Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mayor Boomboom and His Berkeley Soulmates

Mayor Boomboom and His Berkeley Soulmates

Shakespeare said it first in Twelfth Night: “Some [people] are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.” At the risk of mortally wounding the immortal words of the Bard, “Some people and institutions presume to greatness, some achieve greatness on false pretenses, and some are simply hypocrites despite their achievements.”

The esteemed, liberal mayor of New York City, Michael Rubens Bloomberg, and the city of Berkeley, California, home to the ultra-liberal University of California at Berkeley, exemplify my Shakespearean mis-quotation.

Bloomberg, less than affectionately known in some quarters as Boomboom, is the mega-wealthy presidential/gubernatorial wannabe who wields his mayoral authority as if he were a king with divine rights as opposed to being the mayor who unethically usurped his current position by subverting New York’s term limits law.

One has to wonder what drives a multibillionaire who rose from relatively humble origins as a nice, Jewish boy in Boston to be so driven by an insatiable desire for power that he rules New York City as a virtual potentate brooking no opposition. One wonders only until one understands who and what Michael Bloomberg is, namely insatiably power hungry.

Democrat, Republican, Independent Bloomberg, his party affiliation dependent on the political climate winds blow, he is also known as the Nanny Mayor obsessed with supervising the lives of his subjects and dictating to them what they should and should not do, whether it be using too much salt or consuming excessive sugar or indulging in the filthy habit of tobacco smoking indoors, outdoors, in public parks, in the fields, in the hills, and on the beaches.

In his latest demonstration of who and what he is, Bloomberg reinforced his campaign against the Second Amendment, his tireless effort to strip honest, law-abiding citizens of the right to keep and bear arms so that dishonest, law-breaking criminals would have exclusive privilege to that right.

Long a proponent of “gun control” and ignoring statistics, the megalomaniacal Bloomberg has now embarked on a new campaign, ostensibly to “fix” the broken national gun check system. He has hired a truck, emblazoned with the news, “34 Americans Are Killed with Guns Every Day,” for a 2-month tour of the country:

Shamelessly capitalizing on the Tucson murders by a confirmed whacko in January, neither Boomboom nor his truck clarify that the bulk of those murders . . .

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