Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden"

"The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden"

On this, the day after the first anniversary of the untimely death of master terrorist and mass murderer Osama bin Laden, since we have seemingly escaped Islamic retaliation for that cleansing of the planet, Americans should all rejoice that we have our president.

By now, Osama’s sorry carcass has been consumed by ravenous fishes not very selective about what they eat and it seems altogether fitting and proper to honor the man most responsible for ridding the world of the vermin that once was bin Laden.

While the courageous men of SEAL Team Six may have technically pulled the triggers at the vermin’s slummy compound in beautiful, downtown Abbottabad, every reasonable person knows in their heart of hearts that President Barack Hussein Obama deserves the credit.

Accordingly, for the reader’s listening and viewing pleasure, I am reprising Paul Shanklin’s memorable rendition of “The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden,” which was first heard on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show last May.

The song had been removed by YouTube due to alleged “copyright infringements” but, thanks to my tireless searching and in the interests of providing a public service, I have been able to retrieve it. WARNING: The presentation is replete with graphic graphics showing the deceased bin Laden in all his inglorious, dead splendor.

False rumors have been circulating that our heroic leader was somewhat less of a hero and failed to provide any leadership at all during the tense hours leading up to his finest foreign policy achievement. They are all poppycock!

Americans should disregard as meaningless multiple reports that our president was so upset over the prospect of killing another human being a year ago that he retreated from the White House Situation Room, went to bed, and left the momentous decision to either then-CIA Director Leon Panetta or Special Ops Admiral William McRaven. . .

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