Friday, June 11, 2010

Terrorism 101

Terrorism 101

Two stories which appeared the same day on illustrate the insanity of the American people and of our government.

The first titled, “Public Says the Federal Debt Equal to Threat from Terrorism,” ( is based on a Gallup survey which incidentally also shows that people trust Republicans over Democrats on both issues. That latter result is incidental only because it doesn’t matter.

Health care costs placed third in the survey, followed by unemployment and illegal immigration, which matter even less.

The reason those issues matter less is not because they are inconsequential, however.

The federal debt is horrendous and growing worse daily as this administration piles trillions of debt dollars onto the backs of future generations. The cost of health care is equally horrendous and is sapping the life out of Americans both literally and figuratively. The unchecked flood of illegal immigrants is swamping America’s educational and medical resources.

One might even add the Gulf oil catastrophe as another serious but secondary concern.

Why are all the other major problems facing America merely incidental to the threat of terrorism? Simply because the next terrorist attack or attacks could make the debt, health care, immigration, and the Gulf irrelevant. . .

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