Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gays Target Target

Gays Target Target

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, maybe people such as those living in caves or underground shelters, the United States of America is currently in the deepest midst of the most most profound social upheaval we have ever experienced in our short but illustrious history.

To be sure, there are also political and economic and international upheavals in progress in A.D. 2010 but, barring another terrorist attack, the changes most likely to immediately affect and influence the lives of every living American are social, not even socioeconomic.

The most transparent and profound societal change is the rapid ascendancy of homosexualism, homosexuality, and the rise of the designedly euphemistic “gays” in America.

Whether attributable to the innate and ingrained liberalism of the current entertainment world or to an insidious infiltration by homosexual actors, directors, and producers. in just the last decade we have witnessed a virtual takeover of that world by gays.

There are many indicators that, although some moviegoers and television-watchers are increasingly tolerant of homosexuality, . . .

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