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island
The newlywed Bergen, age 32, suffers from an odd, patriotic quirk: He reveres the American flag for which he fought and he firmly believes in assiduously respecting the flag wherever it flies.
In this age when flag-burning is an accepted social activity, Bergen contends proper flag etiquette is more than a traditional technicality and that the flag is “a living being.”
He therefore refused to lower Old Glory . . .
(Read the rest at
In the comical category, James Carville saying that Glenn Beck is “Just out-and-out nuts. And I also think that he’s a blatant hypocrite” has to be awarded the funny irony cake of the week.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Jim Carville, the snake-like, ragin’ cajun conservative Mary Matalin must have married when she had a snootful or when suffering temporary insanity, is the epitome’ of nuts.
Watch Mary cringe at hubby Jim’s nutty remark here:
If Carville isn’t nuts for sucking up to the Clintons for 8 years and for repeatedly defending their tenure and record on national television, then no one is crazy, least of all, Glenn Beck.
The trash-talking fruitcake Carville is best remembered for covering his head with a garbage can in dismay over the 2002 election results
The fast-talking Beck will long be remembered for garnering 6 million + regular listeners on his radio show and having two, not just one, books on the best seller list at the same time.
Finishing first in the infuriating, situational irony sweepstakes is an incident on the Staten Island Ferry.
War veteran Dan Bergen bravely served in both Iraq and Afghanistan in a United States Navy special warfare unit then came home to a job as deckhand on one of the ferries that plies the waters between the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island
The newlywed Bergen, age 32, suffers from an odd, patriotic quirk: He reveres the American flag for which he fought and he firmly believes in assiduously respecting the flag wherever it flies.
In this age when flag-burning is an accepted social activity, Bergen contends proper flag etiquette is more than a traditional technicality and that the flag is “a living being.”
He therefore refused to lower Old Glory . . .
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dirty Dave's Bunker Mates
Dirty Dave’s Bunker Mates
In Japan, a guy in David Letterman’s sticky situation would already have offed himself via a traditional harikari.
I mean, hey, the man was forced under duress to go public with the sordid tale of his smarmy sex life with a still-undisclosed number of female staffers over a still-undisclosed time span and new revelations of his affairs are popping up almost daily.
Now it’s been revealed that the randy roué maintained a secret sex den at the Ed Sullivan Theater to which he would repair with any number of female employees, giving a whole new meaning to bonus time on “The Tonight Show.”
One would think America’s feminists, who are rarely reticent about shredding an male employer caught taking advantage of female underlings, would be calling for Dirty Dave’s thinning scalp by now but one would then be wrong.
Allowances must be made when the evil-doer is of the liberal persuasion!
In fact, nary a disparaging word was heard from the usually-loquacious former NOW chieftess and current majordomo of the Feminist Majority Foundation Eleanor Smeal when interviewed by CNS News.
The newly-tolerant, mealy-mouthed Smeal managed to say, “I’m not for sexual harassment, [which is good to know] but obviously a person’s innocent before proven guilty [dependent on the person’s politics?] We don’t know all the facts yet. . . Obviously, positions of power should not be used to harass:”
It’s beyond me what additional “facts” Smeal needs since Letterman has admitted to various sexual liaisons with various members of the opposite sex who happened to be in his employ. Doesn’t that admission constitute prima facie evidence that he sinned in the eyes of a feminist?
I guess not.
Meanwhile, another former Letterman intern has come clean over her relationship with Dirty Dave.
Miss Holly Hester, who spent her share of time in Dave’s secret trysting suite, aptly called “the bunker,” . . .
(Read the rest at
In Japan, a guy in David Letterman’s sticky situation would already have offed himself via a traditional harikari.
I mean, hey, the man was forced under duress to go public with the sordid tale of his smarmy sex life with a still-undisclosed number of female staffers over a still-undisclosed time span and new revelations of his affairs are popping up almost daily.
Now it’s been revealed that the randy roué maintained a secret sex den at the Ed Sullivan Theater to which he would repair with any number of female employees, giving a whole new meaning to bonus time on “The Tonight Show.”
