Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obamanation News

Obamanation News

As the president continues to berate BP into bankruptcy and his hapless second-in-command toots his own vuvuzela at the World Cup, other news about this president and his administration tends to get lost in the news shuffle which doesn’t make those stories less significant even if they are buried and/or ignored by the MSM.

For example, we have the story of what constitutes Obama’s prime constituency which, almost exclusively, consists of “unmarried, unchurched, poor and inexperienced people, . . . [and] Ph.Ds,” according to an interpretation of a new Gallup poll.

The PhD part makes that an odd mix, unless we factor in that the letters PhD very often stand for Piled higher and Deeper by overachievers.

Gallup’s latest poll shows Obama’s overall popularity at a new low of 46% and that he is strongest among the younger folk, those who don’t attend church regularly, and those who earn less than $2000 a month–as well as eggheads

Even worse for the president, his popularity numbers among the poor and non-churchgoers are declining:

We should probably expect a multi-billion dollar popularity bailout in the near future. . .

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