Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sexting Redux: N.Y.C.

Sexting Redux: N.Y.C.

It’s common knowledge among adults that the sexting craze among teenagers has to be the nuttiest departure from normal behavior since the goldfish-swallowing fad began in the 1930’s. Back then, the only harm came to the goldfish. Sexting can lead to irreparable, lifelong harm, even suicide, for teens.

For those still unaware, sexting is an outgrowth of the ubiquitous cell phone and has encouraged teenagers, particularly but not exclusively young girls, to push and exceed the limits of discretion by transmitting revealing pictures of themselves and/or “talk dirty” on their cells, which pictures and talk can then become property of the internet when the recipients post them on websites.

Sexting is undoubtedly a serious social problem that can develop into other problems as critical as texting while driving. Both can result in severe injuries and sexting has already resulted in teen suicides when their nude and semi-nude photos become public.

All that said, the new New York City Department of Education proposed policy on sexting is an absurd exercise in an unenforceable and excessive abuse of power. . .

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