One would think America’s feminists, who are rarely reticent about shredding an male employer caught taking advantage of female underlings, would be calling for Dirty Dave’s thinning scalp by now but one would then be wrong.
Allowances must be made when the evil-doer is of the liberal persuasion!
In fact, nary a disparaging word was heard from the usually-loquacious former NOW chieftess and current majordomo of the Feminist Majority Foundation Eleanor Smeal when interviewed by CNS News.
The newly-tolerant, mealy-mouthed Smeal managed to say, “I’m not for sexual harassment, [which is good to know] but obviously a person’s innocent before proven guilty [dependent on the person’s politics?] We don’t know all the facts yet. . . Obviously, positions of power should not be used to harass:”
It’s beyond me what additional “facts” Smeal needs since Letterman has admitted to various sexual liaisons with various members of the opposite sex who happened to be in his employ. Doesn’t that admission constitute prima facie evidence that he sinned in the eyes of a feminist?
I guess not.
Meanwhile, another former Letterman intern has come clean over her relationship with Dirty Dave.
Miss Holly Hester, who spent her share of time in Dave’s secret trysting suite, aptly called “the bunker,” . . .
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Obama Dithers, Our Military Withers
Obama Dithers, Our Military Withers
With no military experience, no international relations experience, no executive experience, it’s no wonder our naive president is dithering over yet another campaign pledge.
It would be comical if not for the fact that particular reneging is proving deadly to our troops.
It’s not in the same category as the president’s forestalling gay demands that he fulfill his promise to end Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the military; Obama knows his queer constituency will hang as tough as they can hang tough until he gets around to revamping that policy.
It’s not in the same category as reneging on his pledge to close GITMO in a year, either; aside from obamaniacs, everyone knew that was impossible and no state and no other country will agree to house any appreciable number of GITMO’s reprobates.
On the other hand, Obama’s stalling on General Stanley McChrystal’s request to provide him with more boots on the ground in Afghanistan to enable him and our forces there to do their jobs amounts to nothing more or less than an execution warrant for our troops.
Obama’s self-declared “war of necessity” as opposed to the Iraqi “war of choice,” is costing America dozens of valiant solders with many more casualties to come as the president weighs his options and consults his advisors.
One such military advisor is bumbling Joe Biden, his VP, the man who has never voiced a thought that wasn’t inane, who would cut and run full speed in retreat and screw the consequences.
Precisely who Obama’s other advisors are is unclear. Could one be Bill Ayers? That old buddy and unrepentent domestic terrorist hasn’t yet graced Obama’s White House, at least through the front door.
Or maybe his former spiritual advisor, Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright is unavailable for comment and Obama needs his guidance?
To be generous, perhaps the president is wary of introducing more troops in fear that it will be called a “surge.” That tactic was employed by Bush to help accomplish the Iraq mission and was promptly condemned by Sen. Harry Reid before it was even implemented.
It infuriated the Left with prospects of the “V-word,” as in victory. That same Left would get their knickers in a wad again if it looks like we could win the Afghan war as well.
McChrystal isn’t playing games with Afghanistan. He knows that every day Obama dithers on sending more troops means more and more troops will die: “Eight American soldiers were killed last Saturday when tribal militia stormed two combat outposts in eastern Afghanistan, the worst U.S. loss in more than a year,”
Defense Secretary Gates is fully on board with the idea of more troops but will a president whose only combat experience was serving as a community organizer on the mean streets of Chicago listen to Gates or to his generals?
Fully cognizant of Gen. MacArthur’s remonstrance that, “There is no substitute for victory,” McChrystal . . .
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With no military experience, no international relations experience, no executive experience, it’s no wonder our naive president is dithering over yet another campaign pledge.
It would be comical if not for the fact that particular reneging is proving deadly to our troops.
It’s not in the same category as the president’s forestalling gay demands that he fulfill his promise to end Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the military; Obama knows his queer constituency will hang as tough as they can hang tough until he gets around to revamping that policy.
