Sunday, May 6, 2012

The OWS and the Sin of Presumption

The OWS and the Sin of Presumption

At one time or another, most of us assume and presume too much but few of us ever envision the United States of America collapsing as a great nation. Historically, such a presumption was not uncommon.

The thought of ancient Rome being overrun by barbarians had to have been unfathomable to the average Roman in the street, until it happened.

The idea that Russians would be ruled by Lenin and his Bolsheviks after Czar Nicholas II must have seemed beyond the pale of believability, until it happened.

Most Germans were unaware that Adolph Hitler would initiate one of the most brutal genocides in human history and precipitate a world war leading to Germany’s near-extinction, until it happened.

And, thanks in large part to the complicity of the mainstream media which prefer to liberally slant news and ignore what is the most dire threat to America’s existence since Hitler and the USSR, the presumption that we will survive the insidious Occupy Wall Street movement aimed at undermining the capitalist foundations of our prosperity and success, could very well come to fruition in the not too distant future.

The mortal sin of presumption is a Roman Catholic doctrine which essentially holds that to arrogantly believe and trust in one’s own merits to the exclusion of any divine intercession can lead to salvation is the road to perdition.

Whether or not Americans accept that religious teaching, vainly presuming the United States will exist indefinitely, that we as a country are immune to forces which can effect our dissolution, that we are impervious to external and internal threats, is not only presumptuous but reflects a dangerous ignorance of the history of all great nations and empires.

Those nations and empires have had an average life-span of two centuries. As of 2012, the U.S.A. will be 223 years old.

The reality of presumption, that Americans and America will continue to regard the OWS, the Occupiers of Wall Street and everything else they choose to occupy, destroy, and desecrate as just another protest group, is beyond foolhardy. In fact, they are busily plotting the overthrow of government and institutions which have served us, never perfectly, but satisfactorily, for centuries.

An extreme scenario? Please read on. . .


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