Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bucking La Raza in Arizona

Bucking La Raza in Arizona

Imagine a school in Ciudad Mexico with an ethnic studies class that taught the gringo perspective on Mexican history, that Santa Anna was a brutal bandito, that Mexico was a backward country, that La Raza was a group of insurrectionist thugs.

The school would forthwith be closed down if not burned down and it’s very doubtful United Nations “human rights experts” would attempt to intervene as they have with Arizona’s initiatives on ending the abuses with ethnic studies.

It is that type of curriculum that the Arizona legislature and governor Jan Brewer have targeted with a new ethnic studies law which, contrary to the opinions of Hispanic activists, doesn’t prohibit such studies but rather mandates that the courses be open to all students and provide a balanced perspective.

Absent those mandates, according to Arizona’s superintendent of public instruction Tom Horne, such courses are patently divisive, foster resentment, and are more reminiscent of the segregationist Old South than to modern day America.

Illustrating how bad things have gotten in Tucson schools with ethnic studies, Horne recounted an incident at an assembly program. . .

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