It’s not in the same category as reneging on his pledge to close GITMO in a year, either; aside from obamaniacs, everyone knew that was impossible and no state and no other country will agree to house any appreciable number of GITMO’s reprobates.
On the other hand, Obama’s stalling on General Stanley McChrystal’s request to provide him with more boots on the ground in Afghanistan to enable him and our forces there to do their jobs amounts to nothing more or less than an execution warrant for our troops.
Obama’s self-declared “war of necessity” as opposed to the Iraqi “war of choice,” is costing America dozens of valiant solders with many more casualties to come as the president weighs his options and consults his advisors.
One such military advisor is bumbling Joe Biden, his VP, the man who has never voiced a thought that wasn’t inane, who would cut and run full speed in retreat and screw the consequences.
Precisely who Obama’s other advisors are is unclear. Could one be Bill Ayers? That old buddy and unrepentent domestic terrorist hasn’t yet graced Obama’s White House, at least through the front door.
Or maybe his former spiritual advisor, Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright is unavailable for comment and Obama needs his guidance?
To be generous, perhaps the president is wary of introducing more troops in fear that it will be called a “surge.” That tactic was employed by Bush to help accomplish the Iraq mission and was promptly condemned by Sen. Harry Reid before it was even implemented.
It infuriated the Left with prospects of the “V-word,” as in victory. That same Left would get their knickers in a wad again if it looks like we could win the Afghan war as well.
McChrystal isn’t playing games with Afghanistan. He knows that every day Obama dithers on sending more troops means more and more troops will die: “Eight American soldiers were killed last Saturday when tribal militia stormed two combat outposts in eastern Afghanistan, the worst U.S. loss in more than a year,”
Defense Secretary Gates is fully on board with the idea of more troops but will a president whose only combat experience was serving as a community organizer on the mean streets of Chicago listen to Gates or to his generals?
Fully cognizant of Gen. MacArthur’s remonstrance that, “There is no substitute for victory,” McChrystal . . .
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Who Really Brought Down Freddy and Fannie?
Who Really Brought Down Freddie and Fannie?
The “Bush Did It” mantra employed over and over by Obama, his henchmen, henchwomen, and media apologists to defend the administration’s screw-ups and ineptitude got old long ago yet they continue to beat its rotting corpse.
One early favorite ploy was to hang the albatross of the economic near-collapse on that mantra, a near-collapse prevented only by the superhuman efforts and expertise of Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner and grand poobah of the National Economic Council Larry Summers.
The rest of the Obama economic dream team and, of course, the Democratic Party, did their bits to help give us a 9.8% unemployment rate, bailouts, clunkers, and an astronomical national debt.
Way to go, guys!
Little if any effort has been made to officially ascertain the root causes of the fiscal chaos which started with Lehman Bros., Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae.
ACORN’s filthy hands in pressuring America’s lending institutions to grant sub-prime mortgages, that euphemism for giving money to people to buy homes even if those people didn’t have a pot to pee in and were bound to default, was irrelevant: See “Obama’s ACORN . . .”
Also irrelevant were Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd and Democrat Barney Frank using their influence to be awarded sweetheart mortgage bribes and massive contributions from Fred and Fan.
Then, like the mangy political dogs that they are, they covered up their dirt and exacerbated the problem, all in the name of making it easier for unqualified borrowers to borrow more:
Meanwhile, they blocked George “Bush Did Its’ ” efforts to clean up the huge mess Democrats had created.
Selective memories are the stock in trade of the Democratic Party but pictures and videos of congressional hearings don’t lie.
Take Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters. (Please!)
She gained national fame decades ago when she attributed Blacks’ motivations for looting stores during the Watts riots to a desire to take care of their kids. She claimed that all the looters were after were disposable diapers for their babies.
They carried loads of diapers under one arm as they struggled with VCRs and stereos under the other.
In a video from 2004, when Republicans still controlled the House and were demanding greater responsibility and more regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the always-entertaining Maxine declared there was no crisis and repeatedly praised the “outstanding leadership” of Franklin Raines.
