Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do George Zimmerman's Witnesses Have NBPP Willies?

Do George Zimmerman's Witnesses Have NBPP Willies?

We already know the New Black Panther Party does an excellent job intimidating voters. Have they now branched out to intimidating witnesses in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin shooting case?

On Election Day, 2008, the NBPP stationed troopers with billy clubs outside at least one Philadelphia polling location and scared away white voters. One member punctuated the intimidation by declaring, “Now you see what it’s like being ruled by a black man, cracker!”

The Bush administration’s Justice Department indicted two Panthers for their criminal actions calculated to help elect Barack Hussein Obama but, despite the fact the DoJ had an open and shut case, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed all charges.

Emboldened by that precedent and with the attitude that Obama owed them one for helping put him in the White House, is it beyond the pale to believe the NBPP would try to intimidate George Zimmerman’s witnesses? It certainly seems that someone spooked them since four have now altered their eyewitness accounts of what happened in Sanford, Florida on February 26th, 2012.

Of course, eyewitnesses can sometimes be wrong and it was getting dark the night of the incident but for four to radically change their recollections of the events suggests something is very fishy.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, one young woman originally stated she saw “two guys running” and a “fistfight.” A month later she changed her story to “I couldn’t tell you if it was a man, a woman, a kid, black or white. I couldn’t tell you because it was dark and because I didn’t have my contacts on or glasses. . . I just know I saw a person out there.”

Another eyewitness, a young mother, initially claimed it was too dark to determine who was on top in the fight but she was certain later: “I know after seeing the TV of what’s happening, comparing their sizes, I think Zimmerman was definitely on top because of his size.”

A third neighbor saw Martin pumeling Zimmerman “throwing down blows on the guy, MMA-style” but on reconsideration couldn’t determine if Martin was throwing any punches.

A fourth spoke to the bloodied Zimmerman immediately after the shooting and told Sanford police Zimmerman simply told him that Martin “was beating up on me, so I had to shoot him” and only subsequently recollected the shooter acted ”like it was nothing.” (

As television’s Columbo might have opined, “Hmmm, that’s interesting.”

One eyewitness first sees two figures fighting who later transmogrify into one person fighting? Another says she . . .


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