Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama's Phony Evolution

Obama's Phony Evolution

Now that President Barack Hussein Obama has emerged from his political closet and announced he has resolved his long-standing confusion, indecision, and lack of surety regarding the morality–and practicality–of same-sex marriages, his motivations should be examined.

Republican low-lifes will no doubt attribute the president’s sudden, radical flipflop as concrete evidence that he has no core values and he “evolved” only because he needs both gay money to supplement his campaign coffers and gay votes to supplement the ballot box in November.

They will say he has long favored men marrying men, women marrying women, and undermining the religious institution of marriage and was being coy about it all until he had “more flexibility” in his second term.

They will say Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan shamed Obama into his alleged epiphany by indicating they would be “comfortable” with gay marriage.

They will say North Carolinianians forced his hand when they voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to join 38 other states in opposing same-sex marriages and civil unions.

They will say that since Obama’s Democrats have already repealed the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and his DoJ secretary announced his administration would not defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, the president would logically have to endorse homosexual marriage.

And they would be absolutely wrong. . .

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