Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Predictions: Hillary, Biden, and Children under the U.N.

Predictions: Hillary, Biden, and Children under the Auspices of the United Nations

Making predictions is a cinch job and making long-term predictions is even cinchier. Like weather predictions, the predicter can always figure his audience will forget that he said, “Cloudy with an 80% chance of rain” and we end up getting a foot deep blizzard or he can always say the snow “developed out of nowhere.”

Likewise with socio-political-economic prognostications, there the prognosticator always has the out that “unforeseen circumstances” developed that made his predictions 100% inaccurate and/or hope that people forget what he said in the first place.

With that as preface, a few very plausible predictions:

Hillary Clinton for Vice President? Washington scuttlebutt of the day is that the Secretary of State may be offered the Democrat Party’s VP slot in 2012 after Foot-in-Mouth Joe Biden gracefully bows out. The theory is that Mrs. Clinton would boost the president’s sagging hopes for re-election. It’s even being suggested that the two switch jobs and that Biden goes to State after Clinton is elected: http://tiny.cc/ae6oi


As comical as Old Joe can be, his gaffes are usually forgiveable since the vice presidency isn’t “worth a bucket of warm spit” or “warm piss,” as John Nance Garner actually said. As Secretary of State, Biden’s inanities would be taken seriously!

PREDICTION: No way on God’s green Earth . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1835)

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