Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's the SPILL, Stupid!

It's the SPILL, Stupid!

With many in and out of the mainstream media and his own party finally turning on the Obamassiah, it could very well be that the Gulf oil disaster could become this president’s Katrina, and deservedly so.

That could happen despite his phony, Chicago tough guy demeanor that was transparent in his reference to kicking the A-word on the “Today Show” with Matt Lauer.

The charade that is Barack Hussein Obama was long overdue to catch up with him. I’d be surprised that it’s taken this long for the MSM to cut through Obama’s smoke and mirrors except for the fact the MSM knew all along what he is: a duplicitous over-achiever.

In that Lauer interview, Obama let slip another chink in the Obama armor when Lauer interrupted a response and asked him if he had spoken to British Petoleum’s CEO, Tony Hayward.

He later told ABC News that he would have fired Hayward “by now,” 50 days into the spill but during the “Today” interview he admitted, “I have not spoken to him directly. . .

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