Friday, May 11, 2012

Two Teen Terrors: Mitt and Barry

Two Teen Terrors: Mitt and Barry

I don’t know about you but I was neither a perfect child nor an exemplary teenager.

I did well academically but I was often disciplined by elementary-school nuns who thought my childhood antics were inspired by the devil or by a devilish new invention, television. When I became a teen, I was even worse and engaged in activities which today would be deemed typical but in the fifties were somewhat beyond the norm.

Kids and teens say and do the darnedest things, even future presidential candidates.

According to a new Rasmussen poll, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney is currently running 7 points ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama and the president’s mainstream media is running scared, so scared that they are manufacturing absurd issues in an attempt to discredit Romney’s candidacy.

Granted, the MSM didn’t just launch their smear campaign; they have been attacking the former Massachusetts’ governor ever since they perceived him as a serious threat to their hero.

They have suggested Romney’s Mormon religion is nothing more than a cult, they have impugned his character, they have characterized his career in business as rapacious, they have misrepresented his political positions, they have gone so far as to demean his wife.

Now the MSM has dredged up the dumbest accusation yet–that the teenage Mitt sometimes acted like a teenager.

While ignoring Obama’s horrific teenage history, the mainstreamers ran with a story concerning Romney’s high school penchant for pranks and allegedly demonstrating Romney was a homophobic teen bully. His “crime”? He forcibly cut off the bleached-blond locks of a classmate who may have been a closeted homosexual–during an era when gays were rarities mostly ignored by heteros.

Though Romney had forgotten about the unwelcome haircut, he apologized anyway after the muckraking Washington Post, figurative sharpened hatchet in hand, rooted out the story by contacting an old Mitt buddy almost half a century later.

As ABC News subsequently pointed out, Stu White hadn’t even been present during John Lauber’s hair trimming and has no recollection of it any more than Romney or the now-deceased Lauber’s sister do. Yet, WaPo‘s Jason Horowitz was able to somehow delve into White’s mind and write that he “has long been bothered by the Lauber incident.”

Bothered by an incident he didn’t witness and didn’t recall?

After being exposed for its phony exposé, the Washington Post printed a correction, sans explanation or apology, for its outrageous lie.

The 5400-word WaPo hit piece, published Thursday and corrected on Friday, most likely was composed long before Obama suddenly “evolved” into a supporter of same-sex marriage on Wednesday and was obviously shelved pending an opportune time to bash the Republican. . .

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