Sunday, August 1, 2010

Overstepping: Part One--the Insult that Is the Monster Mosque

Overstepping: Part One--The Insult that Is the Monster Mosque

Now that Chelsea and Marc’s nuptials are over and I can take a deep breath and my heart can stop excessively pittypatting from the excitement, we can all sit back and wait for news on whether a ketuba was signed, a canopy used, and a glass broken as is all traditional in Jewish wedding ceremonies.

It’s hard to imagine after that star-studded multi-million dollar event staged by luminaries of the Democrat Party of the Common People that other things were actually happening in the world, things that reflected an obtuseness, an ignorance of the fact that one can push just so far before people will push back, things that showed people were overstepping their bounds.

Examples of recent overstepping involve the Monster Mosque at Ground Zero, the sneaky shenanigans on amnesty on Capitol Hill, and the future king of England, never the brightest color in the royal crayon box, once more making a complete ass of himself.

The Mosque: In an interview with NY1, New York Republican candidate for governor, Carl Paladino, who has as much chance of being elected as Mayor Bloomberg would have being elected mayor of Riyadh, was free to speak his mind. His mind, soul, and body are viscerally committed to preventing the erection of a huge mosque, cultural center, library, restaurant, gymnasium, auditorium two and a half blocks from Ground Zero. . .

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