Sunday, August 15, 2010

Still on the Ground Zero Mosque Fence? Then Read This!

Still on the Ground Zero Mosque Fence? Then Read this!

Now that the radical Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf has hit the trifecta in his quest to build his Park51, formerly known as the Cordoba Initiative, New York’s Monster Mosque just may be a go.

(The project name was changed due to the very negative associations with Cordoba, home to the Great Mosque in Cordoba, Spain which was built on the foundations of a Christian cathedral, a fact Muslims would not want Christians to think too much about.)

Rauf must be leaning on his architects to get the project moving so that it will be ready for its scheduled grand opening on, what else?, September 11th, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the Islamic attack on the World Trade Center.

Is that scheduling, indeed, the entire obscenity that is the Cordoba House Initiative/Park51, not the most outrageous example of Muslim in-your-face arrogance of this century, building a monument to Islam barely two blocks from Ground Zero?

Nevertheless, the Islamists now have the Democrat president of the United States as well as the Democrat governor of New York State and the lifelong Democrat mayor of New York City in their corner, all of them spouting the same tired drivel of freedom of religion while ignoring the essential truth that the Islamic religion is irrelevant in this matter.

Does our Jewish mayor ever think of what the Islamists in our midst think of him?

The perfect analogy has already been articulated. . . .

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