Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Squelched Trayvon and New Black Panther Party Videos

Squelched Trayvon and New Black Panther Party Videos

As often noted in this space, the mainstream media frequently censor news items they deem politically incorrect or politically damaging to their favorite Democrat politicians. Sometimes, a story makes it on the air, onto cable, or into print that doesn’t fit the MSM mold but that’s as rare as transparency in the Obama administration.

Two subjects accorded lamestream P.C. indulgence are Trayvon Martin and the New Black Panther Party.

In their quest to convict if not hang George Zimmerman of something, anything, negative information concerning the late Trayvon Martin is usually buried by the MSM who prefer to depict the teenager as an innocent young man unjustly stalked and brutally murdered instead of as the pothead, thieving, violent gangbanger he actually was.

One detail about Trayvon Martin has recently surfaced that clearly demonstrates the real Trayvon. Don’t expect Diane Sawyer and her buddies to even mention it.

It seems the young Trayvon had maintained a YouTube account on which he proudly featured his photo with the middle finger of both hands raised in contemptuous salute. He also posted videos including one showing him engaged in a brawl with a white or light-skinned hispanic kid.

Understandably, with lawsuits and monetary compensation in their minds, Martin’s family has vehemently denied the boy in the video is Trayvon and family lawyer Ben Crump dutifully denounced it as nothing more than another attack on Trayvon’s character.

However, someone calls out his name, yelling, “Watch out, Trayvon!” 5 seconds into the 66-second vid, the tattoo on Martin’s right arm is clearly visible, and the fight takes place outside his mother’s home.

Now, kids tend to fight, even if they don’t post a videotape on YouTube accounts for all the world to see the violent, amateur Fight Club exhibition.

Trayvon Martin, though, was not your average teen, according to the family and their attorney.

To them, and to Barack Hussein Obama’s/Eric Holder’s Justice Department intent on turning his killing into a hate crime, he was a sweet, mild-mannered boy who couldn’t possibly have pummeled George Zimmerman into the ground before Zimmerman was forced to shoot him in self-defense.

The video was available on YouTube until it was scrubed, allegedly because it was too violent but not before screen captures and the video itself were saved revealing Martin as something less than a flower child.

No one has ever accused members of the racist New Black Panther Party of being flower children.

Heirs to the notorious old Black Panther Party founded by black domestic terrorists Huey Newton and Bobby Seale who thankfully dissolved into nothingness after being exposed for what they were, the NBPP initially presented itself as different from the old BPP.

In fact, the New Black Panthers are just as treacherous, if not more so, as their forebears. The NBPP simply pretends to be more civilized and law-abiding than the oldies, and they consistently fail. . .
(See the videos and read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=24378.)

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