(Incidentally, after being ousted by Fannie for incompentence, Raines found another job, as an economic advisor to Obama.)
At the same hearing:
. Democrat Rep. Gregory Meeks said he was “pissed off” at government regulators and regulations since there was absolutely no “need” for such intrusions;
. Democrat Rep. Lacy Clay declared the whole hearing centered on the “political lynching of Franklin Raines” and the non-crisis will have no effect on “the markets;”
. Democrat Rep. Artur Davis chimed in with . . .
(Read the rest at
The “Bush Did It” mantra employed over and over by Obama, his henchmen, henchwomen, and media apologists to defend the administration’s screw-ups and ineptitude got old long ago yet they continue to beat its rotting corpse.
One early favorite ploy was to hang the albatross of the economic near-collapse on that mantra, a near-collapse prevented only by the superhuman efforts and expertise of Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner and grand poobah of the National Economic Council Larry Summers.
The rest of the Obama economic dream team and, of course, the Democratic Party, did their bits to help give us a 9.8% unemployment rate, bailouts, clunkers, and an astronomical national debt.
Way to go, guys!
Little if any effort has been made to officially ascertain the root causes of the fiscal chaos which started with Lehman Bros., Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae.
ACORN’s filthy hands in pressuring America’s lending institutions to grant sub-prime mortgages, that euphemism for giving money to people to buy homes even if those people didn’t have a pot to pee in and were bound to default, was irrelevant: See “Obama’s ACORN . . .”
Also irrelevant were Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd and Democrat Barney Frank using their influence to be awarded sweetheart mortgage bribes and massive contributions from Fred and Fan.
Then, like the mangy political dogs that they are, they covered up their dirt and exacerbated the problem, all in the name of making it easier for unqualified borrowers to borrow more:
Meanwhile, they blocked George “Bush Did Its’ ” efforts to clean up the huge mess Democrats had created.
Selective memories are the stock in trade of the Democratic Party but pictures and videos of congressional hearings don’t lie.
Take Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters. (Please!)
She gained national fame decades ago when she attributed Blacks’ motivations for looting stores during the Watts riots to a desire to take care of their kids. She claimed that all the looters were after were disposable diapers for their babies.
They carried loads of diapers under one arm as they struggled with VCRs and stereos under the other.
In a video from 2004, when Republicans still controlled the House and were demanding greater responsibility and more regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the always-entertaining Maxine declared there was no crisis and repeatedly praised the “outstanding leadership” of Franklin Raines.
(Incidentally, after being ousted by Fannie for incompentence, Raines found another job, as an economic advisor to Obama.)
At the same hearing:
. Democrat Rep. Gregory Meeks said he was “pissed off” at government regulators and regulations since there was absolutely no “need” for such intrusions;
. Democrat Rep. Lacy Clay declared the whole hearing centered on the “political lynching of Franklin Raines” and the non-crisis will have no effect on “the markets;”
. Democrat Rep. Artur Davis chimed in with . . .
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Will Letterman's Worldwide Pants Stay Down Around His Ankles?
Dirty Dave Letterman, he of the quick quip to ridicule Sarah Palin in revenge for being exposed as a latent pedophile, has also been exposed as a lecher:
Poor Dirty Dave.
It was bad enough that Mrs. Palin outed him but now that his extortionist, CBS producer Robert “Joe” Halderman, has been identified as his blackmailer, the smear on CBS must be lengthening, no?
Well, no.
Halderman had threatened to reveal that the newly-married Dave, who has a 5 year old son by his long-time mistress, Regina, was wont to, let’s say, do various female staff members and had a boxful of evidence to prove it.
In his on-air fess-up, Dirty Dave gave few details of the extortion plot except to say flatly that he has been screwing various staff members, which titillated his audience, and that the extortionist wanted two million of Dave’s bucks.
Subsequently, CBS announced that not some but all of its hero’s assignations occurred prior to his taking wedding vows. And Les Moonves surely wouldn’t lie about such things.
