Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gorebal Warming

Gorebal Warming

The punsters, including moi, are out in force in the wake of the wake of Al Gore’s 40 year marriage to Tipper and the subsequent rumors of the raison d’être for the break up, his extended and inconvenient affair with environmental activist, producer of the Goreacle’s An Inconvenient Truth, and confirmed hypocrite, Laurie David.

It’s tough to determine between Al and Laurie who’s getting the ca-ca end of this split stick. I’m guessing, like Elizabeth Edwards, the Tipster is getting the better end of the deal.

John W. Lollipop on traces Gore’s wanderlust back to that infamous, staged. PG-13 kiss at the 2000 Democrat Convention which he attributes not to passionate love for Gore’s then-30 year bride but rather to a combination of ”Faking passion just for votes and the advanced stages of male menopause and mid-life crisis:”

I personally thought other classic kisses were more memorable, such as these: . . .


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