Friday, May 4, 2012

More Updates: Joe Arpaio and Lindsay Lohan

More Updates: Joe Arpaio and Lindsay Lohan

Along with Rush Limbaugh, the Fox News Channel, and the Drudge Report, “America’s toughest sheriff,” Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona has to be near the top of President Barack Hussein Obama’s Enemies List, that is, if the president maintains an enemies list ala Trickie Dick Nixon.

He may have a hit list, instead.

For more than two decades, Limbaugh has been the radio bane of liberal existences and Democrat presidents. Fox has handled that chore on cable television for sixteen years and Matt Drudge has been the leading internet critic of those same people for almost fifteen.

Lately, though, Sheriff Joe seems to have taken over the top slot in the pantheon of conservatives causing severe diarrhea for liberals.

In a word, libs literally hate influential conservatives for what they are, for what they say, and for what they do and Arpaio is, and says, and does what he believes is morally true and legally right. It can be a dirty job but somebody has to do it since the Obama crowd won’t.

The seventy-nine year old son of Italian immigrants, an Army vet and former D.C. and Las Vegas cop, Arpaio served 25 years with the D.E.A. and was elected five times as Maricopa County sheriff.

When it comes to law enforcement, he evidently knows whereof he speaks and that’s what bugs the hell out of the Obama adminstration and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Over the course of the last four years, Sheriff Joe and his staff have been investigated on at least five separate occasions, accused of abuse of power, bias, illegally accepting gifts, and campaign fraud.

In every instance, Arpaio was cleared and the charges were either dropped or consigned to limbo pending future efforts to bring him down one way or another.

People with experience and knowledge who follow the law tend to bother left wingers.

Sheriff Joe has been dogged with almost every charge imaginable.

Most of those charges were related to his dastardly treatment of prisoners at the Maricopa County jail.

Arpaio had the audacity to dress prisoners in pink outfits to calm them down, served them bologna sandwiches to show them jail wasn’t a Mcdonalds, housed them in tents to disillusion them if they had thought prison was a country club, and utilized volunteer chain gangs to reinforce the concept of payback to society.

In addition, Arpaio has been accused of using common sense–profiling potential miscreants and rounding them up in raids which have netted thousands of criminal, illegal aliens and saved countless Arizona lives.

He has also been the subject of death threats and a failed recall attempt but has regularly trounced anyone foolish enough to run against him.

Testimony to the depth of liberal antipathy toward Arpaio, extreme leftist George Soros has pledged $10 million to defeat him in the next election, all because of two political issues: the sheriff’s perceived unkindness toward a principal Obama constituency, Latinos, and his persistance in trying to prove–or disprove–allegations concerning the president’s eligibility to hold that office.

The good news in all this, today’s update, is that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the odds-on favorite to win again in November and, God willing, will be able for four more years to enforce United States immigration regulations and statutes the federal government has neglected to enforce.

Of significantly less consequence than a patriot’s determination to do his duty at all costs and at the nether end of America’s societal spectrum is Lindsay Lohan who is emblematic of the state of mind that exists in America today. The ultra-confused, disturbed actress, singer, model, druggie, and ex-con can’t even figure out whether she is heterosexual, bi-sexual, or a lesbian. . .

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