Saturday, June 26, 2010

When Stanley Met Barry, Part Three

When Stanley Met Barry, Part Three

. . . Part Three presents an insider’s objective if speculative outline of what went down when Stanley had his sitdown with Barry. I can attest to its accuracy although, admittedly, it’s based on the testimony of that fly in the White House that has bedeviled the president and that finally came to rest on the Oval Office wall:

(By the way, “B” = the president, Barry, as he was once known, and “S” = General Stanley McChrystal, as he is still known.)

B: Welcome to the White House, General. Have a seat.

S: Thank you, Mr. President. I’m flattered to be here.

B: May I call you Stanley?

S: Well, no. unless I should address you as Barry.

B: Umm, then let’s stick with general and Mr. President.

S: Fine by me, sir. As you wish.

B: Care for a beer or anything?

S: No thanks, Mr. President. I don’t drink.

B: Oh, that’s right, I heard that. You also run 8 miles a day, eat one meal a day, and sleep 4 hours a night, right?

S: Yes, sir.

B: Don’t smoke either I’m sure. . .

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