It has also been revealed that one of his bedmates was none other than Dirty Dave’s former perky intern, Stephanie Birkett:
Braggadochio? A ton. Contrition? None.
In years past, Letterman had often used Birkett, who is almost young enough to be his granddaughter, during various on-location sketches until he discovered a more gratifying use for Stephanie as his on-premises mistress.
You have to realize that nowadays libs like Dirty Dave can get away with virtually anything, from lecherously impugning Palin’s daughters to utilizing his position as boss of his production company, Worldwide Pants, to bed subordinates. . .
(Read the rest at
Poor Dirty Dave.
It was bad enough that Mrs. Palin outed him but now that his extortionist, CBS producer Robert “Joe” Halderman, has been identified as his blackmailer, the smear on CBS must be lengthening, no?
Well, no.
Halderman had threatened to reveal that the newly-married Dave, who has a 5 year old son by his long-time mistress, Regina, was wont to, let’s say, do various female staff members and had a boxful of evidence to prove it.
In his on-air fess-up, Dirty Dave gave few details of the extortion plot except to say flatly that he has been screwing various staff members, which titillated his audience, and that the extortionist wanted two million of Dave’s bucks.
Subsequently, CBS announced that not some but all of its hero’s assignations occurred prior to his taking wedding vows. And Les Moonves surely wouldn’t lie about such things.
It has also been revealed that one of his bedmates was none other than Dirty Dave’s former perky intern, Stephanie Birkett:
Braggadochio? A ton. Contrition? None.
In years past, Letterman had often used Birkett, who is almost young enough to be his granddaughter, during various on-location sketches until he discovered a more gratifying use for Stephanie as his on-premises mistress.
You have to realize that nowadays libs like Dirty Dave can get away with virtually anything, from lecherously impugning Palin’s daughters to utilizing his position as boss of his production company, Worldwide Pants, to bed subordinates. . .
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last Late-Term Abortionist Standing
Last Late-Term Abortionist Standing
Except for the gravity of the subject, I would get a kick out of feminist objections to the female of the species objecting to men opposing the practice of abortion.
After all, feminists contend, we have no right, as men, to object to or interfere with a woman’s or a teen’s prerogative to terminate the lives of innocent, living, human bodies and souls growing within their wombs. Men don’t have wombs so how can they understand?
Nevertheless, it’s perfectly acceptable to feminists and other pro-abortionists for male doctors to act as terminators.
Perhaps they figure males are more proficient than females in killing babies?
The age old Hippocratic Oath to do no harm was long ago trashed, by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 with its Roe v. Wade decision which gave doctors the legal right to perform abortions.
Substituted as the new oath, ”Do whatever is needed to keep a pregnant patient content, and then proceed to slice, dice, or burn to death her innocent pre-born child.”
One of the two doctors in America who specialized in aborting the lives of full-term, fully developed fetuses was Dr. Joseph Tiller who was murdered in his church by a maniacal fruitcake,
Taking up the slack is the last doctor standing in the USA who takes pride in executing babies on the verge of birth, Warren Hern, M.D., owner and only practitioner at the Boulder (CO) Abortion Clinic.
Far be it from me to try to comprehend what motivates any individual to commit abortions let alone specialize in aborting full-grown infants in a procedure best known as partial birth abortions. Some are afflicted with congenital “birth defects,” some are not, but to Doctors Hern and Tiller it never mattered. . .
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Except for the gravity of the subject, I would get a kick out of feminist objections to the female of the species objecting to men opposing the practice of abortion.
After all, feminists contend, we have no right, as men, to object to or interfere with a woman’s or a teen’s prerogative to terminate the lives of innocent, living, human bodies and souls growing within their wombs. Men don’t have wombs so how can they understand?
Nevertheless, it’s perfectly acceptable to feminists and other pro-abortionists for male doctors to act as terminators.
Perhaps they figure males are more proficient than females in killing babies?
