Saturday, August 7, 2010

Boring Stimulus Facts that Will Change Our Lives

Boring Stimulus Facts that Will Change Our Lives

Ever get a big wad of unexpected cash fom somewhere? Were you conflicted as to what to do with it, whether to just go out and blow it, pay off bills, or save it for a rainy day?

The Obama administration had no such conflict, no doubts at all as to what to do with the $862 billion windfall it got its hands on as a result of the critically-needed 657 page stimulus bill last year, to which Democrats assigned the grandiose title of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Like any good drunken Democrat, they pissed it away.

The result has been no economic recovery, no “reinvestment,” (whatever that meant), and certainly no stimulus felt by the economy or the American people. Employment remains at an intolerable 9.5% a full 17 months after Obama’s stimulus package was passed by Obama’s Democrat congress and after the president promised that its passage would keep the unemployment rate at 8% or less.

One could say that we were snookered except for the fact that the snookering, as well as all the other Obamian boondoggles perpetrated on the American people, will not only affect us, the taxpayers. Our kids and grandkids will be paying off much of the tab into the next century.

And now Obama and his merry band of spendthrift Democrats want yet another “stimulus package” to piss away.

The inmates have clearly taken over the asylum.

Republicans, who also screwed up during the Bush years with their irrational exuberance for spending our and our kids’ and grandkids’ hard-earned bucks, have nothing to crow about but at least the deficits they built up during those years were believable if obscene. . .

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