Saturday, February 12, 2011

UPDATES: Assange, Gore, Multiculturalism

UPDATES: Assange, Gore, Multiculturalism

It’s humbling to be correct all the time, but truth is truth. Some recent developments that reinforce and support recent articles on this website:


Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks has been wreaking havoc within the U.S. State Department and with international relations by publicizing tens of thousands of secret American documents for some months now. Assange has repeatedly proven himself to be a disreputable and irresponsible America-hater who gets off by embarrassing and undermining this country.

Now facing British charges for rape and sexual molestation, he apparently gets off in sundry other ways as well with his imitation of Johnny Appleseed by dropping his seed hither, thither, and yon around Australia. The products of his sexual dalliances with at least four women range in age from six months to 20 years of age.

In a deliciously ironic twist, that news was leaked by British police and substantiated in a tell-all book by a disenchanted former WikiLeak spokesperson Daniel Domsheit-Bergas and by other WikiLeakers. For good measure, Domsheit-Berg also references Assange’s “lack of personal hygiene and table manners [which] suggest he was ‘brought up by wolves’ and reveals his erstwhile good buddy’s “main criteria for a woman:” young and ”aware of her role as a woman,” whatever that means:


Former VP Albert Arnold Gore was a bust as vice president and in his marriage but scored big time in his crusade to spread the tainted word of global warming and earned a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his efforts. He has also earned untold riches preaching the evils of greenhouse gasses and the merits of carbon credits even as he toured and polluted the planet in his Lear jet.

Not a guy to be easily dismayed by reality, Gore never misses a climate step. . .

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