Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Senate Censorship and the New Black Panther Party

Senate Censorship and the New Black Panther Party

The chronically dysfunctional United States Senate, formerly “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” and the House of Representatives, have devolved into ultra-exclusive clubs for Democrats where Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi conduct business and wield power as if they are blind, partisan tools of the autocratic Obama regime.

Cesar Chavez, the Castro Duet, and every other world despot would be so very proud.

Acting like a rubber stamp for Obama, the Senate has adopted a policy of shutting out Republican input, such as during the long, volatile health care debate and more recently with the unemployment extension, and then brazenly denouncing the GOP for obstructionism.

Vermont’s Senator Pat Leahy is the latest to demonstrate that we are now living with a government of, by, and for the Democrats who have as much respect for the American people as they do for the loyal opposition which, when they were in control, often chose bi-partisanship over strictly one-party rule.


Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, last week attempted to squelch and censor further inquiry into the mushrooming scandal surrounding Eric Holder’s Justice Department, the black racist New Black Panther Party, and the dropping of the virtually air-tight case of voter intimidation against the NBPP by the Obama-Holder DOJ. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1822)

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