Friday, June 4, 2010

Sharia Law Part One: National Suicide

Sharia Law Part One: National Suicide

America’s president may have banned the terms “Islamic terrorism” and “war on terror” as if banning words makes them and their meanings go away. That foolishness only serves to embolden Islamic terrorists.

That ongoing struggle may or may not result in a victory for Western Civilization. Win or lose, at the same time that jihad continues, there is a second struggle in progress, the struggle for national identity and continuation of Western values and lifestyle that is under seige by the Muslim religion.

Proposals have been put forward in Western Europe where there are large concentrations of Muslims to institute Sharia law as the law of “their lands” and various European countries have been caving into Muslim demands in order to keep the peace.

Similar proposals have been made in the United States even for the area of the World Trade Center where Islamic extremists plan to build a super mosque in the shadow of the Freedom Tower on the site of what used to be the WTC.

Any serious consideration of those proposals would reflect nothing less than a wish for national suicide.

In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg and the local governing . . .

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