The age old Hippocratic Oath to do no harm was long ago trashed, by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 with its Roe v. Wade decision which gave doctors the legal right to perform abortions.
Substituted as the new oath, ”Do whatever is needed to keep a pregnant patient content, and then proceed to slice, dice, or burn to death her innocent pre-born child.”
One of the two doctors in America who specialized in aborting the lives of full-term, fully developed fetuses was Dr. Joseph Tiller who was murdered in his church by a maniacal fruitcake,
Taking up the slack is the last doctor standing in the USA who takes pride in executing babies on the verge of birth, Warren Hern, M.D., owner and only practitioner at the Boulder (CO) Abortion Clinic.
Far be it from me to try to comprehend what motivates any individual to commit abortions let alone specialize in aborting full-grown infants in a procedure best known as partial birth abortions. Some are afflicted with congenital “birth defects,” some are not, but to Doctors Hern and Tiller it never mattered. . .
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What's in a Name? Sticks and Stones? Part One
What’s in a Name? Sticks and Stones? Part One
Names can designate individuals or entities. They can also refer to names used in a derogatory sense, such as in schoolyard use of name-calling.
An instance of the latter, not confined to schoolyards, has stoked any number of protests of late because it is associated with slavery, bigotry, jim crow laws, and other negatives in America’s social history.
The word, of course, is nigger which says, “is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, . . .”
On its face, the term is indeed vile and has been labelled so offensive that the media dare not even use it in print or otherwise, resorting to references to “the N-word,” instead.
I can readily understand the offense taken at the word. I can’t understand efforts to ban it from the English language simply because nigger is no more defamatory than dozens of other words in the language.
Efforts to strike it from the English lexicon are foolish, in that no one, not even governments, can forbid use of a word and any attempts to do so would be as fruitless as was outlawing booze under the Eighteenth Amendment.
Worse, officially prohibiting use of a word would open up a very large can of very wormy problems.
For example, would we then be forced to expurgate the over 200 uses of “nigger” in Twain’s American classic, Huckleberry Finn and in countless other literary works, or do we toss Huck and any other novel that uses the word into a massive book-burning pyre?
Then, too, should nigger be consigned to the scrapheap, America’s schools and media would–and should–be inundated with demands from any number of ethnic and racial groups demanding that derogatory terms they consider offensive be banned and expurgated.
. White Americans might object to crackers and honkies.
. Italo-Americans might take up arms against wop and guinea;
. Irish-Americans might protest mick and paddy;
. Jewish-Americans might demand the abolition of kike and hebe; . . .
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Names can designate individuals or entities. They can also refer to names used in a derogatory sense, such as in schoolyard use of name-calling.
An instance of the latter, not confined to schoolyards, has stoked any number of protests of late because it is associated with slavery, bigotry, jim crow laws, and other negatives in America’s social history.
The word, of course, is nigger which says, “is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, . . .”
On its face, the term is indeed vile and has been labelled so offensive that the media dare not even use it in print or otherwise, resorting to references to “the N-word,” instead.
I can readily understand the offense taken at the word. I can’t understand efforts to ban it from the English language simply because nigger is no more defamatory than dozens of other words in the language.
Efforts to strike it from the English lexicon are foolish, in that no one, not even governments, can forbid use of a word and any attempts to do so would be as fruitless as was outlawing booze under the Eighteenth Amendment.
Worse, officially prohibiting use of a word would open up a very large can of very wormy problems.
For example, would we then be forced to expurgate the over 200 uses of “nigger” in Twain’s American classic, Huckleberry Finn and in countless other literary works, or do we toss Huck and any other novel that uses the word into a massive book-burning pyre?
Then, too, should nigger be consigned to the scrapheap, America’s schools and media would–and should–be inundated with demands from any number of ethnic and racial groups demanding that derogatory terms they consider offensive be banned and expurgated.
. White Americans might object to crackers and honkies.
. Italo-Americans might take up arms against wop and guinea;
. Irish-Americans might protest mick and paddy;
. Jewish-Americans might demand the abolition of kike and hebe; . . .
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