Thursday, May 24, 2012

Does Bill Clinton Really HATE Barack Obama?

Does Bill Clinton Really HATE Barack Obama?

In 2008, a conservative website headlined a story, “Why Bill Clinton Hates Barack Obama AND Hillary” which posited the theory that Bill hated Obama because the latter was everything he was not and his wife because she posed a threat to his legacy.

“Hatred” and “hate” are powerful words, almost as potent as “racism.”

Did George Zimmerman hate Trayvon Martin when he shot him, or was he merely defending himself? Did Rev. Jeremiah Wright hate the United States when he screamed “God damn America,” or was he simply angry? Do investors hate Facebook for Zuckering them? Does Barack Hussein Obama hate our country, or does he just act that way?

Does Bill Clinton, deep-down, hate Barack Obama?

The effects of the word “hatred” can be mitigated by using euphemisms such as “dislike,” “antipathy,” even “disenchantment,” none of which carry the gut impact of “hatred” and none of those alternatives adequately describes the feelings of politicians who despise an adversary yet must create an aura of amity toward members of their party if they want to remain in its good graces.

Former President William Blythe Jefferson Clinton, who has expressed deep regret that he couldn’t be president for life, has frequently demonstrated his disdain for the current president, though that disdain has rarely seen the light of day in Obama’s mainstream media.

We’ll probably never know for certain Bill’s true feelings about Barry since pols are notorious hypocrites who can smile at you while plunging an 8-inch stilletto into your back and Clinton is especially adept at smiling and plunging simultaneously.

Bubba sure does seem to like Obama. After all, he publicly supported him and campaigned for him four years ago–after then-Senator Obama beat Hillary in the Democrat primaries. Following that bitterly-fought contest, Bubba uttered nary a single negative (mainstream-published) word against the new chief executive.

However, things are not always what they appear in the smarmy world of political intrigue. . .

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